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Everything posted by Voyageur

  1. Put the first garboard plank on... a dark area where I let the soldering iron get too hot. I suppose that will sand out. ...then the second. so far so good.
  2. Thanks Bob, I work with some people from Elwood. And my sister is a Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard. Stationed in Boston now. Small world! I appreciate the support and any advice.
  3. While the glue was drying, I took my soldering iron and bent the garboard planks. It was easier than I thought. It gives me hope for my future in model ship building 😀
  4. Next step was to bevel the stem And glue in place. No problem Then bending the bottom plank by soaking in windex. I should have seen this coming; using wood glue that wasn’t water proof. You can see the results here. Pretty ugly. But I learned a lesson. I removed the frame pieces and took my soldering iron shaft and, using light pressure, bent the bottom frame properly. No soaking needed. I managed to eliminate the warping.
  5. I carefully trimmed the floors of the frames and ensured they were right and tight. Then beveled the first and third frames, glued them to the bottom plank and then glued the transom and knee to the bottom plank as well. That’s all for now.
  6. All pieces and parts seem to be present. I made copies of the instructions and layout drawing as the originals were very brittle and browned. I started by marking the bottom plank. Then assembled the three frames. I used wood glue instead of CA. I could not get the CA to adhere the wood. It’s old glue so I wonder if it has a shelf life.
  7. My first ship model. My first build log. I’ve built model rockets for years but never did a build log. This will be as much a posting experience as it will be a boat building experience. I hope to hone both skills. i started small and easy with the Dinghy. I wanted to have the best chance for a successful build.
  8. Beautiful job. Nice project. I really enjoy your narrative too. I don’t know if you might have crossed a line from “dedicated” to “obsessive” when you get up and work through the night! Did you notice the planking in that last photo is vertical? I’ve never seen that on a canoe.
  9. If this is an advertisement for awesome clamps and tools, count me in! I want them al!!
  10. Just started viewing this build. Beautiful work. I will watching your build and hope to learn good practices for my own build, whenever I feel ready to start! I love the dremel support idea, water bottle counterweight and all! are you drilling through or just deep enough to be filled in for appearance?
  11. Looks good John. I love the detail you are putting into it. The Morgan is on my build list. I’m a native son of Southeastern CT and visited Mystic Seaport dozens of times. A great American museum! I’ll keep checking your build log here to learn how it’s done. Sorry, I can’t answer your question about the anchor chains.
  12. Hi to everyone on board the forum. I’m new to model ship building, so new that I have yet to start my first ship. I have enjoyed model rocketry for many years and have many great builds that not only look good but fly just as well. Most of the time, anyway. I’m a Navy veteran (submarine service) and have always had an interest in naval exploration and adventure. Especially 18th and 19th century arctic exploration. Having grown up in SE Connecticut, I have been to Mystic Seaport many times and loved seeing that great museum. I was recently in Boston and toured the USS Constitution. I thought that it would be nice to have a model of that beautiful ship. I then thought it would be a better idea to make that model myself. no, I am not planning on jumping in with the Constitution. I am a realist about my abilities and know that I need to develop new skills I never needed building rockets. I’ve included a picture of my workshop that I took before and after cleanup (the cylinder is a cat scratcher for my daughter’s cats. The careful observer will notice the Lindbergh Americas Cup racer in that “before” picture. A plastic model that I plan to build as my starter. I plan to next build the Model Shipways Katy C Virginia Pilot boat. I eventually want to work my way up to the Charles W Morgan. Then, maybe, I can feel like I can do justice to the Constitution. I've also included a picture of me and my Nephew on the deck of that great ship. I’ve been reading here and other places about rope making, planking, rigging, etc... trying to learn the terminology and tricks of the trade. I may not have a build log for a little while but I hope to be ready to start soon. I’ll be around learning from you on the forum until I feel ready to start.
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