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Everything posted by Voyageur

  1. Your local Menards store will probably have that plywood.
  2. Hey, I'm hoping you'll be continuing your build soon. I am considering getting these plans as well. It looks like a nice ship to build.
  3. The weather is too nice here this weekend to spend much time in the workshop. I did manage to get enough done outside to make me feel like I have earned a bit of time working on this project. Since my canoe isn’t really any replica of a particular manufacturer, didn’t want a design that mimicked theirs. I wouldn’t feel right about that. I’m no artist but I thought I could come up with something that was my own and looked respectable. I hand drew the paddles on paper. It took several attempts to get it the way I wanted. took a picture of it, emailed the picture to myself and and used photoshop to recreate it digitally. I sized it and printed out a few. I tested the look out on the canoe and I am pretty happy with result. I’ll make decals of them and have my own design. Still thinking about the paint scheme...
  4. I found some decal making materials and think I’ll take a stab at making my own decals. I’d like my canoe to have a nice paint job like those. This old dog will try a new trick. Stay tuned.
  5. Those are beautiful. But probably beyond my skill level. Maybe there are decals out there that I could use. I especially like #22
  6. Starting back on square 2 with the paint job. I know I can do better so I sanded it down and primed it again.
  7. There is always a piece us in every build we do. That is usually just a figure of speech though... Looks perfectly executed! Well done.
  8. That’s what I thought. I can’t find a good picture of a double gunwale canoe other than the drawing shown above. I attempted to make it to that scale but I agree there could be some trimming on the outwale.
  9. Here is a mock-up I did just to see the scale. It looks sooooo wide but that appears to be in scale with the drawing. I will not be removing the current inwale so removing material from the inside dimension Of the new inwale is necessary. Also I don’t plan on making two separate pieces; inwale and outwale. It is much easier to make it as one I think. Although bending the entire piece may be a challenge.
  10. I’ve been thinking about the gunwales and how I wanted to do them. I see that there were several different styles Over the years and I think I would like to change the style completely to a double gunwale style where the inwale caps the ribs and connects directly to the outwale as shown in the diagram. in doing this I will have to redo the deck plates to make them flush with the gunwales. I’ll remake them over the weekend I think.
  11. Very little progress lately. I’ve been occupied with a couple other things. One being getting my dust collection system set up in the workshop which I finally have in place. I painted the canoe-poorly, I might add. The tape didn’t do its job and there was plenty of bleed of red into the striped area. I did a bit of cleanup and it looks much better. It took a while to get to this point because when I first went to paint, I taped everything off just fine and, because I don’t have an airbrush (actually, I picked one up after this all happened) I went outside with a spray can. All went well until I dropped the canoe onto the grass, still wet with dew. Needless to say, I had to sand everything and basically restart the whole process. Oh well. I’ve got the gunwales dry fitted on and they look pretty good. Perhaps this week I will get them glued up and maybe finish this project by the weekend. Maybe.
  12. Very nice. This will be my next project. I’m glad you mentioned methodology you liked. It seems to me that the method 2 you prefer would also be that one that I would also prefer. I’ll keep watching your progress and learning as you go.
  13. I wish I could offer advice. I am also having a little trouble with the gunwales on my canoe. I wonder if there is a limit to how many times you can soak a piece of wood to re-bend.
  14. Looks great! Painting is a weak area for me. You obviously have no problems with it.
  15. Looks great. I love the design of this little boat. It is one I could see myself doing someday. I get in this hobby intent on getting a big ship model but I find myself distracted by the small craft. I'll continue watching your build with interest.
  16. Hi Cricket, Thanks for the comments. I used 100% cotton cloth. I don't know the type of weave. It looks pretty standard to me. Like a thin sheet. I wanted something thin and smooth. The adhesive I used is called Aleene's tacky spray. I have 3M spray adhesive but the tacky spray is much easier to work with. It allows for re positioning easily and I think it would work well for your deck application. I didn't know that they canvassed decks. Is your Sharpie on the forum here?
  17. I decided to make the paddles out of some old cedar fence board I saved when we replaced our fence about 10 years ago. I cut a board into square profiles and turned them on the lathe. I cut them flat and then sanded by hand. I am really pleased with the results. I made 4 blanks in case I screwed something up. The first one came out good so I have three shots at getting #2. Wish me luck!
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