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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Well, I still have faith in your talents.... I believe your up to the challenge.... those pics serve to back this opinion up....
  2. Well, it is just us, and we are used to hanging from the rafters.....
  3. The ending of that race always has bothered me, Miles was the winner no doubt, but it's a distance race under the rules and when they crossed the line three abreast the car that traveled the farthest distance officially won the race.... And it was done as a publicity stunt for Ford.... For some reason that rankles me.... Hey brother, as long as you keep your head in it, the hands will have no choice but to follow.... Patiently waiting here, I have faith....
  4. Yeah, I would have a serious problem with the admiralty if I spent any time there....
  5. The rubber would be flush with the outside of the fender flare... she was a wide track car unlike most others which needed the tire spacing for stability.... The difference being she was designed from the start for racing where the others were production designs altered for racing.... I have faith brother, you know as well as I that the graphics make or break a white car.... I'm sure you are going to do a spectacular job..... She is downright gorgeous right now....
  6. Yep there probably would be some grey on it, but understand that by that date most came from the factory in sand yellow and the greys and browns were applied in the field.... just being technically accurate.... It would have to be a very early Panther to be issued in Grey.... But with an airbrush, it will make little difference.... Nice work so far my friend...
  7. That looks super sharp!!! Crossing the Indian Ocean on her way to meet her fate..... (might not be, but that is what popped into my mind when I saw the pic) Excellent work, anticipating the finish now and your reveal.... EG
  8. I agree, very much so, it's an almost 70 year old base design, of course upgraded any times... anything is possible, I've even seen some pics of the "A" models serving in 'nam with those side windows painted over.... the current ones are much improved over the originals...
  9. It is monochromatic for sure, plain white always is, but bland? Not hardly...... That is a slick speedster my friend, the white gloss looks perfect..... The colorful decals will only make the slick white look even better.... Very Very well done....... (and a bit of envy)
  10. Need a different take on this thought? With your skills Mike, I don't see how you can avoid it.... (chuckle)
  11. There are ways to do soft edge without an airbrush, several ways in fact..... I'm gonna have to do one of my fav's in the future....
  12. I think your doing a bang up job, that steel PE does try the patience though, but it looks to me that you got it under control.... It's coming out beautifully..... Really gonna look the business....
  13. Most of the FM-1's served in the Atlantic aboard Bogue class escort carriers, in the Pacific, it was primarily FM-2's aboard the Casablanca class escort carriers.... and when they sent an escort carrier to Britain under lend-lease, it came with Wildcats both FM-1's & 2's The USS Core joined the Fleet at Tacoma WA where she was built in early '42, she did her working up off San Diego in early '42 then shifted to the Atlantic for escort duties eventually forming up in a hunter killer group. She survived the war eventually being stricken in the '50's she was credited with several u-boat kills during her war period..... Atlantic aircraft camo aboard the hunter killer groups was indeed Gull Grey over White or Aircraft Grey.... When the US Navy switched to Grey over Grey camo fleetwide in early '41 it was found to be very effective in hiding the aircraft from surface recognition until the aircraft got within firing range..... So they retained the scheme for the hunter killer groups..... in the Pacific where surface targets were not the priority for fighter planes, they switched the the Blue over Grey scheme in late '41.... I don't believe the Wildcat ever wore the three color scheme of dark blue over lighter blue over grey you see on some corsairs and other carrier aircraft, but I could be wrong on that....
  14. They should be closer to the color of the surrounding bulkheads, a bit lighter as they did stand out in the sun a lot and were exposed to salt spray a lot more...... They do look good, excellent scale representation....
  15. All three for only 40 quid? that's a good price my friend...... That's actually a very good kit for a first time armor builder, good details and wide variation in paint and markings, Panthers were everywhere except Africa.... As your first foray into the mud hog world, you couldn't get a better set of kits..... I'm sure the crew will be here in case you have any questions, it is a pretty straightforward build.....
  16. Mike, the color scheme is prewar grey over grey..... (Although the yellow light may be affecting the color a bit) The squadron according to the label is VMF 223 that would be a marine squadron, the location would be Guadalcanal, Henderson field, late '42....... On that basis the six guns is wrong (they would be flying F4F-3's with two guns in each wing) and grey over grey is wrong, markings are correct though. The actual aircraft depicted is Marion Carl's who as a charter member of the cactus airforce, (a survivor from the marine buffalo squadron at Midway) was the leading ace from the 'canal... 12.5 of his 16.5 victories came in the F4F..... the colors were blue over grey.... (he got two planes at Midway flying a Buffalo, and receive a navy cross for it seeing as he was one of only 10 that came back) He retired as a Major General after commanding marine aviation in Vietnam.... Oh yes and they were still blue over grey at Leyte..... and it was probably correct being an F4F-4....
  17. They always look good like that, but I've always found that they are more work than worth it.... but that is just my opinion, some guys swear by them and add them to everything.... And believe it or not, it's only aircraft jocks and us modelers that know that they have them, most people haven't a clue.... leaving them off will be no big loss if you so choose.....
  18. I'm guessing here but those pop-up panels on the trailing edge of the cowl would be the cowl flaps..... They are what controls the airflow around the engine cylinders..... they are only open fully when the engine is on and throttled up, otherwise they are usually almost closed...... Kit parts usually give a half to three quarters open position for them but on a carrier hangar deck, they would usually be closed.... (unless maintenance was happening)
  19. Oh I'm in, an inscale, gloss white finish, I'm sure you'll do it justice.... I stay away from high gloss white finishes, never been able to get one to lay correctly, they always look like big blobby drips....
  20. Getting crazy about ships is a good thing, especially around these parts brother.....
  21. Job well done on a difficult kit my friend, I"m sure with the experience, if you did another it would come out even better!
  22. Inkscape does it about as well as Corel does which isn't very well at all.... But there is a solution out there.... pricey and huge learning curve, but it's designed to convert scanned drawings to vector drawings.... and it is integrated with autocad... Autodesk's Raster Design..... Check it out, designed specifically for those engineering offices that have tons and tons of paper drawings that they need to bring into the digital age.... It does take a while to figure out how to use it.... I found that it is just easier and faster to just simply trace over the drawing..... Get you where you want to be a heck of a lot faster..... EG
  23. Ok I just tried anyconv.com on the NASA image I posted above of the LUT Lightning Mast.... The input filename.... 75M-05128-Sh2.jpg The output filename.... AnyConv.com__75M-05128-Sh2.dwg Took all of about 20 seconds for the conversion and getting a download link..... Tried to load in Autocad 2021..... This is what I get.... It doesn't output valid autocad files... only one test on a very simple drawing, but it pretty much the same on all such sites for serious technical drawings...
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