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Everything posted by Papa

  1. Made 2 fairleads for the mainmast. 1/8 by 1/32 basswood. I coated the needed area with some AC glue to prevent splitting and sanded the arc by wrapping some sandpaper around the mast. One of them split anyway and had to make a 3rd one. Also checking out a homemade jig for setting the proper 4 deg rake on the mainmast.
  2. My replacement main mast parts arrived from Model Expo just as I finished up the lower foremast shrouds. Shaping a square end to a maple dowel is a bit tedious. I have read that it is better to start with square stock and then round the mast by shaving off the corners. It might be a bit easier to get a taper that way also.
  3. While waiting for my replacement parts for the mainmast, I started rigging the foremast.
  4. Some patience and a Dremel tool and the fife rail and pumps are repaired and mast hole is cleaned out.
  5. Actually not so good. I decided the mainmast rake was bad and on top of that, the main top was slopped excessively. I had tried to mount it so that it would look level when the mast was mounted with the proper rake. I seem to have over compensated. It looked bad and every day when i looked at it it looked worse. It could no longer be ignored. Today I attempted to remove the mast. Bad idea. It split rather than coming out and broke the fife rail on top of that. I requested some replacement parts from Model Expo and will have to make the lower mainmast again. Oh, and drill out the stub left in the hole. Totally bad day. I think i will take a week or three off from the Morgan and build something else. Maybe i’ll paint some rocks 😬🤬🤯
  6. I only have 3 going at this time. Charles W Morgan, Gjoa (Model Shipways solid hull Amundson’s ship), and the United States, (paper). Lately i have only been working on the Morgan.
  7. Still working on the masts. Want as much done on them as possible before mounting permanently (blocks, eyebolts, fairleads etc.) I noticed that i am approaching the 4 year mark on this build; started April 2018
  8. HO model train suppliers have a window glazing material that will work here. I forget what they call it. It looks like thin white glue and it dries clear. Just spread a drop on the openings with a toothpick. In addition to glazing windows I have used it to make “water” in some buckets on a model barge. It is quite effective
  9. Hi Chris, As a 100% Yankee, born and raised outside of Boston, i am curious as to where in Massachusetts you are located. I hated the winters there so am now below the Mason-Dixon line 😁
  10. I now have 25 harpoons, 5 per boat. I still need to round the shafts and stain or paint them. they are very fragile being only 1/32" sq stripwood.
  11. I was never happy with the white pinstripes i did. I always seem to make a mess with masking, and the free hand was too messy. Ugh. I purchased a 1/16” chart tape from Model Expo a while ago and sat down today to finally put it on, I think it is worlds better!
  12. Couple of questions: 1. how did you hang the rudders?. I am trying to visualize how to mount them so they would appear to be able to swing into place. 2. Do the davits interfere with rigging? I am concerned that if I attach the davits now, i will keep breaking them as I rig the ship. I am thinking of putting the davits and hanging the boats as a last step.
  13. I just took a quick look. I will go back and watch carefully. I think there will be a huge amount of good stuff on this site
  14. 1 step forward 5 steps backwards😫. this is what happens when one fails to make careful measurements. Had to rip out the guts and start over. The stern is more or less correct. Some more detail needs to be added. Would the whale boats have been hung on the davits with the tiller and rudder in place?
  15. I did get some Aleen’s tacky glue. I like it.
  16. The hull skins at the stern have wedges cut out (kind of like darts in sewing) to shape the stern to the frames. On my first attempt I tried to glue the skins on and close the wedges with the tabs at the same time. Bad idea! And the stern was grossly misshaped. This time I glued the tabs and shaped the stern first. The stern is much better now, at least off the ship. It was still a ridiculously complicated job to get the skin attached smoothly. The port side is in, but not as smooth as i’d like. Not looking forward to the starboard side. 8 more hands would make it easier. Maybe with a few dozen more paper ships i might get the hang of it.
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