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Mike from Aus

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Everything posted by Mike from Aus

  1. Welcome Randy, you have found the right place for great advice and friends from all around the world. Welcome from Canberra, Australia.
  2. Welcome Jose, this is a great forum so enjoy.
  3. Thank you for sharing this...very interesting
  4. Welcome Tom, also from down under in Canberra, Australia.
  5. Welcome, and very good work so far. Enjoy. Mike
  6. Welcome Mark from way down under in Canberra, Aus. Enjoy this challenging but fun hobby. Mike
  7. Hi Jon, welcome to the forum and this great hobby. Mike from way down under.
  8. Welcome to the forum and a great new hobby.
  9. Sorry, auto correct, Dougal.
  10. Hello Douglas, welcome to this forum from way down under in Canberra, Aus. We visited your area this time last year...beautiful....hope to be able to return sometime. Enjoy this new hobby...challenging but rewarding. Mike
  11. Hello David, and yet another welcome from down under, this time from Canberra. You have done a great job on these first models, well done. Mike
  12. Welcome Bud, We all start from the start and, hopefully learn from our mistakes and from each other. This is a very supportive forum so will help you immensely. Enjoy. Mike from down under in Canberra, Australia.
  13. Welcome Mike H from another Mike H back in Aus. Formerly Melbourne but Canberra for the past 20 years. I also have that kit but it is on the shelf waiting for me to finish a scratch build USN Essex cross section. Enjoy the hobby and friends from this great group.
  14. So I suck at this also....but what I am learning is to make sure the surfaces are clean and slightly abraded then to use flux then small but blue flame.....it is beginning to work better for me......good luck...this is sometimes a frustrating hobby but also rewarding.........like coffee...sucks most of the time but when you get a good one it is great........not that I would know....I drink tea.....then beer...then a nice shiraz
  15. Welcome, also from ‘down under’. Enjoy, expect some learning problems...enjoy solving them...
  16. Big welcome from down under in Australia. I have visited England on many occasions, work and social, but never made it to your part of the world. My daughter spent her honeymoon there last year and loved it. So post Covid I hope to get there. All the best...please enjoy this site. Mike from Aus
  17. Welcome to the group from down under in Canberra, Australia.
  18. Welcome Paul from down under on Canberra, Australia.
  19. And I should add....sometimes frustrating...but very satisfying in the end.
  20. Welcome Thomas from way down under in Canberra, Australia. Enjoy your ship building, it is a very mindful experience.
  21. Hi Daniel, welcome to the group. Mike from Aus.
  22. Welcome, also from ‘down under’.
  23. Welcome Andre, great place to start.....kinda did the same, but it was my model.....started...left it...started....forgot it......then got engaged and loved it. Welcome from down under (Canberra Aus). Visited your part of the world two years ago, great place.
  24. Bienvenido a este grupo, todos disfrutamos de este maravilloso hobby y el espíritu de compañerismo. Hope that went OK through Google Translate........in short.......Welcome from down under in Canberra, Australia.
  25. Welcome Daniel from way down under in Canberra, Australia.
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