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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Thanks Michael. Would appreciate that whenever you can. I have done gold leaf many years ago but could certainly use a refresher. I have the gold leaf, sizing, brushes, and varnish. I am looking over the pieces now as I text. Trying to decide which way is best, paint the entire piece the desired color then gold leaf the tiny ornamentation, or gold leaf the entire piece then paint the desired color around all the ornamentation. I am leaning more toward the first option since I use acrylics and not sure they would cover the gold leaf effectively. Would not want to have to do several coats all around the tiny ornamentation. Kpnuts did gold leaf on his SR build using the option of full gold leaf then paint. His looks good.
  2. Oh OK Marc thanks. Already started reading through it. Hey Kevin, saw your post. Thanks for following. Yes Daniel has a topic on making chain plates. I have it along with a couple others showing how to make chains bookmarked. I ordered the .5 mm brass wire Daniel uses.
  3. Thanks Marc. I must be doing something wrong when I look at the index. Where did you get the link? When I went to the index for that ship this is what I find. I don’t see one by 72Nova.
  4. Thanks Marc. I will do that. Are you referencing Reale de France. I looked at the index and did not see one built by that name?
  5. Marc I actually ordered 24 gauge brass wire. It measures close to the .5 mm Daniel for 1/100 scale. Will see how it fits my deadeyes when I get it. Now to get smart on soldering brass wire. Daniel and Popeye each have a nice instruction section on making the chains. Today while waiting on the stain to dry on my Victory display case parts I am digging into my SR box. Anxious to get started painting and gold leafing some parts. Also separated on the cannon barrel halves to put in little zip lock bags.
  6. Welcome Mexspur. Will have to Google Maps to see where Punta Sam is. Been to a number of cities along the Pacific coast of Mexico and spent some time in London.
  7. Mexspur you don’t give any hints on your profile page. I have no idea. Give a hint. 😀
  8. Hello Rokket! Thanks for your comment. I like to check to see where the MSW members that comment live. I absolutely love Australia! Only been to Sydney and surrounding areas. Long flight from where I live but would jump at the chance anytime 😊.
  9. I will do that mtaylor. I had not investigated the parts in the kit that closely yet. I was not expecting there to be something to represent the chains in the kit. Will have to check.
  10. Daniel I am doing some research to see if I can lean to make my own chain plates for my Heller Soleil Royal. I was fortunate to have your brass etched chains for my HMS Victory so when I found your chain plate topic here on MSW I knew it would be just what I was looking for. It will be quite a while before I will be needing to rig deadeyes so I should have plenty of time to practice. I am curious how you determine the length of each chain link? I think the loop around the deadeye is standard for all the deadeyes? But then what do you do to determine the link size from the deadeye to the hull?
  11. Something I found amazing was my reaction to my USS Constitution when I opened it’s case to kidnap the crew for my Victory. I built it several years ago before I honed my skills much, strictly out of the box. I did very little painting on it except for the hull. Deck, masts, blocks, etc are out of the box plastic color. Rigging was extensive even though I had very little knowledge of what all the lines did. Just attached a thread from here to there as I understood the directions to say. From a distance it still looks good but up close now I see how elementary of a job I did. I am thinking if I continue this hobby and build ships of the quality of my Victory, and hopefully my SR, I am going to have to free up some space my donating my older models. But like I said I have a couple years before I need to worry about that.
  12. Yeah Ian. This is the same case design I just added a coffee table base so I can move it around. May try to convince the wife it needs to be on the living room. I am running out of wall space in ship room. Of course I won’t need more space now until after I complete my SR in a year or two.
  13. Got it gentlemen. Thanks. Studying making my own as you guys suggested. What size/gauge wire do you use? I am thinking 5mm/4 gauge maybe. If I want to solder the joints what type wire should I use?
  14. “What you are aiming for is what you see on the Frolich model of L’Ambiteaux:” Marc in the photo you attached the chain looks like a solid rod attached at the deadeye and one chain link at the bottom where it attaches at the hull instead of several chain links going from the deadeye to my he hull. Am I seeing it correct
  15. Thanks Kevin I really appreciate that. Hey my friend you contributed quite a bit as well, including many of your 3D blocks are included throughout the ship! 😊
  16. JeffT I started a new topic on a new build but it is not showing up in the index. MSW members are posting to it. Can you tell if I did something wrong? This is the topic. Le Soleil Royal by Bill97 - Heller - 1/100
  17. In my wood shop making the future home for my HMS Victory. Going to be a self standing piece of furniture. Originally planned to use tempered glass in case the glass was accidentally broken there would be less chance of someone getting cut or the ship damaged. After pricing tempered glass the size need for this large model I decided it would be better for my wallet and marriage if I used plexiglass.
  18. That is interesting Marc. Never thought of making my own. Will see if I can find a plan on how to make them.
  19. Popeye are you using deadeye clamps or chains or whatever you call the little piece that goes around the deadeye and down through the channel? If not what are you using for that part of the rigging? If you are using an after market piece what are you using and where did you find it? Popeye I am going to read through your blog to see if you have addressed this yet. Marc I am going read through your’s as well to see if you address it. I am obviously doing a lot of pre build research before I get started.
  20. Great! Glad round deadeyes are OK! Marc would you want to guess at the correct sizes needed in wood round deadeyes? The Heller kit has four different sizes as I mentioned above. If they would work I would maybe like to get Daniel’s etched chains I used on the Victory. Wood deadeyes really fit great in his chains. Looking at the Heller deadeyes it looks as if they would have you glue a front and back together to make a deadeye with a groove the thread would fit in. Marc was your’s that way? Yes mine is all the same color plastic. I wondered when I saw the other ones on line that were in the different colors like your’s. I wondered if maybe Heller improved the molds they use as well to correct some of the reported issues. I guess I will see. My kit also came with the new instruction book which is so much better than the Victory instructions.
  21. Thanks Marc. Round would be OK? I have all the sizes I need in wood. Did not want you to ban me from MSW for using creative license 😀.
  22. If I measured them correctly I will need to shop for 4 sizes of triangle wood deadeyes 7, 5, 4, and 3 mm. I am finding 7 and 5 mm online. Still looking for 4 and 3 mm. It is interesting on several of the sites for after market SR parts they show using round deadeyes for the two smaller sizes.
  23. Cracked open the box today. My first impression is Wow there are a lot of pieces! Not sure but I think more than the Victory. I have not attempted dry fitting anything together but it appears the parts are beautifully molded, including all the figurines. I am impressed. One thing that struck me immediately is the shape of the deadeyes. They are more triangle or pear shape maybe. And as many have said the ones included with the kit will have to be replaced. I have many round wood deadeyes I purchased during my Victory build but see they will not work for my SR.
  24. Popeye2sea I have your SR build blog saved for easy reference, along with a few others. Will be referencing it when I get started.
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