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Everything posted by DonSangria

  1. Looking forward to this. You are a major inspiration to me and I'm sure to many others as well. So thank you for sharing your build with us!
  2. Thank you for sharing! Refreshing to see something different. Good looking model.
  3. I think the neat coils on deck were only in times of inspection. When the guns were used, there were no coils. I think the rope was layed on the deck so it could run free or be grabed easily. When the guns were stowed away, the ropes were so as well.
  4. I'm in the middle of the second planking on my Sphinx build. I hope mine will look as good as yours!
  5. I really like the rigging of the tiller/wheel. Is it possible to rigg it as a functioning mechanism? She really looks very pretty!
  6. I think you identified correctly. Maybe the rubbing strakes are meant to be cut from a plank from pile a? also, how long are the planks in pile c? If you have 8 and they are 400mm, so you would end up with 16 of 200mm length.
  7. You can measure the main yard off the plans, that should give the widest point, more or less. If that is too wide for your shelf, you could brace the yards around as I did on my Beagle (See signature)
  8. I don't know how 'wet' these ships sailed. But the doors could also cover from spray and water which was coming over the bow or the sides. Although in heavy weather, the stove would certanly be off. Just brainstorming here
  9. I did this with my beagle (see link in my signature)
  10. I think they helped me with the positioning of the parts as a reference point.
  11. Apperantly you embark on the same journey as me, from the Beagle (first Kit) to the Sphinx. I have the first planking almost finished. I guess you build faster than me, so I will follow along. Nice start and enjoy!
  12. I find the narrow planks an interesting idea. In my limited experiance the wood of which the planks are made of play a great part to how easily they can be shaped. The first layer of my Beagle from Occre was of 5x2mm rather splintering planks and rather difficult. I find the 5x1mm planks of my current build (Sphinx from Vanguard) much easier to shape and bend. So the quality of the planks matter.
  13. I think the aft-most thwart is also for a rower and the boat is steered from the part No.11 in the drawing. PS: Nice to see you're still (or again) active on the beagle!
  14. I had much the same experiance with my Beagle. The instructions and videos are ok up to the masting and rigging.
  15. It is looking great! Well done! Do you use whole length planks or a pattern with shorter planks along the hull?
  16. I'm really excited to see that you have chosen to leave the hull natural wood. I plan to do the same and hope my planking skills are up to it. I'm sure I will profit enormously from your log! Thanks a lot to share your experience with me/us!
  17. You can mark the waterline without a special waterline marker. Just fix the pencil on the rigth hight for example on a box or sanding block...
  18. Maybe you could paint over the (sanded) red and give the cabin a color? Something white/gray/blue, as Blue Ensign did on his Indy?
  19. I finally found time to upload some pictures here:
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