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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Just a quickie I wouldn't like you to think I am just sitting here watching the golf on telly Look at my boxes of bits These containers that OcCre send their parts in are great They slot straight in their cabinet and stack well as well The Admiral has taken quite a few for her sewing room I say sewing room It was my craft room :mellow: She threw me out into the bedroom when she needed room for her sewing machine and to make quilts Hey Ho!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can see I have been busy I am just waiting now for the magnifying head set so I can do the 3mm rings onto the porthole and ventilation doors I am looking at these 3mm rings thinking that I have almost decided to get some 2mm blocks to fit out the cannon rigging As I only have 6 cannon I may give it a go Anyway, I think I am going to have a Sunday off as I really do need that head set Unless I find something a bit bigger I can do Keep it up Mick
  2. Hi Tom I have been scouring the Internet to find any info on the launch There is very little is there??? You no doubt have seen these How accurate can they be???? I think they show the OcCre version to be wrong Good luck with yours Tom It is certainly coming on nicely Mick
  3. Finished the bow davits - Anchor supports. Apart from a bit of sanding and staining I am hoping these are looking ok I have a few more parts to make before I start fitting I have ordered a new magnifying head seat as the one I had finally disintegrated This will be helpful when I start fitting the small hinges to the porthole and ventilation covers Still got another coat of black to go on the gallant rails etc I think, and so does the Admiral, that they look much better in black, so that is good Still, plenty to do so I had better get on with it Keeping it up Mick
  4. Cheers Edward Ok that's cleared a lot up I am presuming the pulley doesn't have two holes either side of it????? If so I may have to use a slightly bigger hunk of wood Keep it up Mick
  5. Going back to the bow davits or whatever they are called Is this what it should look like then????????????? With no pulley in what I think is the sheave and a pulley in the end of it where the yellow is And are there then holes at the sides of the pulley I am really trying to get my head round this But don't forget my brain capacity is limited Trying to keep it up Mick
  6. Thank you so much Tom It is weird about the bowsprit isn't it?? When I look at google images a few of the models have one, some only have one square sail There are a lot of differences Is there a definite plan at all???? I have to admit I am maybe a little less worried about historical accuracy than others, but obviously an extra bowsprit is a bit major I am waiting for the Historic ship model book which I hope will help me a bit Yes I am quite surprised that I can't find the model over here, in fact the make itself seems very thin on the ground so maybe they are not exported much I suppose I could contact them as I get my OcCre kits directly from them but I expect I would have to pay well over the odds as the shipping would be fairly high whereas the shipping within the EU is not to bad so that with the discount OcCre give me I get a good deal You never know thought, by the time I finish the Endeavour something else may have caught my eye Thanks again Tom Keep it up Mick
  7. Hi Tom Thank you so much for your comments and help on my Endeavour build The strange thing is it was a toss up between the Endeavour and the Bounty launch for me The Endeavour won as the OcCre Bounty launch hadn't been released and the only other version I could find was the Model Shipways which does not seem to be available over here :mellow: The only was for me to have got it was through eBay with a very large carriage fee I would really interest me if you could comment on the OcCre kit on their site http://www.occre.com/index.php?option=com_productos&task=showProduct&idproducto=150 There seems to be many versions of the launch when I look at photos and most of them seem to lack the foremast and sails that the OcCre kit has Could you please have a look at the kit and let me know what you think Thanks a lot Tom Keep it up Mick
  8. So the painting is almost finished While I was doing the hull I also did the hull on the lifeboat My paint finish is never as good as I would like it to be and I also think it could have had a lot more sanding, but I think it will suffice for what I need I have decided to do the gallant rail and the posts and columns on it black, as I have tried a small area and it does look a lot better So that means a bit more masking up including some difficult bits on the inside of the gallant rail I am also in the midst of putting together the absolute loads of bits and bobs that sit on the hull Strakes, doors, all sorts That means I have plenty to do Keeping it up Mick
  9. A very comprehensive response Thank you Tom I think there are limits you have to place on yourself depending on your skill and needs Now I know what is needed I will do my best to get it looking like that but I will never expect my build to approach museum quality by a long way I am finding on this build that the quality of the wood is holding me back slightly as it is difficult to get it to a sufficiently good finish for staining or painting without reducing it's size quite a bit and when you only have 2 x 2mm to start with you can't do a lot I will keep going with it as best I can with my limited skill and knowledge Keep it up Mick
  10. Hmmmmmm That is a tricky one Am I right that in the first picture I just see a rope through that slot where in mine there is a pulley and then a pulley further up the davit Or am I reading that wrong ???? As you say the bottom photo just shows 4 holes with some sort of groove between each pair I presume Difficult If we come up with a solid answer I will possibly change things That or I will simply follow OcCre's instructions Thanks a lot Edward Keep it up Mick
  11. Thanks a lot Sjors I will take a good look as soon as I get a chance Keep it up Mick
  12. Hi Adriaan Nice work there I Have a few photo sequences like that where something looks different in different photos Firstly I try to get the information from the initial instructions of fitting the parts Failing that I do whatever I think looks best That is unless I get info from an expert It will all come together whatever way it's done I guess Unless you have parts left over at the end Good luck with it anyway Keep it up Mick
  13. Hi all, I am happily painting away, bemoaning the quality of the wood But I have a question for the Endeavour experts and those with a library The question is about slots on the front davits The picture has arrows pointing to what looks like slots, but the instructions say nothing about them So do they go right through? I presume they do And the dimensions They look to run from the brass wrap to the pulley holder Does that seem about right Thanks in advance for the heaps of advice Keep it up Mick
  14. Thanks for that Edward A simple idea that wouldn't cross your mind I will give it a go Mick
  15. I was quite surprised how tricky it was to apply the masking tape I have it done though and I am ready to do the black I will do what I have masked then decide whether to do the gallant rails, handrails etc. Please let me know what you think about that Keeping it up Mick
  16. Lovely work Adriaan, it looks great I certainly echo your sentiments about not having to open it up again Your lighting definitely gives the ship a totally different aspect Well done Mick
  17. That looks lovely work with some really nice woods Tell me, are they the woods that came with the kit??? If so I am really jealous I suppose that OcCre do use lesser quality woods that need a fair bit of work on them to get them anything like They have to keep their prices at their low level somehow Carry on with the great work Edward Mick
  18. Yes I do see your point Alistair Maybe a gold top with a black surround I will have a think on that And yes, the cheating worked very well I did use brass on the end of the davits though as I wanted the finish Keep it up Mick
  19. Had my first major accident today The ship slipped as I was painting and took off a length of handrail and some columns I have them back on ok but the incident has me thinking whether to paint the handrails etc black as I have seen in other Endeavour models, as I am not 100% with the staining I am doing the major painting now but have made a few other things ready to fit such as the davits and I have decorated the transom So, back to work watching the golf as the paint dries What do you think of the black rails etc, OK????? Keep it up Mick
  20. There we are then The windlass and the ships bell I think the bell looks fine with the gold paint The windlass took a bit of practice but I think I got the holes as good as I could So I am fairly pleased I am getting very close to the time when I need to finish the painting I have some new brushes so it could take place anytime now Keeping it up Mick
  21. Looking really nice Adriaan So much more work you are giving yourself with the lighting I can see in the minds eye how good it will look when lit I hope the wiring goes well for you and yes, magnets sound a good idea if you can get the ones you need Keep it up Mick
  22. Hi Adriaan Yes I think I will go along with that about 150% I have a miniature point square file which I think will be perfect to finish the holes off with So here's hoping I hope you are still feeling good and your builds are going well Keep it up Mick
  23. Hi John Thanks for that As I just said to Alistair I do have a dremel so I can make the slightly elongated holes and then square them up with a square point file I want to mostly try and get it right rather than just inking the holes in Keep it up Mick
  24. Hi Alistair I do have a dremel with some tiny routing bits so with a steady hand and some practice.............!! As to the book 165 QUID The paperback is £58 I can't afford that on my meagre pension Luckily Amazon do second hand and I am having a copy sent from America in good condition for under £8 including shipping Keep it up Mick
  25. Hi Edward I am building the OcCre version of this lovely ship I see already that the two kits are very different It will be very interesting to follow your build There are several versions of Endeavour being built here so it may be a good idea to follow them for inspiration I know I am Good luck with yours Keep it up Mick
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