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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Thanks a lot Sjors I used to play regularly Not quite pro, but regular I still have a bit of stuff to do on the hull like the boat supports and anchors etc before I really get in to the masts I may do the bowsprit though to get the idea It has virtually everything the bigger masts have It's just all that thinning and shaping you have to do Oh for my lathe back
  2. Nice one Sjors Looking really good Take a break and let the fingers calm down a bit You deserve it
  3. Thanks a lot David Was reading through the plans and I thought I would make a start on the masts, for something better to do That's the bowsprit Lots of small stuff to go on it plus two yards I wish I still had my lathe to shape the masts and yards Guess it will have to be hard work
  4. It may be a day or lots before I get that far Sjors I can see it taking a while to do the masts Are you in to guitars at all Sjors I started playing when I was 11 I stopped playing soon after having operations on my arms when I thought I was no good at playing any more I started again about two years ago when I though "I don't care too much what I sound like, I am only playing for myself" I can knock out a tune or two I just find it very difficult to form chords, especially barres And shredding Forget it I wasn't good at that back then
  5. Been hard at work sticking bits on It has taken time as I have tried to keep away from CA and I have no epoxy So it was PVA Starting to look busy now with the pumps and stuff Oh dear Just noticed I have the rear Falconet supports to stick on Oh well, I would have noticed Got the tiny stuff to go on as well The ringbolts and cleats I may have a go at that tomorrow if my fingers are ok Really pleased with the way it's going
  6. Hi Max I chose the OcCre kit because I have built several OcCre kits as you can see but also because they are by far the cheapest and as I no longer work I need that It does mean a slight loss in quality in the woods used but in general the kit is very good I normally will make comments if there is a problem and if I have to make or alter anything As you can see the build is coming along quite well but I am coming very close to starting the masts and there are no instructions for the masts and ropes What there is, is very detailed life size plans Never having built like this I will certainly be taking my time If however you have any questions feel free to ask I have never built as Caldercraft kit as I see you fancy in another post, they are quite pricey :mellow: Saying that I have paid a lot for this guitar kit to get just what I want
  7. Hi Alistair It may not look like it but the cannon wheels are all the same size It would be nice to buy some better quality cannon but I have spent a bit on this build anyway and now I have bought the guitar kit..................... I think what I will have to do is work in bed until I fall asleep from exhaustion then start work again as soon as I wake up
  8. Yeah if you aren't sure about it Adriaan Bash It!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I do if I think it's not quite right Make it like you want to It's you gotta look at it after all
  9. Thanks all Had a nice gentle day today building small stuff and I have the cannon built, the pumps and I have finished off all the falconet supports I shall probably spend the day tomorrow sticking everything on I can take a few more photos then Still waiting for my stuff from Cornwall models and also the .5mm nozzles for the airbrush I shall have plenty to do when all that comes Then no doubt the guitar kit will turn up I shall have to start getting up earlier
  10. Carry on like this and we will all be sending you our builds for roping It's looking really good though Sjors Looking at my plans the sheets seem pretty similar to mine Tell me, are you working from plans Do you have proper instructions Or are you winging it That means doing it without looking at anything BTW
  11. Glad you enjoyed your visit to England Grant Even though you had to put up with Mobbsie and Sjors I hope the weather was to your liking??? It's not been too bad I suppose considering I look forward to see the continuation of your build
  12. Looking really good Theo There's a lot going on there already Lovely bit of planking Great job
  13. I cannot believe how lazy I have been today At least yesterday I did some work Today all I did was go out to lunch with the Admiral and order my guitar kit Looking forward to getting it but it shouldn't hold up my other work This will give you an idea of what I am getting Actually putting the thing together isn't too difficult as all the pickups, knobs and switches are wired in to the pickguard Only a couple of wires to solder All the work as we all know well is preparing and applying the finish Well I had better go and watch some TV But tomorrow it will be BUILD BUILD BUILD !!!!!!!!
  14. Nice looking bit of planking Adriaan All the joints line up perfectly One thing Are you sure that's the correct figurehead
  15. Great work Tom Very smooth hull Very nicely made cradle as well It all looks really good
  16. Looking good Sjors Looking very good indeed Now you got those done I suppose you have several miles of running lines to be dotted about everywhere
  17. Have you not got any full size plans with the kit you can work from?? Or if you do, do they not show what you want to see I can be of no help as I haven't a clue All I can do is compliment you on how well the build is going Certainly a nice job
  18. I am using the Admiralty white Adriaan and it goes a fair way What I did when the container was getting low and a bit thicker was add a few drops of water and shake for ages Planking is coming on nicely What glue do you use???? Also what is that funny little thing ?? Have I missed a bit where you said where it was
  19. Hi there 39th anniversary yesterday Had a great day with the Admiral Went to the theatre to see the stage version of To Sir With Love It was the Admirals choice and she wasn't sure how I would get on but I really enjoyed it In fact at the part when one of the lads mum dies I was nearly tearful It's great at the theatre because if you are in a wheelchair or some other way severely disabled your carer gets in free Anyway I have not been lounging about I have been hard at work on more small stuff Unfortunately the fingers are not 100% so I am actually resting more than building Still, it's getting done You'll never guess I am thinking about taking another build on I have always wanted to build myself a guitar so I am saving to get myself a Jem style kit I must be totally off my trolley As if I don't have enough stuff to do during the day Still I gotta save up for it first I have had a look and just the paint I want is £35 Still I would really like something different to my Squier Fat Strat I can't play well any more with the old fingers But I am only playing for myself now Just stick to some nice steady blues or the old shadows stuff Oh dear I am rambling Better get back to building
  20. On the Endeavour I used contact adhesive for the first time and I found that worked very well indeed As Augie says there are problems with both PVA and CA I have to admit I tend to err towards the PVA as it is much easier to keep under control A mistake can be fairly easily cleaned up CA is, as Augie says, a pig to get rid of if it gets on a finished surface Firstly do as Augie says and take a close look at the hull and see if it does need a bit of sanding, filing, scraping in places Then I would advise giving contact adhesive a go Use a tube as a can will soon start going stiff with too much exposure to the air as it gets down the can a bit A very thin coat on the two surfaces Leave until tackiness goes, anything from 5 to 15 minutes, maybe even more Press together firmly and roll it if you have a small wallpaper roller or similar Failing that find a smooth rounded edge of something, knife handle etc, and rub over it to settle it perfectly It bonds very well but does give you a chance for minor adjustment, also being by far the cleanest of the three as if you are careful it only goes where you put it and as there is no liquid there is nothing to squidge out But as Augie says, using PVA as the main glue and just a spot or two of CA to hold the plank in place as the PVA goes off is a fair way of proceeding Have a play with the glues, see which you prefer The big negative about using purely CA is that it dries very hard and brittle with no give I hope that helps a bit David Good luck P.S. What Augie says last of all is vitally important Whatever you decide, take your time and treat each plank as a mini project.
  21. Ok That Grant gets to a lot of different places
  22. Thanks Tom As the arthritis in my fingers is not so good at the moment they are taking a time to produce but I will get there Now what about the deck cannon A bit basic but will it do, that is the question Not sure what I have handy to build them but I am sure I could find something if necessary
  23. Looking good Sjors Really starting to take shape Don't that Grant get about a bit though
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