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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Hiya all Still working on bits and bobs I have a question about the windlass I have made a start on mine but I have a question about its finishing OcCre tell you to make marks on it so Now, what are they meant to represent??? Is it good doing them like that or, like I did with the capstan, would drilled holes be a better representation????????? As I am not sure what they are for I am looking for advice Working on the ships bell too Going to have the metal surround gold rather than brown Have a bit of glitz Anyway the ships bell was very important so I don't mind a slight departure from reality Keeping it up Mick
  2. Well pleased I tried using card and also I stained first Stain does affect the glue a bit so I had to try several times on some as the glue would not go off However the bit of extra work is well worth it as you can see So much better and as the Admiral used to make gift cards she had some quality black card I could use Keeping it up Mick
  3. It is so difficult to get the scale right working with something so small Steve What sizes are those blocks you are using on the cannon????? I also see that the bit that holds the bowsprit, whatever it's called, is totally different from mine with mine being long and curved, following the bow Also it is a U with the bowsprit sitting in it rather than being enclosed So much seems different on different models of thew same ship Oh well, it will all come together in the end Keep it up Mick
  4. Looks like I may have to do a bit of cheating as I am very disappointed the way the stain has taken on the Falconet supports I sanded it well after fitting the bands but it looks like the glue has spread badly Considering it was thick and only a tiny drop was used I was rather upset I wish I had still got some of the loctite gel left but I used that up on the other builds If I try to sand any more it will put the wood out of shape so I think I will have to redo Not at all happy with this I had a slight problem with bleed on the handrails but not as bad as this Trouble is the wood is so soft Oh well I will have to see what I can do Keep it up Mick
  5. Those police are a bunch of d**k heads How do they know how close you were if they weren't there with a tape as it happened T*****s Ship's coming along very nicely Keep it up Mick
  6. Looking really good Sjors Tell me are you going to put a black wash on them ?????? And if you do that I presume you do the deadeyes as well??????????? There's a way to go before I get that far but I know I enjoyed doing those on the Racehorse and the Thermopylae, although those on the Thermopylae were more like lace Keep it up Mick
  7. I had some bad problems like that and I can't see a lot you can do You think everything is perfect until you put the top coat on as it were I presume the craftsmen who build the museum quality ships must use a lot of jigs and templates to get everything true As I do this for enjoyment I think doing things like that could almost turn like w**k for me I know lots of people can do it happily I am not one of those I am afraid I think it looks fine Keep it up Mick
  8. Oh dear Alistair, Isn't that cheating a bit I honestly don't mind bending the brass, I like a challenge As to the other bits, the photo has made them look very dark I would guess it's the flash They are stained with walnut The Falconet supports will be stained cherry and the brass painted black Keep it up Mick
  9. Well I have been hard at work on deck stuff Here is what I have managed so far The skylight is a lot different from some of the other Endeavour builds but it is what I have so it will do I think The companion hatches have come out awful in the photo Hey ho Does anyone know how they use the capstan when it is stuck where it is between everything Tried to make a bit better job of the bitts rather than just sticking three bits of wood together The little steps are a triumph as I am normally hopeless at putting those together with glue and bits of wood everywhere And the Falconet posts They are taking forever The ones in the photo need another wrap of brass and then there are another five to make :mellow: It's not like that is really thin brass that easily wrapped round It is quite thick and I use two pairs of pliers to bend it round the post then could do with at least another hand Anyway things are getting done and if the Falconet supports take all of tomorrow, who cares Definitely keeping it up Mick
  10. The chains look really good Slog and have definitely pushed me towards getting some from CMB As to the rings for the cannon I have seen gold plated jewellery making wire down to 0.2mm Whether you could make use of that???????????? There are a few places on our eBay who have it I haven't seen that small in plain brass but it may be out there Keep it up Mick
  11. Good to see you back to building Adriaan We are back now to a full compliment I hope with Sjors making ratline Your build is coming on nicely Here's to you staying well in the future Keep it up Mick
  12. Super work Steve As I have just said to Slog, he is an inspiration to me and so, most certainly, are you I can look at your builds and see what I need to try and attain I am a little disappointed with the quality of some of the OcCre wood Particularly what I have just used to make the samson posts, columns and handrails Trouble is it is of course Lime and it is very difficult to get the tiny parts looking smooth It would be nice if all the light wood was boxwood or similar but I guess that would work out rather pricey :mellow: Anyway my build is coming along nicely Keep it up Mick
  13. Lovely work Slog You are a real inspiration to me I doubt mine will ever be the quality you are producing as I am using mostly the OcCre parts and I don't have your skill But looking at yours does give me something to aim at Thanks a lot for being here Keep it up Mick
  14. Carried on with the samson posts, columns and handrails Gave them a coat of stain and that's them virtually finished Would you normally have loops of rope around a few samson posts???????????????? I have also given the hull a coat of white to make a start on finishing the painting off It will need quite a few more coats yet I think Next jobs are deck furniture I have been resting a lot more though so things will take a bit of time from now on Maybe a bit more like normal people Keeping it up Mick
  15. Been very busy recently with hospital visits etc but I have some good news to share My last CT scan showed that one nodule was unchanged, one had reduced in size slightly and one they weren't sure about had disappeared I mean, it will never go away but news like that is great The longer it stays like that the better I did a bit to the build It's amazing how good stuff you make by hand looks until you come to use it I know they look ok and a normal person would not see the differences probably, especially once they are stained But they are not perfect to me Though I know what with my limited skill and poorly fingers I can't do a lot better :mellow: So they will have to do Taking it a bit easy at the moment Keep it up Mick
  16. Thank you Adriaan The ones on that photo seem to be a simple chain down to a flat securing piece Similar to what is available at local shops so I think I will buy I know exactly what you mean Alistair and thank you for being so frank They are a very important and visual part of the build and I think I will get some from Cornwall who I do deal with already They come with the strop, 2 chain pieces and a flat bit so very similar to what the replica has They do come with deadeyes as well if you want them They look quite dark and I think they are walnut as opposed to the boxwood ones I will have a think on that Thanks a lot Keep it up Mick
  17. I have had a look at the chainplates on Le Mirage and I see they are totally different having to go round the cannon etc I think i will try to design my own as all the ones I have seen for sale I am not over keen with They won't be brass though I will either blacken them or paint them black Watch this space and I will have a play Keep it up Mick
  18. That is why I tried to make it a bit fancier by making the one above The OcCre rendition is just a single wire coming down So. Are you saying that the one above still isn't up to it and I ought to get some better chains, or what Keep it up Mick
  19. Hi Everyone I need some opinions Looking at other peoples builds and particularly their chains I look at the way OcCre tell me to do it and it definitely lacks something So I had a thought and got some 0.6mm wire as the 1mm that comes with the kit would be too thick for what I have planned I must admit I have taken some ideas from other chains I have seen Anyway here is what I have produced. What do you think ??? It may need slight adjustments to fit and I was also thinking of putting another twist in the middle to make it look a bit fancier It's about 20mm long So what do you think??? Ok as it is Make it a bit fancier Throw it in the rubbish Keeping it up Mick
  20. I would be lost without my TV I watch TV from the moment I get up until about 2 hours before I go to sleep The only reason I don't watch it in these last 2 hours is that is when I read I don't watch 'Programmes' like reality TV and series of stuff, soaps etc etc I watch a lot of sports, golf, cricket, fishing NOT football Other than occasionally American Football If not I watch documentries, science and history and stuff like that. Mythbusters is one of my faves for example or anything on Egypt Zahi Hawass is my hero I watch it when I am building I watch it when I am on my computer I just sit and watch it I am totally and utterly addicted So there, I have admitted it Keep it up Mick
  21. AAaaaaaaah Thanks Anja I hadn't got a clue but the build has 2 big and 2 little ones sitting in the gallant rail Keep it up Mick
  22. I see Sjors The instructions on mine show very clearly sharp angles Different ship, different samson posts I guess Keep it up Mick
  23. Right. Hello all I thought I had better come on with proof that I haven't just been sitting around watching TV I have been hard at work on the samson posts and columns for the gallant rail as you know Here's the pile I have ready so far I also made some things I haven't got a clue about The fairleads What are they ????????????????????? Then I knocked up a quick skylight As we always say. Macro is not always our friend And finally I have been at work on the two companion hatches I have taken a bit of extra time to do all the cills and finishes with 45 degree angles unlike the OcCre method of just doing square angles as I think they look so much neater Anyway as you can see I am still doing a bit So I am Keeping it up Mick
  24. Yes that is how I am doing mine Steve The wood quality looks a little different though Mine are definitely not the quality of yours Keep it up Mick
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