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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Right I had a look around at the suggestions here Thank you very much all of you Then I had a look at what I had So How about this one with the wire blacked I am fairly pleased with it but I know how important it is to get it as right as possible Please let me know what you think, remembering how limited I am in the bedroom
  2. Good luck on that then Adriaan I am sure you have it right
  3. Great work Theo Looks really good Can take a long while to find something JUST the right size can't it
  4. Regarding the Falconet supports what about this ??? I don't think I can make it a lot smaller I haven't got any metal sheet to make metal ones I suppose I could get some, but are these good enough, painted black ???? I can make where the cannon sits a little rounder and neater and they will swivel as they are mounted with a nail So???????????????
  5. The front of the ship is looking a lot busier now I must remember to drill the holes in the bow Very annoyed about the Falconet supports They are preformed brass and they are much too small and the holes to take the pins on the Falconets are far too small The problem is the supports are to small and light to take a hole big enough for the pins It just shreds them I will have to build my own out of wood and hope they look ok I will have to be fitting the channel soon so I will have to be thinking about ordering the chain plates I have the blocks and deadeyes for the Will to get and I do want to try to do a proper train and gun tackle for the deck cannon so I will need some tiny blocks I am looking at the way Steve (shipaholic) has done his then I look at the plans in Historic Models and they show the ropes and blocks at the side as Steve has done, the gun tackle, but then it also shows what they call the train tackle which is a single rope with two blocks attached to the rear of the cannon See below I would appreciate a discussion on this as there is a difference, but who will notice ??? Well yes, Me So what do we think on this matter I know there is no great rush but obviously I need to settle it a fit them before I start the masts AAAAGH The Masts :mellow:
  6. Prompted by you I went and did what research I could find It was, as you say, a very expensive treatment but it does say in somewhere that the finish was pink Apparently Humbrol did a colour in one of their special ranges, MC10 but I don't think it's available now I will keep trying but if not I guess a red oxide would be a fair finish Let is see what transpires I am back on the Endeavour until I get the larger nozzles, then I will give it a couple of coats of white before getting the top coats on Hopefully that should then look realistic
  7. Good question SjorsIt went through a few colours in its life But when it was working for Everards and also how it is now is grey above the waterline and they say pink below Any idea what they mean by pink?????? I am presuming something like red oxide So that is the livery I will probably give it This is how she is now
  8. Thanks Eamonn As you probably read, the Admiral and I just fell in love with it As to the filler I would imagine it would work with any water based filler It would just be a question of getting the right time After it had stopped moving but before it solidified This Brummer makes it quite easy as it tends to dry fairly regularly and then smooths beautifully What makes it stand out from other fillers I have used is its creaminess
  9. Ok I have done as I said I put another coat of filler on after I had sanded it as smooth as I felt I could Then a little tip for you, particularly with this filler, I soaked a piece of a soft kitchen roll I use, wrung it out but left it fairly wet, and gently wiped over the filler once it had started setting This really gave me a great finish I am now going to leave it until I get my nozzles for the airbrush If I need something to do I could fill around the deck and frames to make the inside solid and smooth We shall see I have it going well now and I am pleased
  10. I have put a coat of filler on and very lightly sanded it Then I gave it a thin coat of white paint to highlight any imperfections It's very difficult to show the imperfections without proper lighting and a better camera I knocked down the brightness quite a bit in PS and that helped I am using a new fine filler I have found Brummer If you can get hold of this I can very much recommend it It is like a thick hand cream, absolutely smooth and spreads beautifully I will let that dry out and give it another coat of filler in bright light to try and get it as smooth as possible I will then spray a couple of coats of paint on when my 0.5mm nozzles arrive as the 0.3mm I have fitted to my airbrush did not give a satisfactory coat when used before It's more for detailing than putting on a thick coat
  11. Thank you Mark and Sjors and welcome Mark I had to give the Admiral her baking tray back that I was using to soak the strips so I had to finish the planking I then found it very difficult to get a perfect fit with the two halves But with the assistance of my small sash clamps I got it as close as I could Bit of sanding to do then a bit of filling followed by some gentle sanding to get the metal look finish I may do that tomorrow I may do more on the Endeavour Nice to have a choice
  12. I don't know about a bigger bench Adriaan You have so much on the go I would say a bigger workshop That Gorch Fock is one big boat Like me now with the Will it is nice to have something different to turn to I know after assembling the porthole and scupper covers on the Endeavour with my mag headset on fried things and a rest doing something bigger was needed It's certainly coming along nicely though isn't it Is the hull fully painted or is there any wood showing? Nice work Adriaan
  13. When I want just a bit of protection without it really showing I have a can of spray satin lacquer That does the job very well and with a steady hand you can put a couple of coats on without it really showing
  14. Thanks Greg Things are certainly coming together well I am so pleased with the book that's just arrived (see above) It clearly shows several things I wasn't 100% sure of, especially the fitting of the cannon Rest day today though
  15. Hi all Having a really lazy day today Been out with the Admiral on the old scooter to our local Kentucky, then round the corner to a newish ice cream parlour Yum Yum!!!!!!! Just to let everybody know, especially Alistair, Historic Model Ships arrived today Certainly can't complain about the condition and an in depth delve shows more detail than I will ever take in I would definitely say that this is a book for all Historic ship modellers It looks excellent and will certainly point me in all the right direction and let me know what things are called, so I can say to Sjors things like " Those round tops look very posh compared to mine" or Wow never seen a sprit topmast like that!!!" Well well pleased Alistair and overjoyed I got it at such a good price Thanks for the poke in the right place
  16. Today I have again been hard at work with the glue bottles Looking at that window now it is in I think I will do the glass black It's amazing how long it takes to stick bits on Still a lot to stick on and hopefully most will get done next week Then we have the fun stuff The cannon Right time to hit the shower
  17. Morning all I intend to concentrate here for a bit as I have so many parts assemled I blackened the windows and the decorations What do you think????? The blue is not as bright as that, the flash has brought it out a bit I think they look good The decorations particularly came out well Right, off the work
  18. Going to concentrate on the Endeavour for a bit and get the fiddly stick on bits done I will come back to this when I need a bit of a rest
  19. Nice job Edward Looks very smooth Just what you want for a nice planking
  20. I'm not worthy I'm not worthy Ship's looking great BTW Sir Touches forelock and grovels with great deference
  21. Well basswood is fairly soft and malleable so should not take too long Lovely work with the launch Scott It's coming along really well
  22. Hi Scott It depends very much what the wood is I think Something like Lime takes very little time at all and even a few minutes soaking in hottish water will enable shaping A hardwood however will take a lot longer to soften, maybe several hours Just keep taking it out and have a feel Remember softwood will swell and soften quite a bit and then shrink back as it dries, so keep that in mind and also treat the wood gently Prepare it before soaking as it does not sand well at all when soaked Good luck with the build
  23. And we have to assume that taking the kit with you is not an option
  24. It all comes to try our patience doesn't it Adriaan Like my deck being out of line on the Will Everard You have done a nice job to sort things You are certainly giving yourself a lot of extra work the way you are bashing this kit I am sure it will all be worth it in the end though
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