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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Thanks Cap'n You are welcome You will find the grog over with Sjors Right now I had all good intentions on waking, as did The Admiral But we ended up watching films I will get to work tomorrow I have a question There are quite a few gaps between the frames and the deck There is planking at the bow and stern but from what I can see from the instructions nothing round the edge Should I make these gaps look good and if so now?????? Do I just fill them or do I make it good with planking I am really not sure and advice would be well received from anyone who has had this problem The only thing I can see that may hide them slightly, but not much, is a railing on top of the hull I will be making a concerted effort to get the hull perfectly smooth so it looks like steel and not wood I have a nice grey to do the upper hull and I will get a red oxide for below the waterline The actual pinkey colour of the protecting paint is not available and as I have no photos of it I am not going to try and replicate it The modern photos I have of the Will shows a red oxide type paint so that will do fine So come on then all What do I do with those gaps ????????????????????????????????????????
  2. Hi kiwiron CMB are where I got them from They are the Mantua fittings, but they have a lot of different ones I have to admit I had trouble putting them together Thay are so small my fingers did not work well with them With tweezers I occasionally flicked them all over the room Have fun when you start yous and most of all............Enjoy!!!!!
  3. Oh well that's something to cheer me up anyway 150 drill bits from 3.2mm to 0.4mm on eBay £9.95, free post 10 each of the smaller ones The Admiral said 'Well they can't be good quality' As long as they drill holes they can be plastic for me The expensive ones snap just as easy IMO
  4. Thanks all But DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whilst putting together the first yard of the mainmast I have broken my last miniature drill suitable for fitting eyebolts etc This had bought me to a virtual halt I can make some more blocks etc but I cannot finish yards Oh well, I was going to go back to the Will Everard after finishing the guitar and the guitar's almost finished Just the electrics and the strings/bridge to fit So I will move back to the Will See you there
  5. This job does grind on your senses a bit doesn't it ?? It's so important not to skip it at all isn't it I have got quite a bit of sanding and making good still on the Will It's not pretty work, but it's got to be done The more accurate it's done now the easier it goes later Keep up the good work Adriaan
  6. Nice job Adriaan Both your builds are looking good I have nearly finished the guitar and then I think I will concentrate on the Will Everard as I am close to rigging on the Endeavour and I want to practice on the Everard as it were
  7. Beautiful intricate work Tom Nothing makes a model look good more than quality made small stuff Great work
  8. Glad to see you got some work done on it David It's looking really good Very smooth I hope you get to keep going
  9. Hi Jack I remember using Isopon to repair things back a bit I must say I do tend to use a dedicated wood filler as a little while ago I had a problem with a general purpose filler separating from the wood I am not saying the Isopon would but I am now very wary I intend getting back to the Everard very soon when I have finished my guitar That should be quite soon as I am writing this in between laying on clear coats that will finish the woodwork I want to do the Everard first to get a bit of rigging practice prior to rigging the Endeavour
  10. Great work as usual Adriaan It is very difficult to see what is to come just looking at a blank deck, but the access doors and the windows look really good as do the handrails Booty
  11. Beauty Sjors They really look nice together Lovely work too Keep it up Sjors
  12. Can't have enough pictures Sjors It's coming together isn't it Good work Sjors I will be concentrating on the Will Everard soon as I want to do the rigging on that first The guitar is not a long way off now, so, soon
  13. I am running out of superlatives fast Tom The work is stunning I just don't know what to say I am almost speechless Well done doesn't seem enough, but Well Done Tom
  14. Great work Theo The 'nails' work perfectly The hatches are spot on and look very good Well done Theo, great adaptation
  15. Managed to get the main mast finished along with all the other stuff It's very similar to the foremast but not quite as many blocks on it I have the yards to do now I will fit those in with the guitar I am trying to get the paint on the guitar but I have got to tell myself to put much much less on each coat You have to make sure you only put on a very light mist and many of them I will get there
  16. Very nice Adriaan Your work looks really smooth Very nice wheelhousing and the doors do look realistic Good work Adriaan
  17. Thanks Grant I am sure I will It was hard work getting the front of the guitar looking how I wanted it The paint did not sit as well as it did on the neck But I hope I managed it I know this really doesn't belong here but I know a few are interested
  18. Thank you so much everyone It getting like I don't want to see birthdays now though I know 63 isn't that old It's the new 50 Or something Problem is no-one told my body about this Anyway we had a great meal out with a couple we have known for a few years and eat out with regularly I had Rump of Lamb I just fancied something different and it was fantastic Juicy Succulent We came back and watched a Duck Dynasty or two with some iced tea ` I then had a little while on the main mast Not a bad day all in all Whoops Forgot to say The Admiral got me a model for my birthday The OcCre Stevenson's Rocket It will have to take its place in line
  19. To keep you up to date, I started painting the guitar today I started with the neck and that went very well, just how i wanted it Then full of confidence I started on the body front That didn't go so well I got some ripples I think it was a combination of too many passes in a coat and too much air pressure That meant the paint was a bit too deep and the air blew it up into ripples I will have to smooth that off now and have another go Wish me luck :mellow:
  20. Yes I would repeat that Rub the first coat down and resoak The black should be perfect after that and should buff to a dull shine if you want to
  21. Super job Theo The hinges look perfect Can't wait to see the completed cannon hatches
  22. I have done a bit more today Maybe not as much as I would have as the guitar paint arrived and I did a test on some wood I had already coated with the Ronseal that was on the guitar I put the marker lines on to see what cover there would be and as you can see there was very little That was 5 or 6 passes with the airbrush On the ship I have almost finished the lower part of the mainmast It's amazing how much less there is on it compared to the foremast Tomorrow I am going to start painting the neck on the guitar and also possibly the body front
  23. Noting like doing a bit of small work eh Adriaan Very nice work Where does the little bird go If that is indeed what it is
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