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    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to tlevine in HMS Atalanta 1775 by tlevine - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - from TFFM plans   
    It has been a while since my last postings.  Summer is always very busy and leaves little time for modeling.
    I built the forecastle hatch coamings and gratings.  These are made like the ones on the upper deck except the scantlings are all smaller.  When making hatch coamings, it it much easier to build the grating first and make the hatch fit the grating.  Needless to say I made two sets of hatches.  


    Before there was any more detail to knock loose, I decided to apply the horseshoes and dovetail plates.  These are from Greg's photoetch set.  They were cut off the sprue and their outline was drawn onto the hull.  Using an 11 blade, I make a light impression just inside the pencilled outline.  Then I cut away the inner area with a 3mm chisel.  The bolts are blackened brass wire.  I enlarged the holes in the plates to a 75 drill bit to accomodate the wire.  The plates were then epoxied to the hull.






    I will be applying minimal planking to the forecastle deck.  The waterway was made by taking a template of the outline of the bulwark and then cutting out a piece of costello to fit.  The rebate was hand cut.

  2. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from WackoWolf in HMS Kingfisher by rafine - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/48   
    Your Kingfisher is just beautyful. Can you post some bigger pictures? I would like to see a lot more details.
  3. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Mike Y in Beavers Prize 1777 by Mike Y - 1:48 - POF - Hahn style   
    My modelling progress is quite slow,  barely find few hours per week to work on it.
    Still installing various deck clamps:

    Using scrapers to make the final shaping of the clamps when they are already installed. Straight or curved, depending on a section:


    And a final polish with a straight xacto blade, it barely removes any material, but leaves a nice finish, better than sandpaper for such tight locations:

  4. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to EdT in Young America 1853 by EdT - FINISHED - extreme clipper   
    Young America - extreme clipper 1853
    Part 168 – Binnacle
    "Odds and ends" seems to be the order of the day for the past month or so.  Not the best prescription for a lazy, hot summer.  Too easy to procrastinate.   Big consuming tasks are better.    On these little projects it is first research, then the drawing, then the modeling and photos – one step at a time.  The binnacle is one such piece.  A small part, but to judge by the mess left in the shop, one would think it had been the entireTitanic.
    It started out as a cherry cylinder, turned to the ID of a brass tube from which two decorative rings were turned.  The next picture shows stage 1.

    The four-paned glazed top was next.  It too, was made from a section of the same tube with the glass mullions filed out on the end as shown in the next picture.

    The solid rod in the tube helps establish a constant depth and prevents the vise from squashing it.  The next larger size tube was used to make a ring to fit around the bottom of the top – shown below.

    Telescoping tube is very handy for making a variety of assemblies.  I try to keep a stock on hand.  The mullions were then bent to the center and the assembly silver soldered.  The parts at this stage are shown below.

    The cap was then sawed off the tube.  I did not want to leave the top without glass but making and fitting small panes like this is well beyond my ability, so I decided to make a small Plexiglas® prism to fit inside the brass top.  In the next picture a rod is being turned to the diameter of the wood cylinder.

    A four sided prism was filed at the end of this until it fit well in the brass top.  It was then polished using Micromesh® sticks, followed by buffing – shown below.

    The assembly was finally glued together using small droplets of thin CA.  The final piece is shown positioned on deck in the next picture.
    I guess the two rudder pendant chains will be next.

  5. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to giampieroricci in L'Amarante 1749 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - 1:30 - French Corvette   
    parasartie (I don't know their name in english, sorry!)









  6. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to giampieroricci in L'Amarante 1749 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - 1:30 - French Corvette   
    I gave a sealer coat of paint to the deck:









  7. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to cabrapente in le rochefort by cabrapente   
    hello giampieroricci.
    thank you for your comments.
    to make the barrels, I use wedge cut wood and held together with colablanca. mixed with bitumen, so that the connection between the boards is visible.
    a greeting. cabrapente

  8. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from mtaylor in WASHINGTON GALLEY by yamsterman - 1/48 scale - POF   
    Really nice progress, Mick
  9. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Omega1234 in WASHINGTON GALLEY by yamsterman - 1/48 scale - POF   
    Really nice progress, Mick
  10. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Canute in WASHINGTON GALLEY by yamsterman - 1/48 scale - POF   
    Really nice progress, Mick
  11. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to yamsterman in WASHINGTON GALLEY by yamsterman - 1/48 scale - POF   
    HI ALL

  12. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from CDW in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    Why do you apologize?
    The styrene kits are some times better than wooden kits. It's not the material, it#s the model builder who makes the model.
    I'll follow your log with great interest
  13. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    I have added small vents to where the AOTS references them, the rear compass stand, two aftermarket winches (instead of the blobs provided), the coaling booms, affixed the main mast..
    A big problem is that a LOT of the deck glue is going, requiring the application of glue to affix it properly. .
    I have now added all the hatch covers bar one which is going to be sanded right back and re done due to a fail on my behalf, plus I added the breakwaters. Photos of those later once I have done up the ships boats.
  14. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    The finalization of the fore mast. Went togeather with great fanfare until some idiot put the mast on backwards, the had to pull it apart and start again. Then the standing rigging.
    The i added all the back stays, 2 days work as the lines are sooo fine.
    The of course, that bloke Murphy caught up. The glue on the crows nest gave way. So, as the thing is fully rigged with elastic under tension, I had to hold it in the correct plane and then make sure the yards are parallel to the deck both laterally and horizontally with one hand and glue with the other.  Pain in the backside. 
    Then I thought i'd got away with it and the middle yard snapped it's brace to the mast. As above a pain in the butt but using a set of helping hands it was remedied. 
    Finally, the rigging of the mast is complete. It is not as strait as I'd like but I will add stays later.

  15. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    Man flu aside, I managed to get the main mast finished. I added tiny turnbuckles to allow the stays.
    Then just a matter of rigging it up and adding the coaling derricks which I rigged up as well. . I also added a small ladder up to the wireless telegraph yard.
    Then dry fit on the deck. I don't need to glue it down yet but it fits perfectly.
  16. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    Now, there are a LOT of ships boats. The kit provides some aftermarket and I've added a bit more just to be silly.
    The row boats need to be hollowed out and some grates and planks added,
    And finally the davits. The loop shown is supposed to be canvas strap which I'll remove and rig properly (to a point).
    I am in the process of painting these now.
  17. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    The large boats now added to the ship.
    And the breakwaters.
  18. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    The trickiest thing so far, the davits, with the canvas straps replaced, rigging attached and the smaller whalers.

  19. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Elijah in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350- PLASTIC   
    Really nice progress in the last month. I like the accuracy of your build
  20. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Thanks for the likes, the comments, and just looking in....
    Not a big update, but deck furniture (except for the mizzen mast step and the oven) are mostly done.  The main mast partner is coming out as I'm not happy looking at the picture.  Other than this partner, the oven and the mizzen step, everything else I salvaged from Version 1 for this build hit the scrapbox.   The main mast partner should be following.

  21. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to RedDawg in Triton Cross Section by RedDawg - 1:48   
    Its been awhile since I've posted anything on my Triton. But I've been a little busy on her this weekend. The exterior planking is complete now. And the gun ports are being framed. While framing the gun ports I found out why I should have built a framing jig. While looking at the framing without any planking they looked pretty good. But when I started it work on the ports I found that there was some leaning. It wasn't a hard problem to solve, filing and planking will work. I'm going to stain the lower framing a darker color than the upper framing. What does wipe on poly do compared to a minwax stain? I'm also finding that before I do a full scratch build I'll get myself a few more power tools. As I go along again I'm glad that I chose this over a Triton full build. The lower deck is under construction right now and will be fully planked over but the upper will be more open, so my skills will need to improve. Sometime this month I will also resume my subscription to my Sovereign. Looking forward to it. As y'all can see in my pictures I included one of my Constellation. It was started around fifteen years ago, but got heavely damaged and has sat all this time. Does any one know if a set of plans can be gotten for her? If not there are enough build logs to use. As I was telling my wife that the only problem with this forum is that I've gone from a couple of ideas for future builds to seeing many, many wants and desires. Whoa is me. Thanks guys and gals for all the amazing work that is shared. As I lay in bed waiting to fall asleep I scroll through different logs more than I read now. With all my heart felt gratitude till later, Mike.

  22. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to druxey in Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 by druxey - FINISHED - 1:48 scale   
    Post script: The book on this model and making other open boats, both clinker and carvel, is now on the press! Look for an announcement from SeaWatchBooks soon.
    Thank you again everyone, for your encouragement and support on this log.
  23. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Omega1234 in Papegojan 1627 by mati - FINISHED - 1/48   
    Nice to see another update from your build.
  24. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from PeteB in HMS Naiad 1797 by GDM67 - 1:60 - using Ed Tosti Books   
    Be careful with black paper. I've the exerience that the gluing is not stable. The problem is that paper has different layers and the wood glue will not go through all. I prefer black pulp, which I found in an hobby store. It has only one layer.
  25. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Naiad 1797 by GDM67 - 1:60 - using Ed Tosti Books   
    Welcome to MSW. I will follow your log with interest.
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