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    Matrim got a reaction from mtaylor in English and US ships compared 1817   
    This is true. Saying that some historians today still try to claim otherwise. No other nation with stronger ships had the same run of victories in single ship actions and that in itself is impressive.
    I don't subscribe to nationalistic reasons for victories in any war. Man for man all men are equal and it is training, leadership, equipment and logistics that tends to make the difference not 'a ship with 10 brits will easily beat one with 200 french' etc etc versions of history (replace with whatever war you fancy). It doesn't stop such assertions being made mainly to increase confidence and sometimes nationalistic fervour/pride. Therefore the system shock when it sometimes proves to be incorrect can be extreme. It is one reason why incorrect history can and has killed people and will probably continue to do so. 
  2. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from trippwj in English and US ships compared 1817   
    This is true. Saying that some historians today still try to claim otherwise. No other nation with stronger ships had the same run of victories in single ship actions and that in itself is impressive.
    I don't subscribe to nationalistic reasons for victories in any war. Man for man all men are equal and it is training, leadership, equipment and logistics that tends to make the difference not 'a ship with 10 brits will easily beat one with 200 french' etc etc versions of history (replace with whatever war you fancy). It doesn't stop such assertions being made mainly to increase confidence and sometimes nationalistic fervour/pride. Therefore the system shock when it sometimes proves to be incorrect can be extreme. It is one reason why incorrect history can and has killed people and will probably continue to do so. 
  3. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from bruce d in English and US ships compared 1817   
    This is true. Saying that some historians today still try to claim otherwise. No other nation with stronger ships had the same run of victories in single ship actions and that in itself is impressive.
    I don't subscribe to nationalistic reasons for victories in any war. Man for man all men are equal and it is training, leadership, equipment and logistics that tends to make the difference not 'a ship with 10 brits will easily beat one with 200 french' etc etc versions of history (replace with whatever war you fancy). It doesn't stop such assertions being made mainly to increase confidence and sometimes nationalistic fervour/pride. Therefore the system shock when it sometimes proves to be incorrect can be extreme. It is one reason why incorrect history can and has killed people and will probably continue to do so. 
  4. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from druxey in English and US ships compared 1817   
    This is true. Saying that some historians today still try to claim otherwise. No other nation with stronger ships had the same run of victories in single ship actions and that in itself is impressive.
    I don't subscribe to nationalistic reasons for victories in any war. Man for man all men are equal and it is training, leadership, equipment and logistics that tends to make the difference not 'a ship with 10 brits will easily beat one with 200 french' etc etc versions of history (replace with whatever war you fancy). It doesn't stop such assertions being made mainly to increase confidence and sometimes nationalistic fervour/pride. Therefore the system shock when it sometimes proves to be incorrect can be extreme. It is one reason why incorrect history can and has killed people and will probably continue to do so. 
  5. Like
    Matrim reacted to cafmodel in HMS FLY by cafmodel - 1/48   
    I was shocked when I saw this set of drawings for the first time. He was so gorgeous and had so many beautiful paintings. I watched for a long time and slowly appreciated them, trying to understand the craftsman's state from my current perspective
    The ribs of British wooden sailboat are very complex. When making HMS enterprise, the ribs are simplified. There are two advantages: 1. The difficulty of making is reduced, the production is convenient, 2. The cost is reduced
    But for HMS fly, I want to show its original structure as much as I can, which is a big challenge for me, but I like to challenge

    Here's the scale, which can be adjusted to any scale

  6. Like
    Matrim reacted to cafmodel in HMS FLY by cafmodel - 1/48   
    This book is free and very detailed

  7. Like
    Matrim reacted to cafmodel in HMS FLY by cafmodel - 1/48   
    There is a little difference between the original design drawing in 1775 and the completed drawing in 1778

  8. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from Canute in The Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Age - Senior Service   
    lol, nice to see other people had the same reaction. Interesting that it appears to be his 'thing' to write in this way..
  9. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from Canute in The Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Age - Senior Service   
    On the first question there is no tie in between the characters used to tell the story.
    On the second it is not supposed to be historical fiction. It's trying to provide historical information with a fictional interpreter providing 'color'. It is certainly different to any of the standard approaches ever seen. I doubt you could quote it directly as it is never quite obvious which is which though he does give extensive foot notes so these could be used to track down the original if anyone ever wanted to re-use.
    As a note of extra caution it uses secondary authors in the main text more than you would expect and direct quotes from secondary authors as opposed to referencing their arguments. In some cases (lists from James) it makes some sense (though I would prefer the list to appear and James to be footnoted) whereas in others the quote is direct. That is only because I prefer history to be the historians view and not regurgitated opinions from others (no matter how 'decent' the other is). Footnotes are Historians friends..
    As an aside when I was finding that quote from Rodgers concerning the war of 1812 I also checked Latimer as I remembered one or both of them making an argument of that nature. I found it in both but was surprised that the words used were almost identical. Since Rodgers wrote three years earlier and Latimer references the relevant work in his bibliography I just used Rodgers but did wonder if Latimer realised he was essentially re-using Rodgers comment (without reference). Perhaps he agreed so deeply it was a co-incidence but it looks like the same re-written with slightly different words. Just a curiosity. Perhaps I missed the acknowledgement..
  10. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from Canute in The Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Age - Senior Service   
    The Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Age - Senior Service
    Mark Jessop
    Pen and Sword Bopoks 2019
    180 pages, hardback,
    U.S $39.95 UK £19.99
    Order:  https://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Royal-Navy-in-the-Napoleonic-Age-Hardback/p/16787

    This is an unusual book. The best analogy I can make is that it is like Horrible Histories mainly focusing on the British Navy during the Napoleonic period but without the comedy. If follows the relatively new concept of utilising fictional stories to 'enhance' the history but in this case taking up the entire book coupled with large information dumps. So you get an awful lot of ,'
    "hey up mate hows it going.", I said as I looked at the papers describing the Nile [big description of the Nile], when finished I told him so but he told me he knew a carpenter who knows a thing about oars and said [big info dump on oars]. I looked over the bay and meditated on this until a frigate appeared which reminded me about an article about Nelson [info dump about Nelson]
    For the entire book. To a certain degree it works and the information covered is rarely repetitive and in some cases struck some unexpected new ground (which is nice in a historical area I know a reasonable amount about) . I should also note that the author is a much better fictional writer than me so his actual examples are not as bad as my pretend example above.
    Here is an actual example from the book

    The book is more intended for a lay reader who does not have a lot of historical knowledge and wants bite sized chunks of easily digestible information. Alternately someone who is not a fan of pure history (and pure history can be extremely dry). Therefore I strongly doubt I am the intended audience also as a historian by training I dislike fiction in history intensely. 

    Simply put to me without evidence it has no place in a history. The potential problems get worse because in fiction the person 'thinking' does not have to know the full picture and that is dangerous. It allows people to potentially lie and hide information in an attempt to almost re-write history as they can ignore normal historical evidence restrictions because the fictional character does not have to understand balance, reliability or truth allowing non-historical spins to be be placed on something that might be used as history. Now there is little evidence of that here though the author does spend an inordinate amount of time (in a book about the Royal Navy, two chapters out of nine) describing  US Navy victories and how the US was fighting against the press and strangely neglects to mention the Shannon, or of the actions when the Royal Navy fought successfully back (beyond a single paragraph listing some of the ships captured) or even the fact that the US primary war aim was the land conquest of Canada. Now the fictional characters reporting probably would not know (or perhaps would not care but would care about single ship losses which is another example of my main issue with fiction in history). He has read Mahan, Roosevelt and James so is presumably well aware of the various counter arguments.
    Personally I tend to follow N.A.M Rodgers view of the single ship actions,  'in the case of 18-pounder frigates in action with 24 pounder ships the disparity of force is a sufficient explanation' and perhaps more interestingly ,'Contemporaries, however, and to a surprising degree subsequent historians, have tended to interpret these actions in moral rather than technical terms, as indicators of national virtue or decline, which is to load them with far more significance than they can possibly bear' [p567 and 568 The Command of the Ocean N.A.M.Rodger]. 
    So 'War of 1812' digression aside if you enjoy fiction to as a way of making History more easy to understand then this is an interesting book that covers several areas of that Navy that are not usually covered in a frankly  innovative way.
  11. Like
    Matrim reacted to James H in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    Hi Tom,
    Very much looking forward to seeing your products here on MSW. We're a seriously large portal for the hobby, so it will be good to get CAFModel really well-known. 
  12. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from mtaylor in Auto language translation   
    Questo è un sito inglese e i post dovrebbero essere in inglese e non si traducono automaticamente.
    I traduttori online sono ragionevoli ora, quindi puoi usarne uno.
    and in english
    Original post 

    and reply
    This is an english site and posts are expected to be in English and it does not automatically translate.
    Online translators are reasonable now so you could use one of those.
  13. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from Elijah in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    This is wonderful to see happen and the parties involved (Chuck/CAF/Kerry and Ancre) all deserve credit for working together to resolve this. It's nice as well as CAF is one of the best quality producers in China so getting new kits will help the hobby.
  14. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from Mark P in Auto language translation   
    Questo è un sito inglese e i post dovrebbero essere in inglese e non si traducono automaticamente.
    I traduttori online sono ragionevoli ora, quindi puoi usarne uno.
    and in english
    Original post 

    and reply
    This is an english site and posts are expected to be in English and it does not automatically translate.
    Online translators are reasonable now so you could use one of those.
  15. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from ccoyle in Auto language translation   
    Questo è un sito inglese e i post dovrebbero essere in inglese e non si traducono automaticamente.
    I traduttori online sono ragionevoli ora, quindi puoi usarne uno.
    and in english
    Original post 

    and reply
    This is an english site and posts are expected to be in English and it does not automatically translate.
    Online translators are reasonable now so you could use one of those.
  16. Like
    Matrim reacted to Chuck in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    I just had a conversation with Tom and Ancre.  I have been made aware that this arrangement is not yet finalized.  But I am very optimistic that it will be in a very short time.  So please be patient.   There will be an announcement when everything is all wrapped up!!!     I think a bit of this got lost in translation.   
  17. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from mtaylor in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    This is wonderful to see happen and the parties involved (Chuck/CAF/Kerry and Ancre) all deserve credit for working together to resolve this. It's nice as well as CAF is one of the best quality producers in China so getting new kits will help the hobby.
  18. Like
    Matrim reacted to James H in 1:200 Bismarck - coming soon!   
    Hi all,
    Early next year, Amati will release their new 1:200 Bismarck kit. This one will be a beast! 
    Here's some info on this forthcoming kit:
    Length 127 cm Height 29 cm Width 18 cm Hull: plank on frame (also ready to accommodate RC Control) Laser etched wooden decks Anton Bruno Cesar and Dora turrets made in plywood and covered with photoetched brass. Metal gun barrels. Options for three style of camouflage, dependent on career stage. Wooden base for etched plate Decals for Sound Locator System.  
    The Bismarck will be unveiled at the Nuremberg Toy Fair between 29th January - 2nd February 2020, by Krick, Amati's German distributor.
    Here's a few photos. I'll add more over the next weeks  

  19. Like
    Matrim got a reaction from JpR62 in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    This is wonderful to see happen and the parties involved (Chuck/CAF/Kerry and Ancre) all deserve credit for working together to resolve this. It's nice as well as CAF is one of the best quality producers in China so getting new kits will help the hobby.
  20. Like
    Matrim reacted to AnobiumPunctatum in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    Welcome to MSW, Tom. I hope you will show your development of your Fly and Coureur also here on MSW.
    Thanks to Chuck and the whole team behind the scene for solving the copyricght-issues.
    do you have some issues with your website? If I click n the pictures I can reach some models but not by your menu. What is the current standing of your Bellona kit. I couldn't see any information about.
  21. Like
    Matrim reacted to kurtvd19 in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    Welcome to MSW Tom.  We welcome you and your company.
    Note from Admin:  CAF now meets all criteria as a legitimate MFG of ship model kits.   They have stopped producing all kits based on source material they did not have the rights to use, mainly from Ancre.   The kits currently available on their website including the Enterprise, are perfectly fine and original works not taken without consent from other authors, designers and mfg's.
    We are currently helping Tom at CAF to acquire the proper rights through an agreement with Ancre to make any Ancre kits legally allowable.  Until such time all CAF /Ancre inspired kits are not allowed on MSW.  But we are hopeful they soon will be.  CAF has stopped mfg them and selling these Ancre related kits voluntarily after admitting he copied the material from Ancre without consent.   Negotiations are currently underway to rectify that situation.  We will make an announcement as soon as they reach an agreement.  Yes there is some leftover stock of these Ancre CAF kits available through distributors which you can buy but they are still prohibited from being built within a build log here on MSW until the agreement is finalized.
  22. Like
    Matrim reacted to James H in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    @cafmodel Great to see you here on MSW, and getting the credit you now so deserve with your kits. 
    So pleased that you worked a resolution with Ancre too. 
    A BIG welcome to MSW!

  23. Like
    Matrim reacted to dvm27 in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    Welcome aboard Tom. I just placed an order for your finger planes. Great carvings as well!
  24. Like
    Matrim reacted to Chuck in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    Welcome to MSW Tom....
    Yes indeed this is true...I am very excited to say.  😁
    Over the last few weeks I have worked with Tom at CAF to introduce him to Didier Berti of Ancre.  It was my hope that if these two could discuss the issues at hand that some sort of agreement could be reached.   It has been and I am thrilled to announce that they have formed an agreement which takes both past sales of Ancre related kits and future sales into consideration.   I would also like to thank Kerry Jang who was instrumental in this process.   

    With this licensing agreement between Ancre almost finalized, I can announce officially the lifting of the ban we placed on all CAF kits.  I also welcome Tom and CAF models to MSW where I expect he will become a cherished member and hopefully sponsor.   So if you intend on building any CAF kit please do start a build log and ask Tom for assistance.   
    Here is a link to the CAF website....https://www.cafmodel.com/
    This should make it perfectly clear that our main focus at MSW and the NRG was indeed the act of pirating kits and the theft of intellectual property.  It was not a vendetta against any individual or country.  

    We have removed all reference to CAF being banned on MSW....Everyone should enjoy building CAF kits and I insist that you start a build log when you get started!!!
    Everyone....Please join me in welcoming Tom from CAF models!!!!
  25. Like
    Matrim reacted to cafmodel in Hello All from Tom at CAF model   
    Hello all,  I'm Tom from Shanghai, China. My English is not very good. I use Google translation software to communicate   I am very grateful to MSW, the communication platform, for letting me see a lot of excellent works, for letting me see a lot of production experience, and for letting me learn and progress from it   Now I have a small studio cafmodel. We mainly develop the kit of the model,   Previously, La salamander, Le Requn, La Belle, La renommee, La jacinthe, HMS enterprise, HMS Bellona have been developed   At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to the copyright, but now I gradually understand that my product has the problem of infringement, and I think I should make changes   I make a statement   CAF models has recently been contacted by Chuck Passaro of the Nautical Research Guild. I am very thankful for his guidance. Chuck has worked with me to address my use of Ancre plans for my kits that all of you are familiar with. He has made it possible for me to meet Mr.Berti of Ancre so we can discuss rectifying the situation. He introduced me to Mr Berti. I apologize to Ancre for copying their plans without permission or compensation and through this introduction I have now come to an agreement with Ancre which now enables me to sell my kits with a legitimate relationship between us. I appreciate the time and professional relationship I now have with Chuck, Didier Berti and the NR G. Chuck has informed me that CAF models and my kits will now be welcomed on Model Ship World and I am very grateful for this. Thank you   I hope to get the understanding of Ancre publishing house that I will stop selling all infringing products before obtaining production authorization   Tom
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