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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Have you taken your calipers into a place like Home Depot or Hobby Lobby lately. The last 1/4" plywood I bought from Home Depot was actually 5.2 mm.. It was stamped right on the sheet, even though the label said " 1/4 inch " .. Wouldn't surprise me if their dowels are not true standard. That said, Amazon has metric dowels like this assortment of sizes 3 - 10mm..
  2. Wouldn't the planking follow the lay of the wales, thus the sheer of the ship? The sheer of the ship appears to be defined defined differently than what might be considered the sheer of any particular deck.
  3. That doesn't sound right Allan, but I could be wrong. I'm not seeing the planking on the images you provided. I my observation is that the wales and the planks in general, follow the sheer. Here is a planking expansion and the planking appears to follow the sheer
  4. There was no mention of a kit or kit supplied sails. The technique in the link I provided uses SilkSpan.
  5. Here is a nice topic that talks about making sails. No reason it shouldn't work well for any sail making project.
  6. @schooner While that sounds like a great idea, I would hold off with any glue until you are sure the line in question will not need to be adjusted any further.
  7. Here is a nice example of coil making from Glenn Barlow Make sure you click on the arrow in the upper right corner.
  8. I like the pedestals you are leaning toward.. They are different while not being too radical.
  9. Do you think you could get a picture with your hand showing close to, or touching the boat? It would be great to get a better sense of perspective.
  10. @modeller_masa Looks like you are going to way too much trouble for me at this stage in life, but I defer to your expertise. Your methods produce some interesting results. I'll try to present some examples from my fairly low-end Panasonic DC-FZ80K.
  11. Glenn, there seems to be two sets of approach going on here. BrochBoating is referring to cameras that have a post editing feature built into the camera, where you get a stacked image saved in the camera. In my Panasonic it takes 40 images ( a video actually ) in one second, while advancing the focus from near to far. It then compiles them into a single image. The results are so-so in my opinion, but I may not be utilizing the feature to it's greatest advantage. I'm not sure what modeller_masa is on about. I think he is moving the subject and or the camera. That said, knowing your photography expertise, and having seen your work, I'm sure you are using a method that produces superior results.
  12. Some (?) Panasonic cameras have this feature also, and the merging takes place in the camera. Chances are, a higher end camera and post processing could result in a better result, but I have found it works pretty good at my level of expertise.
  13. Maybe this will help. A snip from the NMM lines. I think it is close to the drawings in the MS Plans P.S. I'm measuring about 5degrees at the waterline and 10 at the quarter deck which I think would be easier to set with a template on the quarter deck.
  14. I can give you the angle from the NMM lines, but it will be later today.
  15. Just saw at ModelExpo the price is $1,199. They are offering some other discounts that amount to free shipping for a total in my cart of $1,148. I still would not be interested at any price, but that might soften the blow for anyone who is interested.
  16. I don't think that gap would exist on this type of ship. It would be similar to something like this on the Winchelsea. You might also look at how the rails are laid out on Winchelsea. Don't try to duplicate it. Just follow the general layout. There are a lot of different views in Chuck's Winchelsea log.
  17. Does Fusion 360 do all the toolpath plotting that those other programs do? I'll have to dig into it if it does.. No sense in having two tools for the same job..
  18. Here's a nice demo with Vcarve
  19. FWIW I found a contemporary model in the Gallery that shows shrouds in pairs: There are several other models but I couldn't really tell. I can't tell on the Cheerful model, but Chuck chose to go with pairs, and I think he saw the model in person. Petersson. shows pairs. I trust Goodwin had good reason to go with single. P.S. Sails The cutter models I have seen with full sails looked somewhat clunky to me, and really detracted from the over-all look. In your case, I think they would really detract from all of your fine work.
  20. Great info Allan What I find interesting is that the article says it is thousands of feet deep, yet in the picture we see a scuba diver and substantial ambient lighting. Obviously not a picture of the wreck. Of course the video depicts a very different environment. Why can't the media do better than that.
  21. Dangerous? Any good saw is dangerous. How well does it work?
  22. Just to add a little to the discussion. Here is a video that shows what a program like Meshcam could add to the CNC workflow, even with the lower end desktop machines. At $250 for the standard version, it's probably less than you would spend on decent carving bits.
  23. How has it performed under load? What kind of load?
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