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Everything posted by shipman

  1. The stanchion type a I mentioned are available here https://www.hobbies.co.uk/caldercraft-2-hole-brass-stanchions?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaignid=6727975578&utm_campaign=Shopping-Research_Campaign&utm_term=&adid=388174523725&addisttype=gpla&matchtype=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjbPogriF9wIVEJftCh3-cAILEAQYBCABEgK4nfD_BwE Aero-naut 9mm Stanchions here https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/Aeronaut-5602-09-Stanchion-Brass-Two-Hole-9mm-AN5602_09.html
  2. Like the look of Asama, I assume that's the builders model; Valeiry would you let us know where you found it, please. Don't tell me that's another of your own models 😄
  3. Varyag certainly got around. Imperial Russian Navy, Imperial Japanese Navy then Royal Navy who managed to 'lose' her off the coast of Scotland. Wasn't she finally scrapped in Germany?
  4. If you find Brumas fine build of this kit I introduced him to these stanchions (below). My source for these is no longer available but I do believe His-Models sell them. I don't think there are better ones available unless you make them yourself.
  5. I completely understand your choice of deck, the plastic one isn't the best, especially because it is divided into several sections. My earlier comment was a simple observation: there are plenty of photos of the ship online which illustrate the deck before and after renovation, for anyone to make their own conclusions. I'm a big fan of what can be achieved using the Revel kit and admire how you are overcoming the difficulties. Several modellers have recently given us the admirable fruits of their labour on this forum; yours clearly demonstrates yet again what can be achieved; your own unique and admirable interpretation lifts the bar once again. Looking forward to your future posts.
  6. Valeriy, my question was intended to find out if your work was appreciated in your part of the world. NOT stir the hornets nest of politics. My first line ... ('Without wishing to get involved with politics, I hope my next question won't be misinterpretated.') ... was an honest statement. Please accept my apologies, my motives clearly not understood. I continue to be among the folk here who admire your excellent interpretive modelling skills and do grasp how unpleasant and difficult your circumstances must be. Your modesty is a lesson for people of all walks of life. May you have a long and happy life.
  7. Without wishing to get involved with politics, I hope my next question won't be misinterpretated. As this is a Russian ship and knowing how enthusiastic the modelling fraternity is in Eastern Urope and western Asia, what 'local' feedback your model has has generated, Valeriy? Like many others here, I wish you and yours well.
  8. I would imagine Valeriy's outsource options may be a bit limited temporarily. I think he previously mentioned he does his own plating at home.
  9. Coming along nicely. Right decision to remove those wedges, looking forward to seeing your solution for the bulwark supports. The His-Model deck looks impressive and covers a multitude of sins, though the deck fastenings and plank stepping bares no relation to the real deck before or after restoration. In fact one has to look hard to see the plank buts and fastenings at all on the actual ship. I must say your treatment of the deck houses is remarkable; you'd never guess they are the parts included in the kit. Keenly looking forward to future instalments.
  10. A superb model. The best 1:48 Alert I've seen. Congratulations.
  11. Your use of cotton is a good idea, Simon. You're not as daft as I look 🤓
  12. Fool that I am. I gave Inspektor Google' a short commission; he confirms your assurance on the spotlight details. I must say your model makes the 1:62 builders model (St Petersburg) look like a toy 😉
  13. Ah, the dubious delight of 'Rabbit Glue'. When I was at art school (50 years ago) a pot of the stuff was always brewing somewhere. I can still smell the stink!
  14. Valeriy, will you be reproducing the combat shutters on the front of your spotlights as shown in Joachim's #740 post? I read that German spotlights at Jutland were far more efficient; the shutters could be opened and closed instantly. The British used a kind if iris similar to that fitted to a camera lens.
  15. Gary, I did include this rider.. 'I do accept pleasure derived is worthwhile....' which I'd hope covered your and others point of view. My comments weren't made to offend anyone who doesn't share my views, but simply to illustrate what to me is a blindingly obvious waste of effort. If a gun is there and the interior is visible through even the smallest of aperture, then the work is justified. I do happily concede that each and everyone has the right to build their models in any way they see fit and wouldn't want it to be otherwise. Honest endeavour is the root of the pleasure we all derive from our hobbies. Happy modelling to everyone.
  16. Hi there Gary. This is something that baffles me with any kind of modelling. I will never understand the dubious idea that considerable work on what will be entirely invisible details has any merit whatsoever. I do accept pleasure derived is worthwhile....but then to hide it with the thought that you know it's there? A much more efficient and logical approach surely is to make use of that much neglected but most valuable of tools....imagination. Life is short enough as it is.
  17. Hi Kevin. What sort of wire were you using? Copper is very soft, but if you put a decent length, one end in in a vice and give a firm tug on the other end using pliers you will feel it stretch. Not only will that give a straight piece of wire, it will also be 'harder'. Give it a try.
  18. You and your model are the nearest I'll ever get to having a friend in Ukraine. So in a way, to me at least, you epitomise all that is good and worthwhile about your country. I look forward to more build instalments, like a child looks forward to a bed time story.
  19. On the subject of paper quality/durability......way back in my art school days one alternative was something called 'Bank Paper'. As the name suggests, it's the stuff bank notes are/were printed on, which is of the 'rag' paper variety. It could be bought in various weights, some being tissue thin. A decent art supplier should be able to help.
  20. I'm an advocate of aluminium foil. Your project is an ideal subject. I don't care what anyone says about painting silver; it will never look real. Foil will. May I suggest you invest some time on youtube. You know it makes sense.
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