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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. The five shrouds on the main portside went well. Hanging the deadeyes from a clamp I was able to add the 3 seizing threads to each deadeyes. They look pretty good. It didn't take long at all. I can rig deadeyes in my sleep now lol. When I first started I had to follow the picture , making sure I was in the right place. Now zip zip zip.On to the starboard side . Tomorrow because , Canada’s second favorite game starts soon so done for the day. 14 left then some paint changes , stays then crowsfeet lines. Might even throw a few ratlines on lol. I am pacing back and forth with anticipation lol. Word is , Private First Class Gnomer Pile is on his way home , He called from Paris said he lost Goober in Paris , but he will tell me all about it when he get back. The horse barge has been turned 😳 the Bowsprit mast still intact lol. My rigging on this ship is going really well , I learnt alot from rigging the Duchess of Kingston, fantastic instructors and all the help in the world, thanks @chris watton and Vanguard Models. There is a whole lot of seizing and serving of lines to do, and lots more to figure out, but it is full speed ahead. See you soon. Thanks for looking in and for all the help and support I get here. Knocklouder.
  2. Keith thanks so much for the needle threader tip I bought 20 gave 5 to the first Mate and they came in handy indeed today. Eazy peasy thanks. Flat weathered black, but not to weathered but it's Your boat lol. It is looking really great waiting for updates lol. Nice work. Bob M.
  3. Just awesome work, beautiful. I have this booked marked as well, when ever I can get back to it. Lol. Thank you for posting this log , it has and will be very instrumental in finishing my Pegasus. Thanks so much, Bob M.
  4. Thank you very much everyone for their thoughts and prayers, much appreciated thanks. Life moves on, we lose friends and we gain friends. I met a fellow builder on line and he sent me some information on the Astrolabe from Paris, fantastic stuff, color scheme, rigging information, I see 12 blocks missing from one plan to the other. At least I can move forward with what I am going to do. The spider web starts.Jigs have been made. All the lower shrouds are attached to the masts, I like the way the look, best I have ever done so far. One is done looks good. Then five were done. They are just snug and even lose , I am going to install all of them on the portside the turn it around. I have a swivel TV stand that I will be putting it on when it time to tighten both sides at the same time. Lol I got a plan. The main and mizzen mast are ready to be tied as well. They should go pretty good, once done I will be into some serious serving and seizing it looks fun lol. Lots of stuff to do, so many things to figure out, but haven the time of my life. Thanks . Bob M.
  5. All flags will be lowered to half mast today. My friend Rodney has passed away 😢. It is a blessing, he was suffering from bone cancer. So now he can look from above as I finish his model for him. Taking some time off building. Take care my friends I will see you soon. Bob M.
  6. @Glen McGuire the niece says we should send some Gorilla Glue to glue you so glue them back on like we did. Lol. And thanks for the pictures of the longhorns., we will make one look like yours. We managed to get the base painted and got ready for the glue and paper to make the river. I forgot to take some pictures of the process. We painted the base the next day we put the glue and paper on . This Friday night we painted the water and on Saturday we put the layer of glue and some dark blue paint and she was not to sure when we had to quit for the night to let it dry. It was really white and you could not see the blue. This is her this morning, Uncle Bob we made water . We took it down to the ship yard and had to see what it looks like. I have to make a sailors hat and a beard for her, I am not allowed to show her face on the internet her mom won't allow it. So we are bound by a court order lol. She is getting really excited about makeing the Farris wheel and painting the longhorns. She made me promise that I wouldn't start the ferris wheel with out her. Pinky promise on top of that.. So back to the Astrolabe tomorrow, serving lines ohh my. Thanks for looking at our river and boat lol. See you soon from: Uncle Bob Scar Donkey 🫏
  7. @Fritzlindsay I am a newbie and never have I seen a ship with two wheels. This is my first, so I was just wondering not questioning . No insult intended. Bob M.
  8. Good luck on your journey. Bob M.
  9. Progress on the platforms today. I decided on the colors for the lower mast and platforms. The yards will be refinished with a stain and finish coat. First coat of paint on the platforms, the holes are drilled and ready for clear coat. I am making the crowsfeet lines the same way as I did for the Duchess of Kingston. @Keith Black will point out what's missing in this pucture? Hint, under the table. Lol. The mass look like thier ready to install. But Rodney says please put the nose guard on please . Lol. The niece is spending the weekend so it's all stop on the Astrolabe lol and full steam ahead on the Mississippi diorama. River making time . I have to let things dry really good anyway. Back at'er Monday. Thanks for looking in. Bob M. .
  10. Good luck on your journey with this build, she is a Beautiful ship. Bob M
  11. Welcome to the crew!!! Best place to be, Bob M.
  12. I have this log book marked and most definitely going to learn some great stuff. I am off to make a belaying needle, thanks for taking the time to post this log I know it will help make my models look way better. Thank you. 😊 Knocklouder.
  13. Work on the platforms will start tomorrow, some last minute part changes are needed, and I am missing some parts for the crowsfeet lines that I will have to make some how 🤔. At this point I looked at some of the yard work. This will take a bit of time to figure out, plus I have to decide which colors are going to be used, or just stain and finish 🤔 another we will see moment. After figuring out what we need to go forward I am at the point where I have to wait tillI have all the requested information before proceeding. I can set the lower masts, run the shrouds, lower stays, crowsfeet line and the lower ratlines. Then I need more rigging information, but by the time I get all this done I will have my information. I am not sure how Rodney wanted this to look like, tha masts are white and the yards have a natural finish on some are bare wood on others. So my decision is to make them look the same. Lots of time for that decision. One decision about this ship is make a stand or a diorama, I am leaning toward a diorama. Because fellow member @François de Saint Nazaire He has lead.me to these pictures of the Astrolabe surrounded by Penguins 🐧. Thank you so much... merci beaucoup. The wheels are rolling but it only seems right that it be stuck in the snow. Lol 😆 🤣 Serving lines and making blocks and seizing the deadeyes will keep me busy for months, by that time I should have figured out the color scheme for the Astrolabe and all my research material will be here. Months of rigging and tunes a head , and RATLINES are not far off, I am in my glory. Thanks for looking . You have to be able to see what it looks like, right now I am the only one who can see it lol but it is beautiful, your going to love it lol. Knocklouder
  14. Can you belive this. Scientific name: Pygoscelis adeliae Adélie penguins were discovered in 1840 by scientists on the French Antarctic expedition led by explorer Jules Dumont d’Urville. D’Urville named Adélie Land, in southern Antarctica, after his wife, Adéle. Scientists Jacques Hombron and Charles Jacquinot also attributed this name to the species. @Glen McGuire PENGUINS. Adelie Penguins 🐧. Below is the Captain of the Astrolabe , Jules Dumont d’Urville or Captain Jim, ship inspector, as I call him . Jim may not be his real name lol. Made by my coffee loving freind @Gabek , who is not taking any orders until he is finished my Viking rowers in the late fall of next year lol. He does fantastic work and has done work for prestigious modeling companies all over the world. Best part is , he likes me lol. Ohhh the fun is never going to stop on this build. The cannons went well , but it's never a good sign if you have left over parts. Lol. I am leaving them loose because not sure of shroud placement , the masts need work but line up great. The platforms needs to be drilled for the crowfeet lines, but I have all of the info for that in Rodney's notes. So I should be good to go , plus after making them for the Duchess of Kingston I will be good. Plus I keep @Glenn-UK on speed dial lol. With the cannons installed its time to start working on the lower masts . My buddy @Keith Black has given me a great log to follow, the rigging is incredible, I should be able to learn lots, thanks buddy. I am going to go paint up Captain Jim, and go get a couple of figures with shovels lol. I think we will need it with all the horses, longhorns and Penguins that will be boarding the ship soon. Clean up on aisle 3 lol. I can't believe how much fun this is turning out to be. Must be because of all the shipmates that are helping me on this one. Thank you all for watching me have the time of my life. Bob M. PS special thanks @Gabek @Keith Black
  15. Good luck on your journey with this build, pulling up a chair as they say here. There may be only a few logs for this, but there is a ton of help here on MSW . Bob M.
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