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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Just my thoughts, I would like to have my own little stove rather than stand over a grate of smoke and fumes from below, but back then lung safety was not an issue lol. Knocklouder.
  2. Hello, on the newer kit for this boat the rooms line up on the older kits they don't I clamped my rooms down as best I could. There is so much that go's on the boat those little Cracks won't be seen. But if your putting light you don't want the lights coming out everywhere, so you may want to chauk that. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any help I will try to help, at the very least I know who to ask about this, the 11 finished log for the King of the Mississippi, in our database of which mine has not been marked finished come to think of it , its not there yet lol.. , it's a fun kit to put together I enjoyed , like I said if I can help I will. Bob M. Knocklouder
  3. Nicely done Sir, I usually wait 20 to 30 minutes to enjoy the build, then start a new log lol. What do you have planed next? Congratulations . Bob M.
  4. Glen she looking beautiful. More horses?, those are fun to do. I noticiced no crowsfeet lines, or did I miss that part. Man it's going to be hard to let this one go, Just a fabulous fix . Bob M.
  5. @Keith Black I am sure there is more horse power under that hull than in my Astrolabe hull. Got the chanis done, on to the cannons and masts. I can smell ratlines. Oohh be still my beating heath.. Now just gave to nail them on. Thouch them up and done . On to the cannons and masts, Research is going great thanks I am anxious to start rigging. Lol I don't know if it's insanity or my desire to learn how to rig this ship for Rodney ether way I am greatful for all the help I get here. I am slowly getting better on my computer, but it still doesn't understand me. After all this time , lol. Ok, on to the cannons and masts. Knocklouder.
  6. Great job Kieth, I can't tell from the picture, does the pitman on the paddle wheel go through the deck. Mine does and it's broken, but I have crew figures that look like they are replacing it. Lol I had to build a little scaffolding so they don't fall in the Mississippi. Great work my freind always surprisesing what you can do !!! Bob M.
  7. @archjofo, thank you. I looked at the German link, 325 pages! Wow! I'll be busy. Then I looked at your logs again that my friend @Keith Black recommended me to look at. All I can say is . Thanks so much Keith, I am indebted to you, as well as the MSW/NRG. I must warn you though, I build models for the joy the hobby brings to me. 65 years ago I was forced to stop modeling. About 4 years ago, I started again. I have a hard time spelling, and the love of my life, the First Mate, just hates when I say how do you spell this word. So following instructions is not my strong suit. And I have a knack for getting in trouble, lol. Your logs will go a long way to bringing me years of enjoyment. Thanks for posting this. And Keith my friend, write something for me so I can send it to you so we can always "stays" friends. So the pictures coming from Texas and from France have been sent. And with help from Scotland and other UK member the fun continues. 😀 The chain plates on the portside went ok. The chains for the starboard side are hung. Following the plans is of no help as all the holes have been moved to avoid friendly fire from their own cannons. As it is, I have one extra hole on one of the channels. lol. I will just try to make them look good, then move on to the cannons. Authenticity: I lost half of you long ago , now that I have painted the hull, 75% more have left. 😀 Another 15% left because I am just to insane for them, lol leaving 10% to enjoy the ride on this one. 😀 I will get bucked off a few times, but I will get back in the saddle. I would even ride this barge bare back if I had to. I am not sure how Rodney was trying to build this, but he seems to have done lots of work then changed everything 🤔. I can't figure it out, but like I say I build for the fun the hobby brings and I am sure having fun. Ok going to rig some cannons. 😆 Knocklouder
  8. Thanks @archjofo, I can't read very well and don't really know if the Astrolabe is a French Corvette, but my good friend @Keith Black has got me to book mark your log. Fantastic work I am sure to learn lots. I have only peeked at your logs, one thing I did find was the French just tied the yards on , no little parallels, yahoo Bob M.
  9. Nice work, you may have to soak the plankes in water for a longer period of time, but they should bend, good luck. Bob M.
  10. After an over night drying, I compared the Astrolabe hull to my Pegasus hull. The Astrolabe is lighter, but when viewed separately they look wonderful. I.think The stand got repainted black and today I put it on the stand. It looks really good at normal veiwing distance. So with that ,it is back on the bench with a nose gaurd for the Bowsprit mast, I seem to break them off easily 😳. so now that the nose guard is in place, it is time to get back to that little dish in front of nose guard, it is full of deadeyes and chains. . I am happy with the results of the copper, it'll do. Y'all take care now. 😎. .Bob M.
  11. Just to let you know it's-34 with the wind chill 🥶. Enjoy the sun. Lol. I almost got to my Bluenose but this little Astrolabe got in my way lol. Next build for sure lol. Just love your work my friend, very nice details. Bob M.
  12. Welcome aboard. Vanguard Models are really fun to build Lots of help here at MSW/NRG , Look at the logs for the Sherbourne, there is loads of information on it. Good luck on your journey. !!! Bob M.
  13. I could not look at the copper any more the way it looked. They put something on to cover it up. I used Brasso to clean it off. Once that was done the hull was spotted, lots of open seems that were green , Dang I am going to have to paint it. So I ca all the lose plates then brushed on a coat of Testor copper paint. Well I have to touch up the white latter but over all I like it. So while the paint drys over night it's back on the chain gang. lol. 😆. Thanks for the likes , and all your help. Knocklouder.
  14. Good luck on your journey with this kit. It looks like it is full of blocks and deadeyes, and all the rest of the trinkets.Two ships wheels? I enjoyed your last build, pulling up a chair a will follow along. Best of luck. Knocklouder
  15. Look at all those numbers wow, I could never do that. Great work it looks like it supposed to.
  16. Today I have decided to clean the copper. I needed to blackin some more chain, @Gabek requmended Photo-etch AK and it works great. He is a man of many talents and Amazing with his printing figures, I am glad I have met him. Just a bit of buttering him up cause I am fixing to ask him to make and French captain figure. 😉 I cleaned them with Lacquer thinner soak them 5 minutes dryed them off waited 10 minutes then soaked them again for 5 minutes. Looks pretty good but I will spray high heat barbaq flat black , that makes them nice to my eye. I am awaiting plans for the LA Astrolabe aka LA Coquille Corvette , that a freind of mine said were better. He used it for his and its looking good. The best part is it has what blocks and what lines info that will be of great value. Boy look at me doing research lol . MSW/NRG has trained me well, let's see what I can do on this Astrolabe 1822. Thanks so much for take the time for me, and for forgiving me for all my typos and mistakes along the way. I look forward to making more mistakes and learning more. Thanks Knocklouder. Back to , The chain gang I go , lol 😆 🤣 Good bye 'Y"ll'
  17. Hi, when I am making a post and leave than come back the text is still there but any pictures are not. Please don't ask what settings I use lol. Bob M.
  18. Well now that I have calmed down and did some research on this ship, I believe I am in for the time of my life once again. When I started this it was incredibly difficult to understand. I really almost gave up and started my Pegasus, looking at @Moonbug 's log didn't help matters , that is some ship he's got going , fantastic stuff to watch. Thanks for posting that valuable information, and pictures lol. Donkey said we better wait till PFCGP to get back , He can't understand the plans either. We really had to work to get it into shape , but I think we have it. It looks like the shrouds might still be a problem, but I think it should be OK. I install all the chains on the starboard side and will make up the chains for the side as well. But we won't nail them on until Pile gets back. We need confirmation from the inspector. A different set of plans for the Astrolabe are on the way, they are from a French museum when I get them I will tell you about them .ok keep modeling till you drop lol 😆 Knocklouder. PS Thinking of cleaning the copper or should I leave it.????
  19. Looking very good, the paint job is fantastic, very nicely done.. I have glued pieces of planking to the jaws of the alligator clips, works good, I have to replace one every once in awhile , but I got lots of broken planks lol.. I even filed the jaws on one four hemostats that I have. Your boat is looking fantastic my friend. Very nice. Bob M.
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