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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. @Baker, Can't see the forest from the trees lol.Thanks Patrick, I just noticed that and the foremast lower sail is also too small, no idea what happen there. But the rest look ok. So my sultion is to try furling those two sails. I never have done this so got to go look on how the rolled them up. Maybe they wont look so bad hoisted.. It was going so good too lol. Back to my sewing, lol Bob M.
  2. Thanks so much for the likes. I just had to pin up the sail the peek. Aawww she going to be grand. Lol. Making the sails is time consuming but great fun. I just started them so it will be a bit. I going to use GAC 400 to stiffen the sails, a tip of the hat to @mrcc for pointing to it. It great stuff I love it. It does what I want 😌. Sew back to the sails. I get to sew my own sail, the First Mate is away for awhile. So Neanderthal sewing 101. This is a great hobby . I still am in awe about how much fun this is. I for one can't thank NRG/MSW enough for helping me. I wanted to learn how it was done. I have been trying to learn how to build ships right ever since lol 😆 Going to make some sails. Then RIGGING. 😆 There is only six sails, how long can that take lol. Thanks again everyone. Bob M.
  3. You do some awesome work, I kid you not I have the bottle of GAC 400 in my hand about to hang the sails on the Mayflower. Looking forward to seeing some lights. Thanks again about the 400 I love the stuff. Bob M.
  4. I was going to mention that as well Keith , and a little snow in the Ships boats as well. You probably were fixen to do that anyway lol
  5. @HardeeHarHar Brian thanks so much, But I am sure there is someone more deserving, but I have been eyeing Vanguard, Dutchess of Kensington, that one looks great lol. As for Captain Marvin He is not to impressed by my ladder addition, but a Stow away says it looks good from here and the ladder was easy to use krill4 thanks for liking my ship, yes your right I am following the plans . My dead eye look good to me just like the plan says. @krill4 . Buying this book wont help, I cant read lol. But thank you. It is unbelievable how much work there is on Just this part of the plan wow But I learnt alot for the next ship . So now , got to figure the next step. Rigging is coming along, parts are tuff because the plan only says rope. Not what size or color. The one place they make a difference is the instructions say black rope lol. I will figure it out lol. So I am straining with coffee, my sails, the yards are made. Bitts are ready to go just have to put it all together. So time to hang the yards, and shape the sails for that wind look . Got a few Stow aways from the Darkkar but Captain Marvin Got them to leave. Last I saw of them they stole the Pegasus boat and they were headed home lol. A few more pictures of Captain Marvin in action lol. Latter my friends, Still having way to much fun making models lol But thanks all for your help and thoughts. I got some ruff days ahead but the Captain will keep me in shape lol. Thanks everyone, on to the sails lol
  6. Dave I would show you how I did my stren spar, but I broke it off again. But mine just comes in at deck level and glued in to place. Yours looks like you can drill a hole in a little, then pin it on. Your ship is looking good.
  7. Wow that is some nice work. I have to get my First Mate to do all my sewing, been a Neanderthal thanks for posting this will help lots when It's my time for me to do my two Bluenoses. Great work as always.
  8. Wow Glen, that is so cool. The Canadain Penguins volunteers were looking forward to seeing this event. But sadly, no one beleived they were Canadain. It turns out that their grandparents were brought to the Artic in 1936 by a fellow named Lars Christenson on board a ship called the SS Neptune. Lars let 9 king Penguins loose, 4 breeding pair and a juvenile. Over the next 10 years, more species of Penguins were released . And if you were born in Canada you are Canadain . Some even had offspring. Sadly local artiic inhabitants took their toll on the colony. Most of the Penguins were rounded up in the early 50's for their own safety , But the volunteers were born in Canada and are living at the Calgary Zoo in Alberta. Some even show signs of inter mixing with other species. All though you guys probably don't beleive that Rudolf lives in Canada either lol But there is proof. There is even old tales about Penguins that have dared each other to go on board a death ship that has 3 masts and was frozen in the Ice.. GHOST STORYS FROM THE PAST!! Bob M.
  9. This will be of great help, Thank-you for posting this . They look real great, just had to say lol
  10. Good luck on your journey, with the Roar Ege. I like to use Weld-bon for wood and far to much Gorilla CA glue for all the rest. Stick to it and you'll have a wonderful model.
  11. Kevin, sorry to hear 😔 I am sending my thoughts and prayers for you and Ruth. This is just so sad to hear.
  12. 108 clove hitches to go . I have done the foremast and main mast up to the mast top on each. Going to do the Mizzen mast soon. I have to go help the daughter paint her house this weekend, so not much will get done , but at least I will have a 108 clove hitches for me when I return. I will make the sails next week, hopefully even get a few on, we will see. Thanks for looking and helping. Bob M
  13. Are you fixen to have auditions. All right here comes the Canadain volunteers. They have their green cards I think lol. Glen we talk about polar bears and them gnawing on the crew, well reading about the Jenny I found out there are no polar bears in the Antartic who knew lol. Not me and I know less than yesterday lol. Can't wait to see it all come together. At least this one has no pressure, if you break a mast just say you meant to do that 😉 Lol I know get back to my ratlines lol Bob M.
  14. Very well done Tom, a beautiful ship with awesome details. Don't take to long to come back, you'll get rusty lol. Nice work. Congratulations.
  15. Looks like a cool ship, great gift for a niece 😊. Good luck on your journey Bob M.
  16. Well I am keeping a log on all who I have to Thank. Tieing ratlines keeps my mined off things. It seems I have more ratlines than mine lol. This morning I finished up to crows nest then made the upper shrouds and deadeyes. I believe they went ok. I given myself some slack because this side will not show in the display case. CMSI says the middle deadeye is to short. Glad this is the practice side lol. On to the display side, or port side. Well on we go to the display side lol. No more short cuts. We'll maybe just a little around the Mizzen mast lol. This Mayflower Amati model is alot of fun. It has great wood, and you don't really need to add anything. Unlike another one I am doing you have to replace what's in the kit, so it looks half decent, and it's a long list. You pay enough for the kit and then you have to decide which way you want to make it because they don't send enough parts they say so right in the manual. Was not impressed. I told all this to the First Mate, she said sorry for my troubles but I still Can't buy a Vanguard model, then she played a little tiny air fiddle. LOL. So now I have about 340 Clove hitches to tie I am in my happy place. So happy I might buy myself a early Christmas present. Lol 😆 Thanks all my friends. I need to tie some ratlines lol. Bob M
  17. Happy Easter everyone. Hey @Bryan Woods I know what you mean there is just too much terminologies to learn and if it were not for spell check I wouldn't know how to spell terminologies lol. I got a little time today so I decided to show you all how I make my rat lines. There are many ways to do this and people have different types . This is how it works for me. Rat lines one of my likes about modeling. Captain Marvin says " this I got to see" lol Frist thing is make a loop over the shroud and under and grab it with my neanderthal fingers then pull tight then over and through. Pull all this tight then make sure it in the right place, and glue it on Just the frist one gets glued then you make the rest of the row then glue the last one after you have accurately measured it in place. I was told not to glue every single Clove hitch just the first and last it keeps your shrouds and ratlines from becoming to stiff. So that's what I do lol. Then just cut the ends off and straight tin out the line. And then move on to the next one. And you just keep going till you get to the top. All this I learnt from MSW logs and having someone post a picture so I can see how they did it. I have lots of ratlines to keep me happy just on this ship. And I have so many to look forward to on the Pegasus lol. I can't thank everyone enough for helping me along , and I like the way my models look, and can sea were I need to improve too lol. Hope this help someone else to make the light switch come on lol. Ok Many ratlines to go so we shell see you when we can . Bob M.
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