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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Hello Peter, https://modelshipworld.com/forum/73-non-shipcategorised-builds/ I don't know if you can add planes in the gallery but you can add it here under this thread 😉. Hope this helps. Bob M.
  2. Thanks Dave, I learnt how to tie ratlines on @Katsumoto log for his Santa Maria. I was floored by his skill. And he took the time to show how to make shrouds and deadeyes, and most of all he help me with ratlines. Thanks again Katsumoto. It's worth the trip to go look at his log, gave me great idea on rigging. Bob M..99
  3. Today I finished the ratlines on the main mast, starboard side. C. Marvin says that I am a little rusty , but after a dozen or so Clove hitchs they were rolling off my tweezers. Lol. I think I discovered why I like ratlines, I think it's because if I am doing ratlines that means the shrouds and deadeyes are done and installed lol. Well at least I only have 9 more upper shrouds to do . They are very small but esay to do. And they're only 9 left to do lol. CMSI has told me to straight up the deadeyes on the foremast, and get those anchors on as well. Chop chop. I am hoping to get this ship done by mid July, it will be 3 years that I have terrorized MSW, lol . I know I have way to much fun building models, and most definitely not the way it should be done but they are starting to look like ships ha ha . Now I wished I never got so excited when I finished my Santa Maria and bought 7 more ship that I thought I like to build. I still can't convince the First Mate 😪 to let me buy a Vanguard model, I told her the price to get a fully deck out Indy shipped here and in Canadain funds lol. I can not repeat what she said lol. On to the fore mast. Then the starboard side will be done. With Easter coming up and medical updates, just to set my next surgery, so it may be awhile, right after Easter I am knot sure how much I will get done. I will update the log after the foremast is done. Thanks for stopping by looking at my Mayflower, look but don't try copying my historical correct Mayflower lol I may have changed a few things here and there lol.😅 Take care my friends, Bob M.
  4. Magnificent paint job there John Ruy. I can hardly wait to try out my new airbrush. My next two builds will have painted Hull copper bottoms . Hope they turn out as nice as yours, out standing job. .
  5. Well putting the channels on backwards does seem to pose a problem. I need to put two eyebolts and some rigging for the mast , time will tell but I will have to come up with some thing. Lol. You can see how much room there is at the front. Oh well at least I made small steps on the last of the deadeyes. Lol These tiny deadeyes are almost impossible for neanderthals. And thee right hand shakes too, lol. But I am happy with it. Ok so I just have to finish the rat lines on the main mast then on to the foremast. I wished I had not cut those shrouds but what can you do . Thanks everyone for saying my ladder looks good. You are too kind.lol The First Mate likes it , then I told her what I did different. S he says no one will know if you don't say anything about it lol. Humming a tune lol 9 Bob M.
  6. Good score brunnels . Dave you might want to go to post # 1 and tag it sold , just add sold to the title . Check with a moderator lol. Bob M.
  7. ⁰Thank you very much everyone for the likes and comments 😀 Well it seems like my head still not in the game but fixing my mistakes is part of the fun .lol. In my haste to get started on the ratlines, I am half way up the Mizzen mast When I reliesed that the shrouds were tied on wrong at the top. You guessed it, one cut with the scaple blade and she came down.I only wanted to cut one rope. So this is what I came up with, a rope ladder.lol looks fine to me. You can see why I stoped the Pegasus build lol, rigging skills are not ready for it. Lol Let's move on too the Main mast . At first glance I thought ok. But just noticed the channels are on backwards. The bigger end should be at the back I hope this doesn't make too much of a difference to the shrouds and ratlines we will see , it is to far along to turn back now. I will just have to mark it down as "on the next build I will do better".lol I am going to add shear poles , The plan doesn't call for them but I like the way they look and it helps straighten things out as well. So I will lash this one on and do some more ratlines. @Baker Patrick the song 99 ratlines on the wall is on auto loop it goes on forever and ever. Lol I can't stop signing it. And wonder how many crew members hum this tune lol. So lots of ratlines to do , I am in my happy place. Lol. Very glad there is no actual plan for the Mayflower because it could have been built this way lol but most likely NOT lol. It's moving along well, tons of errors but live able. It's all practice now and practice makes perfect they say. Looks like I will need a lot more practice lol 😆 😂 Bob M.
  8. This is true. But after you use the natural bristles brushes in oil paint for awhile , you clean it with paint thiner then when clean and dryed, use it in latex paint or water base . Never go back to oil with that brush, it is now a water brush. I being doing this for 47 years. I love synthetic brushes but for clear coats I prefer natural bristles brushes, I get less brush marks lol less not none lol. You will get all kinds of advice about painting and their is some great advice here MSW lol. Good luck on your journey. !! Bob M .
  9. The Keel clamp is a great idea and if you can afford one get it, but shipping and the cost was to high for the First Mate so I put three paint stick together in a jewelry vice it swivels in all directions. . Works good on small ships 16 inches or less. For my bigger build I attach the keel to a 2x16x3/4 piece of wood. When I get to the bottom I just flip it over into a foam cradle. Lol she not pretty but it is a third of the price. Bob M.
  10. Or you can click on Capt Kelso name and email him directly. As for holding your mouth I try to keep both sides of My mouth pointed upwards it helps with rigging lol. Bob M.
  11. Hello Wayne, you will always see a place to replie at the bottom of the page.. If you want to replie to Capt Kelso you can do two thing . One you can use @Capt. Kelso by using the @ button or go back to Capt. Kelso post and use the quote button Then just ask there 99.9% of the time people answer. 🙄. Hope this helps it took me forever to understand how to do this. Bob M. Ps. Good luck on your journey !!
  12. welcome back . This is the place to be .Good luck on your journey. Bob M.
  13. Thanks so much everyone 😊. Heart felt. My apologies for rambling on about my situation but it kinda makes you gulp a few times when the Dr. tells you what you got and what happens next. I can only say I have been heavily medicated and plead the 5th lol. So with that out of the way let's tie up some loose ends. The first picture shows all the shrouds installed but needs tieing. After teing CMSI gave me the ok to move on to ratlines yeppiy, I think he is being kind to many mistakes but for me it's passable. Trying to figure out my next steps I thought I would have a look at the upper shrouds and deadeyes Holy I thought regularl deadeyes were small look at these they are only 5mm wide lol not today to much to figure out. I am going start the ratlines. I broke the Buttafuori or outrigger off the stren but it's wood so I can fix or replace we will see. As I look apon my ship it really looks kinda bare, just the ship boat that's all. So I put the word out to buddy @Gabek and he might get me some figures to help fill it in. I hope the prices for the figures is the same as last time. 25 lbs potato, 25 lbs tomatoes, corn depends on the quality lol. He really does great work, he made my stove and cannons for the Pegasus. And I could not be happier. Thanks Gabek 😊. So this is how she looks today. Ok till next time. Off to do rat lines, how does that song go oh ya 99 ratlines on the wall 99 ratlines on the wall. lol 😆 😂 Bob M.
  14. You know what they say one leads to two and so on lol. I have the shrouds done for the foremast. I just have to tie them on and straight things up The First Mate is pulling me out of the shipyard, time to get prep for tomorrow. Thank you all for your thoughts and encouragement along the way. I just though since my Mayflower is the only active build for the Amati Mayflower, there are two but one has not posted for a long time. I will be kinda proud to have the frist finished Amati Victory Model that is on MSW. That is lol I thought I had only 9 shrouds to make Noo there is 12 upper shrouds the some how the brain just over looked lol. Ok got to go I'll be fine lol Sea you soon my friend's.
  15. Seems I have had the chance to do a lot of rethinking. As I just finished the plates but still have 9 shrouds to make up today I hope I am looking at my Mayflower and saying to Captain Marvin, I am really happy how she looks. We have done a fine job MSN/NRG, and all of you modelers. I sea the improvement in how I I build, and I see that I have a long way to go. For sure lol. Thanks so much. CMSI (Captain Marvin Ship Inspector ) lol has got other things on his mine. Seem I need to go for a couple of surgery but everyone keeps saying I will be OK 90% chance if serving and living a long life lol I think their just trying to cheer me up lol. Wouldn't you know it lol just get back to building change of course 😉. Tomorrow surgery will tell us more but every one says I will be fine lol. But for me I have been thinking so much about modeling and finding MSW and the last 3 years it's been so much fun for me and so much hell on the moderators lol. I am so lucky to have met some of you and got to know others. Hey I am going to ask the surgeon if he uses clove hitch knots LOL 😆 So now we will see, not exactly sure what holds for me but I will be OK lol Sorry for the ramble lol Bob M CMSI
  16. Gobsmacked, I believe that's how you say it. Not sure if that's how you spell it though lol Great job mate! !
  17. Lol that is written by me one morning the plans are on top of what's written the night before I got to get a shirt made up that say Neanderthal don't do Rigging. Lol. Glad to be back lol
  18. Mimmo all you will every need is right here on these pages. Good luck on your journey. Bob M. Ps Do you live close to the Amati modeling company lol 😆
  19. Ok well I finally got some time to giv'er lol .It has been quite the experience before Christmas the family was all sick but we are all better now. Then the rodents moved in turn the place up side down lol. So I decided to finish making the shrouds and deadeyes. Slow process, but at least some movement. I am so happy . I used a line to help line things up and soon had the plates and one shroud on the foremast. I made the other shrouds and moved the string . I am still having the time of my life. Trying to learn how to build ships right is so much fun I can't believe I never got started before I did. Thanks so much for all the help . Don't mean to be a pest lol but I still have so much to learn and so little time giv'er I am up to 70 know lol. Just an old man having fun being 14 lol. Don't mean to butt in on others logs but some of them are so fantastic I just blurt right in. Ok Hopefully can get some more shrouds done and then and then yes rat lines. Let the song begin.lol I am liking this model once again lol Bob M.
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