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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. Planking the side now should go ok everything look like it supposed to.I have a hard time figuring out the right layout for the planks but once you lay that first strip across the rest just fall into place,  the sealer really makes the grain of the wood stand out I like it. Can't wait for the planks to be done so I can spray the whole ship. The pace may be quicking, BECAUSE I order The Sea of Galalie  boat, it will be here in a few days.  Was going to build the Nina next, but me thinks I jumb into the Galalie boat  lol.:10_1_10: Most likely start a new log for it soon,  got the first mate started on the sails for the Pinta ,and found piles of old old fishing line that looks like rope to me so will be using that for the sails . It starting to shine love it, well that all I got  will take more pictures of the planking process  as I go along . So  it won't be long till I up date again. And the new tools and  jigs for cutting are helping I notice an improvement in the ship  🚢 😉 



  2. Plus did some work on the Pinta,the decks are done. I planked the stern and one on the side and that all for today . I am starting a pirate school for pre schoolers,  ha can you belive it , so far  two grandkids 3 and 5 plus a neighbors 3 year old. Every Wednesday,  10 till two. My family think I have lost it , but I am old time running out we got ships to build lol :piratetongueor4:.:10_1_10:





  3. Hi, is a Sparky an electian , lol 😆  anyway there is a few logs of your kind of ship here I would  look up   Dave_E , he did a Lady Nelson  it is really good and he will give you great advice if you want it . As far as a paint sprayer, that's a whole new trade to learn as well as ship building lol good luck stay till your done ask questions  and have FUN !!!!!!:10_1_10:

  4. Well you guess it no delivery today😔,don't even want to talk about it  lol,


    After I took the clamps off I glued a bit more inside, and got it ready for the 2x2 . Also drew  lines where the bulk heads are , to me it make sense to start plaking the out side of the ship starting with these two planks,  they are not glued  waiting  to make sure. I figured they must have had 20 foot planks for sure so . I said the ship is  60 feet long no one knows for sure lol, so made 10 cm planks to be my 20 foot planks. I  like the deck coming nicely can't wait to put some finish coats on it.


  5. Nope no more welding for him. He is ok but will be staying here a couple of years ,so he can take courses on line, I could use the tech support  lolShould be able to use the computer by then lol .Started planking the inside , going to cut all the planks for the sides tomorrow  going to bed lol to dream of my ship  :dancetl6:


  6. 1 hour ago, Knocklouder said:

    So glad to be able to see these logs, they do  such a great job and so detailed  too, ideas just bounce everywhere,  I was looking at a log of the Winnie.  Was that fantastic!  So many good logs and to think I was going to run because of my computer problems and BANG tech support upstairs,  now just have to learn how to build ships right,  so counting on you guys. lol The mask is for my grandson's  Viking ship.  It's going to be his sail.  Should he start a log??? lol, Him and I want to fill this case with models. what a journey  I have set sail on. Thanks for you patience.  Still no NRG flag but it's the long weekend.  I know...waiting for parts lol. :cheers:



    The last 2 posts were edited by the first mate.  

  7. So glad to be able to see these logs, they do  such a great job and so detailed  too, ideas just bounce everywhere,  I was looking at a log of the Winnie.  Was that fantastic!  So many good logs and to think I was going to run because of my computer problems and BANG tech support upstairs,  now just have to learn how to build ships right,  so counting on you guys. lol The mask is for my grandson's  Viking ship.  It's going to be his sail.  Should he start a log??? lol, Him and I want to fill this case with models. what a journey  I have set sail on. Thanks for you patience.  Still no NRG flag but it's the long weekend.  I know...waiting for parts lol. :cheers:



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