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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. Well just when you think all is well ha ha. I Sliped when I drilled for the front mast.Had to take some decking out then blacken the edges  glue down and re stain. I  will scrape it again one more time for a better match . I will surly put a rope coil over it lol. Nothing really glued in have to drill all the holes for the RIGGING  lol the Pinta is coming along nicely but I used shellac sealer for the finish coat  I think it to shinny. We been though a lot this Pinta and me we come along way. It's fun this hobby, the call of the Mayflower is strong lol even brought it down to the shipyard.Its on the self lol. So this is were I am now the fun stuff the extras that make it shine  

     Well  time to break out the thread,   deadeyes ,rat lines,rigging , oh my lol 

     Thank for  all who help and like it thanks :cheers: 






  2. You got to love this hobby!!! I am having so  much fun building this ship. Things seem to fit together well  taking my time and using the miter box,  for straighter cuts. Learning how to use my computer better  but still respond to post that are years old lol, some of those logs are so impressive. Well a few pictures of where I stand know.



  3. I told my first mate what you said Kevin ,still no no but down to two nos lol. I use weld bond glue, for me it sticks and it cleans up nice, what happened is I have sanded a bit to much in places ,I can fix that  . I had trouble cutting the transverse but have a plan to hide 20221026_192535.thumb.jpg.23edfde787d55f8c105db772789e3fa0.jpg

    that mistake.  The fence I will have to make  my own way the book shows one way ,the plan show another  the pictures  on the box shows another.  And I ran out of wood lol. Did some more work on mast, crows nest , now the fence , later my friend's :10_1_10:









  4. Well got the port side planked. Not bad, but still not right.  Close,  every side I do  it start to make sense A little to much glue shows through I will try to hide it before the finish coat goes on later. Just a little more sanding and putty and the planking done ,on to the deck maybe rudder builder's choice  🤔 lol


  5. Ok so I'm about to start plaking the port side I think  lol 😆. I have re-read the books ,watched the videos and ya no idea lol .

    Going to line it off in four sections  but there is not much to shave off, they just fit lol. Been reading about old Christopher Columbus, seems he wrecked the Santa Maria and got a ride on the Nina for the trip home. Don't drink  and Drive  :cheers:. So I thought how nice it will be when I start the Mayflower no sister ships, well I was wrong again, she had one, the SPEEDWELL.  Started looking 🤔 for one lol. Didn't take me long to find one. Asked the first Mate  👎  ahem NO  no no. Finish what you have lol 😆 😂. So I can get one as soon as I finish what I have . Bet they will be  sold out by then, but it is on the  list. Back to planking  lol


  6. So this is my Pinta tonight  I like it. I still need to plank right,hoping the port side goes right, note to self re read  the logs lol. I am trying  hard not to bust open the mayflower  I can't wait  lol.  But I am re reading how to tie knots how to rig , so I figure build both now rig them when I know how lol 😆 

       Happy to be able to watch logs wished I was more able to write  but learn as you go Lol 


  7. Hello all, just going to start building again finally  🙌. I am retired again lol . Things went well and have paid off my modeling bill. I have enough models for awhile lol there is a long story about my models and it sort of goes like this.

      I bought a Santa Maria from Amati, from a hobby store in Ontario,  paid lots, to much but it was my first and wanted to get a good one, after  buying the Santa Maria I join MSW, 2years ago. Then I  learned that I could buy right from Amati in Italy at half the price. Well the buying frenzy was on. I order The Pinta  and the Nina from Amati for the same price as I payed for the Santa Maria.  BUT there is always a but,ups, took so long to get it here I started calling and complaining  finally got here. I thought it was a one time thing  but no, ordering  again Ups misplaced my  order and took twice as long as the first time I was not impressed, called Amati and complaining about it again now I was dealing with Emilio Marletti  the boss of Amati  and was assured that the next order would be different.  It was some how it got lost and delivered to someone in a nursing home in Ontario  lol. Amati could get no ware with the nursing home because of patient confidentiality  stuff so I had to look up the nursing home number and got it straight  and the kind fellow that got my package sent it to me .He did not want me to use his name ,so thank you to him. 

     Now Mr Marletti  and I had some good conversations about this and half joking I said I should get the Pegasus from Amati for free, he did say sorry  for all of this and we left satisfied  But they sent me a Pegasus  free for all my troubles so a big 

    THANK YOU  Amati staff and Emilio Marletti for this.

    So now I have to finish the Pinta, then the Mayflower  and the Viking Long Boat, Nina,  all by Amati, and then the sea of Galalie boat. By that time I should be confident enough to make the Pegasus  lol. Although I have seen some first time build of the Pegasus that were fantastic. 

      Well thats my story now time to start modeling again sorry for the long winded post but much has happened an I am so excited to be able to be part of MSW .

    Thanks again Emilio Marletti and Amati staff , and for to be able to use MSW to learn how to build ships, a member for life  😀 😄 :10_1_10:


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