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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hi Chris, welcome to the forum. This IS the place to learn everything boat building! Don’t be shy, jump in. 👍😀
  2. We’ll then, you sure put together an outstanding ship yard! 👍😀
  3. Outstanding work Sir! Your shop is beautiful. I’m guessing you were a woodworker long before a model ship builder. 😀
  4. Simply OUTSTANDING Dan! I’m a lifer jet guy (years of military time) and those nozzles couldn’t look any more realistic. Your addition of some oil streaking (also called rivet trails if the streak comes from a working faster of some kind) is great as well.
  5. Thanks Greg, Was telling the Admiral about this and said I could use them and only someone from a group such as this with the knowledge base would have caught it (mine or the kit supplied parts). Lesson ... start with the kit supplied parts, THEN go do some research! Thanks for the pictures. 👍
  6. Hi Andrew, welcome aboard, nice to meet you. 👍😀
  7. 😖 Further comments to my post #11 need not be published. My bad for looking at the KIT SUPPLIED PARTS. Wonder how many have been built using the cast parts? Looking at anchor pictures I see it. Sucker is going to be quite thick. Parade has been called off. Thanks for catching it.
  8. Good Evening All, After unwrapping the anchor parts and seeing the cast stocks… I decided I’d try my hand at a scratch build (which I have never done). So I drew up a plan and built them. I probably went way overboard… I used two pieces of wood glued together, artist tape and real nails. After I was complete and looking at them under the glass, I really couldn’t see the 2 halves or the nails. I suppose I could have used a thicker piece of wood and painted black dots for the nails. Anyway, the anchors are getting painted, a ring made and then will even try to wrap the ring with rope. 😳 PS After dinking with a card model airplane for a week… this was easy. 😁
  9. Hi Keith, There are seasons for everything, we’re all going to have them. Our faith, family and friends help us get through the rough ones. Blessings on you for allowing your MSW “family” to be there with you during this season. 🙏👍😊
  10. Peter! That is so cool! I just went through this last week and wish you’d have posted a week earlier. 😊 This just became a jig to make. Thanks for sharing. 👍😀
  11. Hi Dave, You most certainly did not hijack anything! This is all about the Rattlesnake, the history, the building, the kit, the “bashing”… anything Rattlesnake, and you brought some good stuff to the table! Thank you. Ok, I’ll use some Lego blocks and squares and build one bulkhead at a time and won’t bother with a building slip. I kept all the scrap wood from the Lady and have some walnut that I will use for the anchor stocks. Pretty pumped about this “bashing” thing. Glad to have you looking over my shoulder (especially on a ship you know a lot about)! 👍😀
  12. Good Afternoon All, Must be a thing, I did the same thing on the Lady… build the anchors while you think about how to get started. 😆 First thing I did notice while opening things up is no cradle. The Lady was a bit smaller. Do I need to get a building slip or something for this size ship? Recommendation, discussion? If I were to “bash” the anchors, what’s the recommendation for wood?
  13. I guess knowing what kits are supported by aftermarket upgrades and parts is key.
  14. Good Morning Abbot, good to meet you. There are plastic ships built here. 😁Glad to have you aboard! 👍😀
  15. Nice to meet you Rob, welcome aboard! 👍😀
  16. Good Evening Everyone, I know most of you and hope you will continue with me on my building journey, this time, the Rattlesnake…American Privateer. After getting my feet wet with the Lady Nelson, I do plan to slow down on this one and really try to do it as perfect as my skills will allow and be as accurate as I can at the same time. I suspect this build will also fall into the “kit bash” category because there are just to many components that I am disappointed to find in the box (for instance, all the blocks are from Amati). I am in good company on this build with javajohn and OldSalt1950 building the same kit and Gregory building the kit in 1:48. The journey begins with an inventory and a wish list for replacement parts and components.
  17. Hi All, Thank you Keith, Chris, Dave, Paul, Kirby, Paul, Glen, Mark and all the others who have followed and commented, it's been a pleasure learning from you all! 😀 Rob, the guns are in their different configuration for one reason on this first build... I kept breaking them off the deck from the outside as I was rigging. You can see in my earlier posts that I did have the cannons all run out before I started the rigging. So I just said, "I think they look good anywhere I cant break them". 😆 Ben, the Admiral and I had a serious talk about a display case. I will be honest and admit I did not consider the cost of a nice display case into the hobby budget when I started. The cost of a nice display case can exceed the original cost of the ship itself and as mentioned by a few wise men, it is an item often overlooked. I have the Rattlesnake coming up next, it will be a much longer flow build (summer is here and it is a much more complex ship) so I am going to forgo a display case for the Lady but will definitely have one for her.
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