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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hi Kirby, Had no brass rod in the box. I do have the hinges as you have on the etched sheet of parts, but they are decorative only. Instructions tell you to use an eye on the ship side… definitely not in the kit. I ordered the kit from Syren. I’ve looked at lots of build logs and some actually have a screw eye and they don’t look good at all in my opinion. Got the brass rod at the local Hobby Lobby (my favorite go to store for tools, glue, etc). 👍
  2. I think I just learned something else about kits... they don't come with everything. I need 1mm rod and eyelets for 1mm rod to install the rudder. What's your favorite goto store for this kind of stuff? 🙂
  3. All I can do is totally agree with these gentlemen. Outstanding! 👍
  4. First deck planking went pretty good I think. I trimmed the planks one at a time and fit one row at a time, then removed that row and glued each piece in one at a time. Thus I had no glue mess to scrape. I did scrape a tad to even out a couple high spots. Now on to the rudder before I do the capping rails.
  5. Deck planking is going very well. I decided to go with a king plank instead of one plank on either side of the false deck centerline as the plans call out. I also decided to try scale planking. I settled on 20’ scale planks. I’m very sure I didn’t get the beams to scale for the ship, but what I ended up with doesn’t look to bad. I fired the worker that left the deck planks in this pile. 😂 Almost done. Progress slowed down today, the Admiral had a bad cold last week and I have it now. Hopefully I’ll finish in a day or two.
  6. Nice! Start a log and we can follow your progress! 👍
  7. Welcome aboard! Nothing like a shipyard that has air conditioning! 👍😎
  8. Welcome to the forum! 😀
  9. I’m not to the rigging portion of my build yet, but I’m going to follow yours because you are doing a fabulous job of photographing your rigging work! Looks great! Thank you! 👍
  10. Planks that came with the kit are .13… got to go with that, I too have no way to cut them down without wasting many of them. 😑
  11. Hi Keith, I’ll turn this into mm and layout the frames. Thank you! 👍😀
  12. Hi All, I am using the LN as a learning curve (while hopefully building a model I’ll be proud of and will look good). I’ve decided to do the deck planking authentically, meaning to scale. I will not be trying the tree nails for this scale. I want y’all’s help with my math. If I measure the “deck length” in mm, I get 265. At 1:64 scale, that should be 55’. I read somewhere that deck planks were usually 6, 9 or 12’. Ok, so if I decide the shipyard is going to use 12’ planks that would convert to 57 mm (rounded down), correct? I just edited the post after reading that decking would/might have normally been in the 20-30’ range? Now I’m going to show my novice research skills… I have none. 😊
  13. Bienvenu sur le forum! Glad to have you aboard! Look forward to your build. 👍
  14. Outstanding! Where in GB do you live? Just something about a basement workshop/hobby room that I grew up with, never got out of my system. 😊
  15. REALLY NICE! 👍 Is your shop in the basement? Ah the basements. Fond memories of train rooms and rec rooms in the basements of relatives. My entire family was from Green Bay, spent a few years there, graduated from West High, class of 75. What body of water will you sail her on?
  16. Thank You All for the input. I put on a “wash coat” last night before bed. All it takes is a day, can’t explain it as I walked into the yard this morning and WOW, the first thinned coat looked great. In fact if I was building a “weathered, in dire need of a refit” ship, I could leave the first coat alone and go for it. I’m very positive after the second coat (maybe a third if I have to), it will look like I thought it should. 😀
  17. Hi John, Welcome aboard! As you may have discovered already, there is a lifetime or two of modeling experience here. Friendly and helpful hobby enthusiasts here for sure. 👍😀
  18. VERY NICE site Wefalk! Thanks for pointing that out. 👍😀
  19. Thanks Mark, I’m setting the pictures up side by side on the computer to compare. 🙂 They are REALLY close. If I put the paint coupon up to the light it gets brighter like yours did with the flash. I guess I'll go with it unles someone has another suggestion.
  20. Hi All, I had a paint scheme worked out for the Lady Nelson and I bought a set of paints for The "Mars" from Caldercraft. But after a sample aplication on the same kind of wood (walnut), the Ocre yellow isn't what I thought it would be... it's more of an orange color that yellow I think. Also the paint that is labelled "dull Black" sure isn't too dull after the second coat. See pictures below. So what color is the brighter yellow that is used in Nelsons Navy for the gunport areas? What brand also perhaps? Thanks
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