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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hey Dan, Outstanding. I was a technical writer/course curriculum developer for a few years. You are very correct about the pictures! I am a 1st time builder also, and look forward to your build log. I have one too for the Lady Nelson. Have a great week! 👍
  2. Hey Julian, Welcome back to it. This is the place! Dumb questions... what's that? 🙂
  3. OUTSTANDING! I've watched many of your videos and will over and over I'm sure (especially when I get to the rigging). If I was ever going to lay the label "protige Model ship maker" down, it would have your name on it. 👍😀
  4. With the frame shaping that started the mess, planking to be replaced, might as well crunch it and buy a new kit.
  5. Morning Fellas, Hindsight (usually being a good thing), yes, I should have taken them both off. Unfortunately, I kept cruising and will be done in a day or so. I did read someone’s post about just getting the 1st planking done on your first build. This has been a heck of a learning experience and actually think I’ve got it.
  6. Thanks Glenn! This thing is fantastic! It will be awhile before this builder is cutting his own planks out of sheets, and this cutting ruler holds the 5mm planks firmly while I make the cut and keeps the finger tips out of the way. Thanks for the tip!
  7. Hi James, This is the place! Welcome aboard. 👍
  8. Caldercraft makes a red ochre, Valejo paints, Billings paints.
  9. Hi Allan, Thanks for the reply. So after bending , you fit and scrape each plank by hand for the “up close and flush” fit?
  10. Hi All, The planking on the Lady Nelson is going about like I suspected… first build and all. I am using the “Chuck” method of bending (you should patent that 😄). Got the planks to lay down flat on the frames, but there is still a tiny step. I know sanding will take care of this. I’m guessing the tool is a “gimmick”? Anyone use it or tried it?
  11. Thanks Kirby, Kinds words. Actually building a guitar is kinda like building any model (just larger).The real trick is to get it to sound like something when your done. Got 2 more planks on today… figured out I had to bend the wood the other way at the bow. If I better the 3rd plank yet some more, I’ll be happy. Every one is a challenge to get it as correct as possible.
  12. Thank you Lyle! I have the half hull project… can’t really explain why I started the ship first… I did not do the string thing, but I am now. Super building tip, thank you! Your half hull is beautiful.
  13. Hello Brett, Welcome! I have found pictures to be very important (along with some narrative) when showing your work or needing help with a building issue. Cheers!
  14. OUTSTANDING work Sir! Crazy good detail. You’re an inspiration to new builders (like myself). I’m also freshly “retired”, congratulations. 🙂
  15. Welcome Sir! You've come to the right place to help with the "zero experience". There's a few of us in that catagory. 😀
  16. Greetings, welcome. Naval Aviator I assume? What platform?
  17. Good to know on the phone... that's what I have. I also keep "logs". Without them, I'd be startign all over with all my hobbies every time. 😆
  18. OK... I got the first 2 planks on. I'm pleased that I go t them on and all but 2 of the frames are nice and flat on the frames.The first 2 frames are going to be "stepped" and have to be filled and sanded. Delema... Side bend first, but the bow still needs to be curved. The way I see it is the bow needs some sort of a "twist" to get all surfaces laying flat and maintain the curvature of the bow. [Advice needed here] Kind of concerned about the aft end as well. That bend to the last frame is a dinger.
  19. Welcome Jason, Navy aviation VET here. Welcome to the forum. Good luck on whatever you dig into.
  20. My first visit to your log. You have given micro detail a new definition. You’re photography is outstanding!
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