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Posts posted by Wawona59

  1. Hello Seahorse, 


    My name is John Newcome, (Wawona59).  I'm a newbie  to the MSW group.  Like many, I'm re-discovering ship modeling now that I'm approaching retirement.


    I really like  the work that you have done so far on the Victory cross section.  With all of the references you have, you could have some fun filling up the interior.  You could install hammocks, cannons and equipment,  lowered sailor's mess tables, half-eaten meals, battle remnants, etc. etc.  This could be very interesting.  While not my primary interest, I could consider building one of these cross sections as a lamp with the center tube representing a mast.


    I really like what  you've started!  Have fun and be creative. Most importantly, enjoy yourself.   I will be following this build.


    May you have fair winds and a calm sea



    John (Wawona59)

  2. Welcome to the MSW forum Ferrus.  I'm a new member of MSW as well.  this is a great place to share ideas and advice.  When I was a kid over 50 years ago I built several of the Revel 1/96 ship kits; Constitution, Cutty Sark and Thermopylae.  These models were my introduction to rigging my own ratlines and also taught me the nautical names of many of the lines; halyards, braces, clew lines shrouds, etc. etc.  


    You made a good choice in model subject.  Good luck with your build and enjoy the journey.  Hope to see some in progress shots of the United States build in the future.  I should be posting my first build log on the forum later this year.  John

  3. H Dave,

    Your persistence in facing and overcoming the challenges that you've faced in this build is remarkable.  Press on, and keep you eye on the prize.


    I distinctly remember building this kit in 1971 when I was 12 years old.  I attempted a wooden deck but not nearly as nice as yours.  Because I did't know any better then, my deck consisted of gluing balsa strips to the plastic deck pieces to cover the ugly seams.  What sails are you planning to use?  I assume you aren't planning to use the thick plastic sails and molded in yards that came originally with the model.


    Great job!

    John Newcome Wawona59 

  4. Hi Dave,


    I recently joined MSW and am still kind of finding my way around.  I'm so glad I cam across you build log for the Phantom.  I too will be starting a build log for the Phantom as my first project on MSW.  I'll be facing some of the same construction issues that you are doing.  I inherited a started Phantom model several years ago.  It's been sitting on a shelf in the garage for several years.  When I finally opened the box, I found that the carved bulwarks had been removed down to deck level.  I was planning to cut notches in the solid portion of the hull to receive individual timberheads.  Lo and behold, that is the approach that you took!  I'll be reading your Phantom build log more thoroughly.  I also really like the joint you used to spliced the top rail.  I'll be doing something similar.


    BTW, I'm also going to check out your Aurora Wander build.  I built this kit in the late 60's or early 70's.  I was displayed in my parents' living room for years.  When I went away to college, my parents sold their house.  The buyer liked the Wanderer model so my parents included it in the house.


    Nice work Dave!

    John Newcome, Wawona59  

  5. Hello Chris,

    Yes, it was very sad news when she was broken up.  There were grand plans for restoring her going back as long as I can remember.  Alas, Northwest Seaport didn't have the $$$ and there was little or no interest from the city of Seattle.  I think the city viewed her as a safety hazard and nuisance. 


    Fortunately, there is a set of plans  and lines that were done of Wawona as part of the HAER project.  When I get my ship modeling skills up to snuff, I want to use these plans as a basis.  That's a ways down the road.  Right now, I need to start working on my inherited MS Phantom model which has already been started and requires some fixing.  I just dusted it off from my "shelf of doom".




  6. Hello all,

    My name is John Newcome from Seattle, WA.  I've been an avid modeler for over 50 years.  My modeling interests are  sailing ships and early aircraft.(1900 - 1940).   My primary modeling interest is sailing ships.  (if it has a mast, yard and sail, I'm in)


    As a kid in the early 70's I built a number of sailing ships including the Revell 1:96 Constitution,  Thermopylae and Cutty Sark, the Aurora Whaling ship Wanderer.  Even as a 13 year old, I tied my own ratlines and made cloth sails (not very well though).  Once I made cloth sails out of a white cloth bed sheet I found in the closet.  (Mom was not pleased to say the least).


    Several years ago, after the usual College-Career-marriage-kids experience, I returned to modeling.  I've built a number of aircraft models that have been periodically displayed at the Seattle Museum of Flight.  I'm now returning to my REAL modeling passion of sailing ships.  One of my goals is to build a model of the Lumber Schooner Wawona (hence my username).  She was a fixture on the south shore of Lake Union for decades until she was broken up a few years ago.  I toured her as a kid and took my children on her when they were little.


    Even though I've studied sailing ships in the past and have a small library of reference materials, I'm going to start small.  I'm going to build the Model Shipways Phantom that I inherited several years ago as a partially started kit.  I will use Chuck Pacaro's practicum as a guide.  Over the years, I've inherited other partially built ship models from deceased friends.  My next project will be to finish the Corel Golden Hind model I inherited.  I also inherited a wooden hull of the Model Shipways Sultana.  I want to use a set of Model Shipways plans to complete the Sultana as my introduction to scratch building.


    Many projects and dreams ahead.  I'm looking forward to participating in this forum.


    Thank you


    John Newcome, Wawona59

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