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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Well it took me a while to figure out how to post this picture. New site is pretty, but an old dog like me is slow to learn new tricks. Anyway, I rough finished the lintels. Now I will spend a bunch of time fairing and squaring all of them before proceding to the next step.
  2. Well, I guess I won't be posting anything until I can figure out how this new page works?
  3. I didn't disappear. I'm still working on the rough lintels. Should finish soon, then begin fairing and squaring them all. BTW...I put some masking tape over the pre-drilled mast holes so they don't fill up with debris.
  4. I installed the first lintel last night using my spacer. There's a lot of excess material at the top of these bulkhead extensions. That means a lot of sanding! See you in 23 more lintels.
  5. I made this gunport jig or form to make it easier to install the gunport lintels. It's 15/32" high. I must say...this is a lot of figuring and work to make gunports and gunwales!
  6. I finished sanding the port side sill. You can see the plank I bent on to use as a sanding guide.
  7. I used a bent plank as a guide, but stayed outside its curve so I can micro sand it to exact size.
  8. I rough finished the port side gunports. I drew a line between the bulkhead extensions with a tick to show curves so I do not sand too much off. Once you sand it off there is no putting it back on.
  9. Tom, Thanks, but I laid a plank along the sills and it was flush all along. Good advise, though. I'll keep on checking as I go
  10. l finished fairing the starboard sills, but I had to violate my own rules about touching my ship with power tools. I started sanding and realized I would still be sanding two weeks from now, so I drew a "do not go past" line on the sills and used my Dremel to get rid of most of the extra wood down to that line, then hand sanded the last 1/32". So much for my "rules"
  11. I finished the starboard side gunport sills. They are trickier than meets the eye since each is a miniature trapezoid. The batten helps as well as the provided pattern. The material provided in the kit is 1/4" wide, but the finished sills will be much narrower so a lot of material will have to be removed. It seems overpowering for hand sanding and I hate to use power tools on my boats. Anyone have some ideas?
  12. As per the instructions, I nailed a temporary batten along the starboard side so when I set the gun port sills they will flow smoothly along the side.
  13. A nice number two pencil can do caulking and nails.
  14. I looked very far ahead in the plans about masting. The instructions say to carve a round tenon on the heel of each of the two masts. Since I am terrible at carving symetrical anything, so I Center drilled the mast material provided in the kit and will glue a dowel to fit that hole. That will be the heel of each mast. Then I drilled holes the size of the dowels in the bulkhead frame to the correct rake angles. The fore mast is almost perpendicular while the aft has a considerable aft rake (on the Argus plan,)
  15. Thomas, Great build! I'm am going to drill the mast holes before I get even building the gunwales. I like your jig idea. I'm making my Syren into The Argus which has a much larger rake angle on the aft mast than the Syren. With your type jig I can nail it. Thanks
  16. I've been studying my model trying to figure out building the gunwales and gunports when it struck me that there are no holes where the masts will go? I searched many build sites and only found Dubz mentioned the lack of mast holes in the bulkhead former. I think I'll solve that problem before building the gunports.
  17. The kit comes with detailed patterns. When I cut them out I carefully cut along the bottom line which depicts the gun sill. This way when laid on the bulkhead frames it will give me the exact vertical as well as horizontal locations for all pieces.
  18. I just received my book about the creation of the US Navy and Marines, "to the Shores of Tripoli". The index show 30 pages devoted to the Argus! And a bunch more to Presley O'Bannon.
  19. Preventative measures! I CA glued all the fragile areas of the stern frames and bulkhead extensions. For you glue aficianados....I have several different versions of CA, but Crazy Glue with a brush applicator seemed easiest for this job. I have no idea if it will help. It's like chicken soup......it couldn't hurt!
  20. Just like most of the build logs I've been looking at for the Syren said, Yep....the bulkhead extensions are fragile! Yesterday one just kind of fell off? I glued it back on but I think I will touch each extensions where it joins the main piece with a drop of CA to help strengthen them. I read that fix in one of the build logs. BTW Doug, my last build was a banned kit that had mostly no instructions, so since this Syren kit with its lush instructions, I am going to drown myself in these instructions....it's refreshing.
  21. Doug, The bulkhead form just seemed to get a very little bit out of line so I made tiny adjustments with each filler block. Not much stress, though...just a nudge. As far as decking goes, I haven't looked ahead, but I figure the filler blocks being level will help support the deck. Keeping it straight is key to a nice model. Good luck
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