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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Well...it took all day, but I finally put Humpty Dumpty together again. Then I fixed the pads near the stern to prevent that from happening again. I usually put those in place, but got lazy this time. Haste makes waste.
  2. CAUTION! For those pre-bending soaked planks like I am....make sure you clean off all glue from the previous gluing. If you don't, the wet plank will stick to the old glue and you will probably break it to remove it so I can be glued properly
  3. Perhaps if I pinned all the stern pieces it would be stronger. In this case I got careless and didn't protect the stern with foam pads that I usually use. It can not take any stress. Planking it will do the trick.
  4. Well, into each ship model build a little rain must fall. While pinning some planks for pre-bending, that very fragile stern proved to be too fragile....snap! I'll repair it tomorrow after the planks dry.
  5. Steve, I have never put the copper on since I like looking at all the wood working. My first and last ship were veneered and I didn't have any trouble lining off the first veneer strip. Never gave it much thought. Below is a pic of my last veneer job.
  6. another day another plank being pre-bent. The open gap is shrinking, though. Slow but sure
  7. The pre-bending system is not perfect. This one took one clamp to get it tight at the stern
  8. Sam, I never have been able to do that before! I don't know why. With my Connie...I struggled, breaking plank after plank.
  9. Pre-bending two more soaked planks. Only 9 more to go on each side, then it's planking the stern inside and out, then planking inside the gunwales.
  10. Another pre-bent plank easily glues on with no clamping. The picture shows the plank 1 minute after gluing on.
  11. More pre-bending. I'm using various methods to hold each plank since the places to hold them keep changing and shrinking. I use rubber bands, clips, nails or anything else that will hold the drying planks. After they dry I will bevel them to fit.
  12. Greg, Gary, You are correct, but I'm finishing this hull with veneer instead of painting, so as long as I have a nice smooth surface, I don't care.
  13. Pre-shaping two planks at a time. I have also started tapering the planks as I run out of open hull space for full planks..
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