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Everything posted by john46

  1. A nice and well organized workshop. Have fun. Regards, John
  2. Thanks Jim, she is resting on this towel as from the start so am afraid it has become part of the hull Thanks Adrieke Thanks Brian, too much honour, anyway being humble is a fine quality for every person .
  3. Thanks Jim. Thanks Ferit, will give it a try after having finished the built. Your kind advice highly appreciated. Regards, John
  4. The pennant mast, kitchen stacks and protectors in place. The flying colours in the kit are made from a rather stiff material. Am not sure whether I will use them. For the time being the pennant mast has to do it without pennant. Will decide lateron what to do with it. Regards, John
  5. She is now already looking very nice and have still a way to go before finishing, will become nicer and nicer. Regards, John
  6. You are going so fast, but more important it looks great. Regards, John
  7. No problem Jean-Pierre, you are welcome. As a matter of fact I am honoured that you appreciate my built. Regards, John
  8. Thanks very much for this information Ferit, will purchase this cement. Regards, John
  9. Thanks Jim, hope Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer will be amongst the passengers. Regards, John
  10. She is becoming a real battleship, great job Ferit. Are the ropes of the cannons glued to the deck ? If so, it is not noticeable. Regards, John
  11. Nice progress, she is looking great. Thanks for the pictures. Regards, John
  12. Hi Mick, like Grant, I built George Stephenson's Rocket. If you are interested, the link to my built log is in my signature. Have fun, John
  13. Salute Ferit, thanks for your compliments which is highly appreciated. Thanks Sjors, but her homeport will be my hobbyroom.
  14. Thanks Adrieke, in fact I stopped reading the text at the top already where is stated : This authentic Mississippi Paddlewheel Steamboat. We all know there is nothing authentic at this model Nevertheless the figurines are very attractive. Regards, John
  15. Yep, I love the figures, but will try to find a local dealer. Will save transportation costs and moreover I donot possess any of the credit cards they accept. Regards, John
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