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Everything posted by john46

  1. Take your time my friend and I am sure you will overcome this hurdle. Scratch building these banisters are not an easy job. If you have to separate the various parts you better try to dissolve the glue first. Regards, John
  2. Wim, I will follow your log with pleasure, not as a 'duty' Regards, John
  3. Will follow your built with interest. Happy modeling. Regards, John
  4. A great job indeed Wim, must confess I didnot follow your scratchbuild, that's why it is called the darkside Will follow from now on with great interest (your turtle ship is in drydock I now understood). Regards, John
  5. Beautiful painting Andre. Think it must be a great satisfaction to you having saved this beauty from the garbage. Regards, John
  6. Adrieke, sorry to hear, remember I had to cut the last bar at the top of the sidepart before it fitted. By doing so the stairs came closer to the deck. Maybe it is the same problem you are facing now ?. (just a thought and trying to be helpful). Regards, John
  7. Completed the stairs to the wheelhouse. Beware, none of the precut sides of the stairs are equal, the holes for the steps differs from position, so you have to select a left and right side which match closest, otherwise you end up with visibly crooked steps. Now I have to create 4 small stairs for the cabins and terras to the 3rd deck and three long ones to connect the 3rd with the 2nd deck. Regards, John
  8. Mohamad, glad to see you start a build log. Your Mare looks very nice. Will follow your log with interest. Regards, John
  9. Nice barrels Ferit, suppose there will be a rum barrel as well to prevail mutiny Regards, John
  10. Good progress my friend, with some staining the split in the rail can hardly be seen since the long handrails are at the wall side. Regards, John
  11. She looks very good and brave in the hands of Gulliver. Regards, John
  12. Sarah, how do you assemble these metal parts ? Glueing, soldering or just 'klick in' ? Four decks in one time, that's really progress. Regards, John
  13. That's the right spirit Rebecca, if you are not happy with it then redo it ! This is a great advantage of wooden models, one can most of the time restore parts of the building. Curious to see the outcome. Have fun. Regards, John
  14. Great job on the captain's cabin. Regards, John
  15. Sjors, to dissolve wood glue you can try it with steam of an electric kettle (waterkoker), less aggresive than aceton. Regards, John
  16. Found that the dimensions of the Gorch Fock are 56,6 x 95 x 25,9 cm. Yep, a big one. Regards, John
  17. Looks great Daniel, sure you will hand her over to the pirates once finished ? Regards, John
  18. You really are pleasantly disturbed. I like this built, looks real fun to me. John
  19. Congratulations Anja, another kind of responsibility on your way. Good luck. Regards, John
  20. Sarah, she is a beauty. Congratulations on finishing the HARRIET LANE and last but not least your nomination as Moderator. Regards, John
  21. Sapelli is the hardest type of mahogany I understood. There exist another type mahogany called Sipo which is easier to handle. In my humble opinion I prefer the left door. If you could arrange to create a kind of smoked glass or someting like that, I think you have the ultimate profit of your led lights. Nice job Adrieke. Regards John
  22. Wow, you are going fast and neat. Are you going to finish her this weekend ? Regards, John
  23. Thanks Adrieke, but your built is only delayed by the extra's you are doing. Luckily this is not a speed competition, since I am not sure whether I really are steaming in front of you since you have alreay prepared parts where I have not even looked at. Only thing which counts is that we both are enjoying this built (ok, to be more precise MOST of the time ) Regards, John
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