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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Honestly, for now, I have no concrete idea of use this little thing. But, it was so cute, I could not resist to bye Thx Michael for the tip, I ll try it
  2. Yes you can. Just think before each step about 20 times and from 10 different angles of view, then think a couple of hours about reflection of this step to the next steps, and then slowly move forward
  3. Yes, there is a way. Switch to More Reply Options, chose picture, move cursor to place in text you want picture, and clik on link "add" to place
  4. Very nice work on planking I ll follow with great interest Keep on good work BTW Thermopylae is a famous ship, one of the fastest of her time. Her 1872 race with Cutty Sark is legendary in "wool trading" days, at the near end of sail ship era. I think that "wool trading" races could be very interesting for your kids and you Nenad
  5. Moldings for benders are mounted all around, and YES ! YES ! YES ! They are parralel whole along Her Majesty. Little corrections are still to be done ( little thinning of moldings, tiny alignement of lines, tiny putty and sanding, rounding edges of moldings...) but, it seems to be exact what have to be i had to make two new jig for sanding from part of molding 4mm wide. Rough sandpaper on one side and dine sandpaper on another side. And, Bob, we are again in stage of Hmm job: sand a little, and then look at it, and Hmm, put some putty, look ,and Hmm again, and then again light sanding and Hmm again, and everything in circle around and around ... I wish I had this patient earlier
  6. FOLDER MECHANISM - PART 1. - Plastic parts of folder mechanism can be thinned and cut to scale and used as white panels on bulwark I was looking for something with "hidden" shine reflection, at same time has to be 11x1 mm and very thin (cca 0,5mm) and very small with rounded edges. Testing with veneer was unsuccesful and I didnt like results. Bulwarks are not finished jet, but you can imagine how it will look
  7. Dont worry Daniel Thanks for your interest to my log Everything connected with Her Majesty or with concrete dilemma or question which I or others arise connected to building of Her is welcome Feel free to post as you wish BTW Some data of picture in your avatar is available on http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cutty_Sark_-_waiting_in_Sydney_Harbour_for_the_new_season%27s_wool.jpg . There Maritime museum in Greenwich is signed as author. So, maybe to post to Museum with your question ?
  8. Bad things happen sometimes My Admiral was looking for something to support some flowers, and as she knows that in shipyard there are moldings 50-90 cm long, and in a last minute I have saved my fresh made bulwark with white panels just before she plunged it into a pot with some flowers ... I told her that next time when I need to mix some nail colours or sadoline or mortar I ll take her kitchen mixer... Spices of family life
  9. Unfortunately, "Winston" is part of me I picked up 41 years ago... I think that I have no picture of me without this attachment Sometime ago I had one little vice (a bit larger than this), but my twin brother need it to stay somewhere in the dark of his house without use, and I gave it to him. From that time I was looking for little vice, and finally found it in place I never expect, with a silly price. It is to small for any other "serious" or hard work, but for modelling ... it is really irreplaceable, particularly when metal works will come My house is separated with semi flours ( garage and my workshop down in heat room with one entrance from garage at bottom level, living room and kitchen half flour above, bedroom and library half flour above, and children rooms another half flour above). Whole space is heated so that is no problem to work in winter. So, in workshop (heating room) no one but me has no job, and they usually leave me alone when I am there. Sometimes hairy monster (Persian cat) visit and urgently fly out. My heaven cave, where I can make garbage and dust and trash without cleaning every day. I waited for this 30 years
  10. EDIT ON MARCH 26 2014 Missing pictures from Keelhauled`s post Thx Marc, there is a lot to think about this lines Yesterday in the morning flea market I found some toys I could not avoid to bye for 5€ both ... I was in shipyard, but only for cleaning it and to get things and tools in some order. I hate idea to put laptop in the dust, so pictures are everywhere And my collection of sanding jigs picked up from all parts and corners of workshop ... which I usually can not find when I need them And collection of fine rasps "saved" 30 years ago from Army ... also found everywhere in work place Black thing near is my music friend - mini speaker with subwoofer !!! ( unbelievable what quality of sound it has attached to cellphone) Yesterday and today many home-works and family obligations, and no progress, except cleaning shipyard ... Ah, yes, in the evening I was with friend of mine in visiting plane and thank model competition in Belgrade (New Year Cup) in national Museum of aviation. I am not a fan of models of planes thanks and trains, but it was interesting, specially when my friends head had close contact with flaps on a tail of jet plane parked in the middle of exhibition ...
  11. No photos from trip Zlatibor tourist resort village " Partizan water" is next to the main road which connects Belgrade to Montenegro , and has about 15-25000 and perhaps more beds in many private houses, apartments, hotels, I got mad when I went through road which connects the center of the village with the main road and found that it is completely frozen , and snow is still here, not cleaned !!!! Only the last 200 m before reaching the main road show some trails of cleaning. 3 km of driving per ice board !!!!!! To the lake did not dare to go. If the tourist center untreated, what to exspect at a local path? If I went to the lake , probably will be slipped of somewhere along the road, where I had to wait for spring to come back to road. Very angry , I went straight home , where I arrived late ( 21:00) , to late for CS after 8 hours of driving
  12. Thx Daniel Your avatar tells everything Cheers and see you and your log around
  13. Harvey Do you open log for Flying Cloud ? I could not find it
  14. Finally a good day. Once to get lucky and to do something right. The second rail nearly mounted, and, what a surprise! The lines are parallel !! What luck! What a joy!! And that's not all Finally I succeed to disort strips for rail moldings for stern and them are not cracked ! Never mind that them are 1.5 to 1.5 mm And it was worth to see Admiral's face when she found me in her kingdom (kitchen) cooking strips Tomorrow bussines trip again (250+250 km) and I hope that there will be some pictures if I shall have some time to visit Zlatibor Lake
  15. Yes, Bob, almost all. I am just considering the manner and extent of setting second layer of planking just below stem, and just under the coopering Will it be visible at all ?
  16. I ll do my best, Brian, with materials I can purchase and find. Limitation is hard possibility to find order and bye specific wood types in Serbia. Maybe is solution in some patination, we ll see ... Tanks for a tip
  17. Lou I remember Peyton place. Was a kid, but later read a book. I remember my first soap ( " The Long Hot summer ..." ) and that I was fell in love with main actress ... ( kid ...) Bob On this detail of Lou`s picture is more clear what I investigate Brian Yes, I shall paint it with black acrylic colour, but first have to finish mount panels and rails, and to round rail edges. I considered earlier the possibility to leave all in natural wood, but ... that is for masters which mistakes are not visible and who are able to do plank-on-frame job. I am not such a type, and with colour little mistakes can be covered. That decision lead to future painting of deck and deck furniture also Thx for your interest friends
  18. Kids are on their German language lessons, Admiral in gym on her exercises, so I am alone, and little peaceful progress Plates are made of light sanded veneer covered with thin light sanded putty layer and thin also light sanded primer of diluted black acrylic paint. This way is result of testing. Plates of veneer thus prepared are more plastic and easy to cut in measure. Sure, everything has to be corrected later when whole plate line will be mounted, and, of course, painted well
  19. Another beer, Lou !!!! Thank you !!! I am not sure how shall I do this, but I now can clearly see construction of bow. There will be very small details on my scale, and question is - do them even will be visible or not. But, it is god to know I shall follow your log on your web with great interest ( just made bookmark to Chrome). Wish you every luck, willpower perseverance and determination in your so dedicated building Do you think about opening log on MSW ? I think that your approach to subject will be extremely interesting for members !!! Nenad
  20. For Bob (and for others) Running with toprail, on a bow I found position near the bowsprit which is little tricky... Carefully look at the pictures, and you can see little deviaton of straight lines of planking is present ( red lines). Deviation is present on almost all pictures of upper side of bow I can find But, further and deeper investigation lead to conclusion that situation was different before and after fire Here is picture before fire ( you can not see glass cloud under CS) And here is situation after fire ( glass cloud is presented) And there is some undeffinied space of second planking layer signed by "?" As I see in your photos, Bob, also in mine case, there is problem as for you as for me, and we have to grapple with this. On GFC plans, there is no answer, and that deviation is not present (or I am blind) Also in comparative view of other instructions and diagrams of different kit manufacturers, there is no answer And another question There is interesting edge of top-rail with interesting ending (yellow arrow on first picture) What do you think about this ?
  21. Hey, Piet It will be interesting if I really take a bear with me (if I have one ...). On the other side, that wrong word force me to think - have I bear hidden somewhere in my house? Sometimes my work on CS like as it was made my bear by night while I sleep ... It was definitely not done for beer, cause I drink very rarely and very little (consequences of earlier sporting life) but smoke a lot (1-2 packs of cigarettes per day)
  22. After finished collecting fallen leaves from whole homeyard (20x40m) take bear and E.Grieg with me, and started working on outside toprail. Pictures follow when finish it. My english ... bear = beer
  23. Glass of wine, E. Grieg music, and final polish of hull. Then, very thin layer of glue as primer coat.
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