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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. There is a way to make this little things. Needle, putty on same top on needle and my secret toy to see anything One side is finished. About one hour of work for each freeing port (only outside)
  2. So, Marc, let`s do something for you not to fell bad Here is something for you to feel good, what make me to feel bad. I wrote above something about lost lines of deck, and here is exactly what happened You can see that bulwark line of panels IS NOT parallel to deck, and mistake is really huge. I do not see any way to correct this in this stage of building. If I eventually rise main deck to adequate line, then I must rise front and rear deck too, and then definitely whole side look of model goes to hell. I must leave it as it is, ( and live with it, Bob !) and try to mask this some way, when climb to deck-works again. I can see, I ll have a great problem with inside freeing ports on some positions - some of 12 are on right position, some are rised too high to panel line, some are just near the deck. That really make me bad, and sure make you laught. Where was my brain in early stage of building ? Happiness is that freeing ports from outside look are on their right position and they all are in scale Other mistakes I can see are not realy visible in my model ( because I do not intend to make museum model) or were corrected earlier, and that is main reason I decide to over-detail Her everywhere I can do, and know how to do In addition to still existing deck furniture and other known elements, in some pictures of CS I have seen some chains on deck, spare mast strapped to bulwark, bunch of ropes laid down to deck etc etc, and other details I have just to investigate, and think that will be solution. Also, above this mess is forest of ropes and sails and other rigging elements, which in this condition I must do perfectly with ALL details I have seen on MSW adequate to Cutty. Also I think about to spread all auxiliaray sails on every place them can be spread ( I must find exactly word for them so edit will follow) Edit: Studdy sails ( stunt sails) It is not accidentally what I wrote in my signature Happy me Only left to hope not to make another so huge mistake. But I enjoy cleaning this mess very much, and every work hour in shipyard is happy hour
  3. Admiral finished 1000 pieces Puzzle and forward to 3000 pieces Puzzle ... devil, devil ... With famous operas on phone I have downloaded this days, go to workshop. I am familiar with famous arias and overtures, but decided to listen whole length of them. In my cave it is ideal place and time to study music I can not listen in home ( kids and Admiral dont like that). It is also impossible in office ( phone calls, concentrate on writing and reading or listening clients, and music just pass by me) Marvelous Mozart Requiem Verdi Requiem Rossini And after two hours, two more outside freeing ports finished before painting. Nails are made of putty and applied with top of the narrow needle I needed little rasp (2 mm) to correct traces of glue, to thin hinges, and to round corners of hinges. It was impossible on table before glueing ( less than 1x2 mm). I am blind for that, and hardly find that little pieces on desk, so I take my hidden toy, make some jig-rasp with sandpaper 280, and it works well Tomorrow is last working day before two week vacation ( New Year, on January 7th Orthodox Christmas, on January 13th so called "Serbian New Year" ... so many non-working days, and nobody really work. I can go to office, but there is nobody around to work with. Courts dont work until January 20th also). Travelling nowhere (maybe in circle of 100 km to visit some friends in their cottages), have to paint bathroom walls and to replace ground cloth in bathroom to make my Admiral happy. There will be a time for Her Majesty also, to sleep and to read some books, and to rest from madness in public life. I promised to myself not to watch TV these days Happy New Year and Christmas to everybody !!!!
  4. Thanks Marc and Bob Kind words of experienced modellers as you are very significant for me to go forward. BTW Marc, your fabulous plank-on-frame technique on Lincorne is elusive dream for me, at least in this life
  5. And I am proud to myself. First freeing port is finished. Eleven more to go View from outside View from inside
  6. Moments that made us laugh although it is better to cry Yesterday I was in one representative government building in the ceremony conference hall, and look at what I see Entrance door No comment is needed
  7. Blades seem so sweet and useful, but nothing other than Chinese junk. Single blade shape lasts only 5-15 cuts of veneer. Holders of blades are self-destructive : separated in pieces almost immediately. Blades in holders "stay" still as them are on some drugs. Nothing serious can be done with I got exactly what I paid, and learned something ...
  8. When blades dulled out, it can be used as little squeegee for puttying. Very usefull for precise work with putty
  9. And wish me luck with the dentist Tooth problem again ... nerve of tooth must be ripped out ... this tooth was "healed" a week ago !!!!! Five days I live on Rapidol drug ( pain killer) ... Martian invasion in all professions here !!!! PS Every time I am sitting/laying in dentist chair I wistfully watch their collection of tools ... and toys ...
  10. Daniel Idea is to simulate tin strips around square holes of freeing posts with narrow and thinned veneer (red arrows on picture) Earlier test had good results and that encourage me in that direction Also in photos you can notice that there is white tin strip molding a whole way by waterways between bulwark and deck. Over-detailing is only way to visualy mask bump I write above. Wish me luck wit this
  11. Happy hollidays and best wishes for all the folowers. Rest a little, be with your dears, spend some good time, and back to life In Belgrade, everywhere you can feel New Year and Christmas slowdown in business, dappled with sport success (women handbal second in world) and political turbulences (will be elections or not) In shipyard, finished with moldings, and then - slow-motion Starting with freeing posts, step by step. There are 12 of them. Why are tricky parts always multiplied ? It took me near and hour just to recalculate them and rescale from Campbell to my model, and another two hours to draw on model, start drilling and to finish first four squared holes Holly, and almighty paper tape. I did not use jig I made ( it swings to much and not precise I hoped ). For measuring, as divider from moldings I use 2mm strip. Then little holes, in second cross not so little holes, and then carefully sawing with fine locksmith file. Finish with sanding jig granulated 250 When I finish all 12 of them, then start real party. I have some ideas ... In some details of pictures, you can see wrong thickness of bulwark wall I was writing about. That has a good and a bad point Good - so much stronger than 1 mm it should be, and it will be much easier to mount stanchions Bad - it is not in scale. Also, it force me to try to mask it making cap panels of freeing posts in non standard way There is also one more relatively large mistake, but with no possibility to correct in any way. Earlier lost lines of deck catch me again, this time inside of bulwarks: some of freeing posts are not on equal to the distance and parallel to main deck. Adequate correction of main deck is impossible, because it will reflect to rise of aft deck ( and there is no price to do it again. Third time I think). Maybe it could be masked visually by nail and dead-eye holder and by stanchions, and by some extra rope, and by white masks, we will see. As usualy, I also have some idea for that. Pictures of this bump will follow later
  12. Working in some stuff in homeyard, I realised that during welding some simply metal construction, it warms and because heat rises and re-raises. To weld can anyone (even me) , but to put right dimensions of the parts of the metal structure to fit with heated parts - it can be done only by master. In opposite, you will probably have curves or holes instead straight lines. Now, imagine the same thing in proportion 1:100. In my opinion, impossible mission. And what will be point of this, if it will not be accurate 1.000.000 % ? Maybe folks who make jewelry can be able to do that. And a half life time to do this work. Only reasonable point could be - half opened model with some lights inside ( in CS there are no gun ports in twin deck for light entrance). I have not hear that anybody make CS on that way. To be clear what was done, I think minimum scale must be 1:50 or greater. And that will be model about 2m long, 1m tall. And if you put sails on, imagine how large must be aquarium to keep model. With my scale ( 1:96 I think) I can even now smell problems with Admiral where to keep it one day when She will be launched out od shipyard. And a model 2-3m long ? Separate house for it
  13. In the evening Admiral started her 1000 pieces puzzle ( her passion, cathcing her 26 hours a day until finish). I bye her such a gift from time to time ... ( little devil ...) Peace peace peace Go down to work on CS I mounted stern line strip, and then mainly did final shape of outer lines and surfaces of bulwark, preparing for next stage ( with Hmmm of course) Waiting for putty to dry, I made some neccessary corrections First at bow. In Tehnodidakta edge is rounded, but on Campbell and in Greenwich - no Then little correction connected to my earlier question and dilemma. It is not done, yet, just a bit And then trying to make a little jig for vertical positioning water posts o bulwark Here is a jig, method I intend to apply, and result. Little drunk, and must work more on this
  14. Thanks Daniel, I ll keep it in my mind. I have two very old books with nautical dictionary with more than 300-500 terms. Only problem is - books are not with me every time I need some meaning, and description of one unknown term is made with another unknown term. If I jam somewhere, I ll contact you. For now, I successfully guess what it is about in posts Thx again PS Bob, sorry for little stolen space of your log
  15. Bob it seems that you are more familiar with photoshop by me, and I need some litlle help there My original TEHNODIDAKTA plans have no mark of scale, and all drawings of ship are a little bit larger than in Campbell plans. So, my idea is to rescale Campbel plans to scale it to TEHNODIDAKTA plans, and to print them again in that rescaled size, but I can not determine the percentage of increase it. Only way I see is to determine same benchmarks for measuring on both plans, and to calculate percentage. By your experience, what points on plans are optimum for benchmarking ? And, please, crop them as pictures and past in post ( my English and poor understanding of nautical terms) Thx Nenad
  16. Thank you very much, Edwin, for kind words and your wishes. Also I wish to you and all yours only two thing - health, and not to be annoyed by anything in life. Other things will just come Still waiting for your log ( Amerigo Vespucci ?)
  17. Toy I just could not pass by for €5, smuggled into workshop. I hope I should be able to use it when time for soldering come ... I hope to "accidentally" find adequate soldering iron too ... Next molding in line: And cooking molding for stern, too. Admiral walked into kitchen to drink some water, and had no comment !!! It seemed to me that she even was curious what I'm doing with slats ...
  18. I hate fraudsters Yesterday on gas station ( EKO ) stopped car to tank gasoline, and to bye new wipers for windshield preparing for winter conditions. Whole my driving life (35 years) I find and bye wipers only in a pair of. So, I was not so much concentrated counting that in package there is a pair of wipers ... And I pay by Visa ... AND I MUST BYE ANOTHER ONE IN DOUBLE PRICE FOR TWO WIPERS !!!!! 10€ to me really mean - nothing, but ... great disappointment with idiotic approach to trade business And a comment of seller : "Why you did not look at before? ". I think that in any other normal country, the seller and the manager should be fired immediately Did Serbs even learn - meaning of the business is not in small frauds Moldings for benders thinned to shape, and preliminary painted ( think I succeed to catch teak colour with acrylic paint). Painting lasts near 2 hours ... Learned lesson: I must practice precise colouring before final painting, and dive deeper in MSW to find some tips and tricks for this All in all, pretty satisfied Where I was And where am I now
  19. Thx Omar, I am very glad that here is anyone who is inspired by my messy work. Just these days I participated in one discussion on FB between Serbian modellers in wood and from plastic, representing the thesis that this hobby is not only for grand masters. There is, and there must be a room for other mortals, and I think that every step we do is also promotion of this great hobby and its values How this sounds easy ...
  20. Famous question: Am I going to do box for the compass? Will it be visible? And when you start to work - well, I just could do metal compass. And after ...... a compass needle? That would be cool And after ... a mark on the compass ? Never ending story
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