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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Marc our friend Bob (Rfolsom) said briliant words : ... if you can live with it ... Probably answer is somewhere in this words "Just" to find where is frontier behind you can live with THIS and after you can not live with THIS
  2. And now, I am realy in deep trouble, and realize that I am not get out of swamp jet Who forced me to scale C-plans (Campbell) to size of T-plans (Tehnodidakta) ? Devil do not sleep, and I had seen with corner of my eye that something do not match Looking one, looking other, looking Her, looking Bob`s picture of bow on my door .... something is wrong in whole picture, and that tortured me I have no scanner in home to take two scans aas two layers in photoshop to compare, so use copy paper and redraw on it bow from T-plans, and when I put it over C-plans, here is what I got !!!!!! What this means ? I can correct down side of holder of Nannie relatively easy I can eventualy correct upper side of holder of Nannie , or not, this can not be seen because of support part for ornaments Here arise question No 1 : Do this or not ? But that is not all I strongly decline to take even a small look at the stern and to compare lines there, having in mind what was there and what I have done to correct elephant *** I have made on that place, and lines are surelly not correct And there is question No 2 If I leave stern as it is, can I leave bow as it is ? Also In T-plans, depth of keel is 3,5-4 mm, in C-plans, depth of keel is stgrong 4 mm. In Her Majestu, there are 3,5 mm Question No 3 Replace all of the keel with 4mm wide wood or not Next Angle and position of bowsprit is not correct in T-plans. Top is too down In T-plans, begining of bowsprit is completly hiden under forecastle deck. In C-plans and on a Citty, bowsprit rises from narow part of forecastle deck Also, bowsprit is thicker on root and thinner on top, as in C-plans as in CS. In T-plans - thickness is same at the root and at the top of bowsprit Question No 4 To remove and to remake ? Answer is = YES Question no 5 - where is bowsprit holder in this stage ? And how it looks ? And there is conclusion Second layer of planking is not done yet until this corrections will be done Maybe it will be neccessary to replank (again) forecastle deck WHAT TO DO ???? I feel so nervously, and get out from shipyard and join Admiral to stare in some stupid movie
  3. Try google pictures, and you can accidentaly (!) find very interesting links for download .... Oh, yes, and open your log please And welcome to CS fleet
  4. Punic Wars is a collective name for the three wars that were conducted between ancient Rome and Carthage in the second half of the third st century. e. and at the beginning of the second half of the 2 st century. e. They are called "Punic Wars" because the Romans called Carthage "Puns" (points), which is a form derived from the "Phoenicians" because Carthage emerged as a Phoenician colony So, inspired by this story, and passing your( and mine) torture and racking with planking, I call this scene " Hull wars". As times go on, I see this name is so adequate .... with question : will I ever get out of planking ? And sanding ? And puttying ? Keep on good work Nenad I agree : A spice must flow ( quote from DUNE )
  5. Jud Even the name "lifeline" tells everything ... Some unsucessfull testing with alu-foil. Bad, but idea of appearance is here And it seems that solution will be in cooper self adhesive tape 0,035 mm thin 1 cm wide which is used for antistatic works . Must find it (somewhere) and touch it and feel on my fingers to see is is usefull
  6. In Belgrade, when you windows shoping, it seems there is everything .... until you start to look for particular thing
  7. Thank you Mark Now, while sanding time lasts. there is time to CAREFULLY analyze and plan next steps. I must dive deep in C-plans and other instruction and plans I have First move is light sanding hull planks, fill holes, light sanding Then correct bow and stem and stern Then first hand of black paint Then "Coopering" and then - WHAT ??? There are some details that must be done before climbing on deck. On the other side, on all three decks there will be some rough dirty and dusty works which have to be done BEFORE some other fragile works outside on hull And, bearing in mind that I barely pulled out of the swamp of my blunders. I do not want to get in another swamp Thinking work is in front of me, with dear not to forget something Must make some table-sheet with steps, their order and check-boxes ... Think, Nenad, think hard ... Edit: In Belgrade, there is no Zync or brass foil for "coopering". Today I went to one place where you can bye cooper foil. They have 0,1 mm, but to me it looks hard to work with ? So rough ... There is no thinner than 0,1 mm ...
  8. Daniel I do not think about your post as hijack. One of the things I enjoy in this hobby is just imagination about days of sail Yesterday I let Her majesty to rest from me, and have watched some clips on YouTube about stormy sea (strong wind, waves were about 20m from down to the top, maybe more) and just like to think about how it was on these days... Imagine you are sailor, deep night in heavy storm on such a waves somewhere around Horn, and Cap order you to go up on mast to do something with ropes and sails. You see and hear anything, try to walk on deck hearing only water posts banging trying to release enormous amount of water from deck, only can touch and recognize by sense where you are going. Strong wind try to blow you up from rope stairs until you climb, everything is wet and slippery, cold and frozen, mast moves from left to right, fore and aft in strong angles trying to oust everything what is on, and you are up somewhere standing on some tiny rope 15m above deck, your legs tremble with the effort to keep balance, your arms stiff by pain in trying to keep yourself as near as possible to mast, trying with your frozen fingers to tie or untie some knot, or to grapple with wild beast of sail hint near you which unbridley wraps around you and hit you as wind hit her. You still see anything, wet to bones, with water sprayed directly in face and immediately freezes, and you know if you do not do what you need to do, you and your mates probably would not survive storm. And you know that night is long, and have no idea how many more times this scene will repeat. You can give up, go to jail, and be unloaded in first harbour, but than your 3-5 kids will die in hunger To be more realistic, remember that sheet happens. Ropes broke, blocks and dead-eyes go to hell, and you must reconstruct them without delay, with released mast which wildly dangling around. Must is broken and ropes are hopelessly intricate ... Still night, still storm, still cold and wet ... And always keep in mind, that whole world trade and traffic, politic and development, and complete History of man kind more than 2000 years go only in this way, until steam boats arrive Impressive, when look at things on this way PS I hope my English is understandable, and the picture is quite clear
  9. Could anybody today be able to drive Her 17,5 knots only with full sails up from England to China/Australia around Horn? Do not believe Could anybody today want/be able to live/work on Her without electric current, internet, GPS, cell and sattelite phone, TV, diesel motors, air-conditioning, electrical motors who operate sails, computer systems for sails and navigation, without limited working time? Do not believe in that too. And if you add to Her such modern stuff, She will no longer be Cutty Sark That was brave time for real heroes of sailing and life, and let it be On Youtube it can be found movies about sailing on similar clipper Stad Amsterdam. Better to say - playing to sail. Not bad at all, but what a difference ... Old castles are something real awesome, I really enjoy seeing them, but, to be honest, do not want to live inside
  10. Second "Hull war" is almost done Hard work today (4+3 working hours) and another side second layer done Next sanding (again ...). Very light sanding this time Unfortunately, CS one of this days must exit her "Ferriera" phase and get black paint over hull Thinking about Ferriera, every time my heart tightenes when I see her poor and neglected appearance in period from 1895 to 1916. But, will she be alive today without this stage ? What would be her destiny having in mind that days of merchant sailships where gone with the wind ? Just to remember destiny of Flying cloud ( she was burned for the scrap metal value of her cooper and iron fastenings) or Thermopylae (On 13 October 1907, the Portuguese Navy towed her down the Tagus river using two warships, and before Amelia de Orleans, Queen of Portugal, she was torpedoed with full naval honours off Cascais) or Ariel and others disappear somewhere in the oceans. Who know. Just to remember that CS as Ferriera in 1922 was the last clipper operating anywhere in the world. In her history, Cutty is something like bird Phoenix, almost died as Ferriera, and reborn again in all her beaty when Wilfred Dowman recognize Her ( I am not so clever and educated ... allmighty Wiki)
  11. Oh, Bob waked up !!!!! So, we can expect some photos of progress !!! I pull up a chair and inpatiently wait Nenad
  12. Finished first side of hull, move to another, and good progres God, I start dreaming this little things ... Cut,glue,cut,glue, line up, cut, glue, line up, cut ..... little booooring ... Fortunately, after this, there is left only one big planking job in front of me (main deck) Edit: I forgot four boats !!!! And "roofs" of deck houses !!! Another overeaten day (Christmas lunch). Hapiness is that in couple of days I ll start to work. If this eating situation continue, I soon could not pass through garage door (joke.. 190 cm and 95 kg with 55 years is not much ). Here is new look and feel of CS This days I managed to rescale C-planss to scale of my CS, and doing some compares Bow and the stem must be corrected later when finish planking of second layer. Curvatures of bow and stem on Tehnodidakta plans are wrong. Holder of Nannie is also wrong ... I hope to finish planking about 7-10 days, then to prelinimary paint it black, and in mean time to start finding somewhere in Belgrade Zinc foil for "coopering"
  13. Thx for your interest, Daniel Here is explanation to your question Working on part of bulwark with white panels, I made it wide as soon is possible to fit scale on C-plans. But, when time to mount them come, half of milimeter up, 1/4 mm down, layer of glue, and it drops almost 5mm wide instead about 4 mm. This reflects to outside look, because second rail from top must follow down edge of panels and future nailholder Then, considering I am not able to make rail thiner than 1mm, additional wideness come, so, rail + space + rail on my model is 1+5+1 mm Admiral calls for dinner, so it will continue later ... Extension ... Ahhhh My favourite ... + + = ( Bob, you must try this : spinach, poached eggs, fried eggs on bread and milk ) Back to the Cutty Where I stopped ? ( Full belly empthy mind) Oh, yes And when upper part of bulwark raised to 6-7 mm, Campbell plans can not be applied, because by them to keep in scale, planks had to be 5-6 mm wide, and I think it is to much Looking at the pictures, I noticed that planks are little narrower than the space between rails, so, if space is 4,5-5 mm, than planks have to be 3-3,5 mm, and it looks (for me) right in scale by photos Here are some photos to compare space between rails and planks, and wideness of planks with the hull Next question - length of planks. In C-plans, there is nothing about it ( or I am blind) In pictures, it is not clear, and to me it seems that place of composition of planks in same line is not visible because thick layer of black paint That is my idea, to fill composition with putty or with wood dust on edges of planks in same line, and when black paint cover it ... I think it will be OK
  14. No shipwork today Nice weather outside, and I persuaded Admiral to forget and leave endless polishing of house and to go on a short trip around Belgrade Mount Avala (with its 511 m height smuggled to the mountain) right next to Belgrade. Nice walking path and picnic area with some interesting details Complex at the top is dominated by two objects: Monument to the Unknown Soldier and the television tower At the place where monument is built, there was ancient fortres known to ancient Romans to keep their mines (magnesium, mercury lead). In the middle century there was build fortres Žrnov, last to the 1934. year when "clever" king Aleksandar Karadjorjevic the first, blew it up to build Today monument Here is a picture of Old Zrnov And monument Monument was build by the famous Yugoslavian artist Ivan Mestrovic, inspired by Tomb of Cyrus the Great, surrounded by caryatids that support the roof. The eight sculptures symbolize the mothers of soldiers and nations and regions of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (that united kingdom lead to SFRJ which was broken in pieces during civil wars 1990-2000) Walk through regulateed forest, to the tower TV tower was put into operation in 1965. year, tall 202.87 meters. It was a masterpiece of architecture , the only tower in the world , which is the intersection of a equilateral triangle symbolized Serbian tripod seat Previously, the restaurant was on the gondola to 118 m , but was closed since 1970. year. Seemingly " skinny " on three legs , which relied on the basic blocks buried 1.4 meters into the rock , the tower has resisted the ravages of time and the onslaught of kosava " walking " in diameter and one meter . It was demolished 29 April in 1999. The aerial bomb during the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia 37 th day of the bombing . To the destruction of the World Trade Centre on the 11th September in 2001. The Avala Tower was the highest building in the world collapsed . Tower was and still is Symbol of Belgrade. Travelers who approached the road to Belgrade would know that far from the city when they saw the Avala tower . Removing the remains of the tower began in May 2005th and lasted 2 months. Construction of the new tower began end of 2006. year. Reconstruction work started on the 6th February, 2007. year. Completed 23 October 2009 Tower has two elevators and restaurant at 119 meter and lookout at 122 to a meter in height. The total height of the tower is 204.57 meters .
  15. I just have no words Paper ??? I cant believe untill I go to start of toppic and read all Really awesome
  16. Popeye I like look and feeling of this little beasts too, and it is a pitty they did not match to black hull colour of Citty Sark. For some future building it is good to remember I go down to workshop to take some shots and explain process Deja vu As usually, completelly done by accident I was looking for solution for one question, and, as usually, found something I do not expect I was trying to resolve problem of planking considered to curvatures of hull, because veneer I have is not elastic enough to asume proper smooth lines So, little thinking, and I remember that acrylic paint turn to something plastic when dry, and plastic is elastic by default, and think: How it would be to "put" some "plastic" to veneer ? There is some piece of veneer I have and use First I cut veneer to pieces 5cm wide, and thined it with fine sanding ( not cutted this piece on picture, thisi is just for example) A drop of acrylic paint to thined veneer With putty knife spread this drop over the surface and remove excess on both sides ( later you can decide which side look better for purpose you need it) Wait to complete dry untill tomorrow, and then thin it again with fine sandpaper on both sides Remove dust, and cut to slices of desired with ( 5 cm x 3mm in my case) And glue to hull on place you want I used black acrylic which I will use for hull later And imagination start to work, and ideas drops and drops and drops For instance, you can use different stronger colours for primer layer, and another transparent or semi-transparent colours as second layer, and effects can be really amazing. Different measure of strenght and transparency in layers, and also different colours and combination of colours. Maybe not ony acrylic ? Also you can experimente with different kind od veneer. No limits Happy modelling and thanks for your interest
  17. Sailor I do not to work with long strips, and do not have long strips of veneer Bob Thanks for your response. In meantime, I measure some significant distances on both plans, and on the ship, and scale vary from 1,19-1,27-1,35 So I have no exact scale to grow up Campbell plans, and must work with sense This days slow progress with second layer, noting worth to show for now
  18. Little observation Planks are 3mm wide When you are measuring, and cutting strips of veneer 3mm wide, you face with fact that 3mm can be THICK 3mm, and can be THIN 3mm, and can be something between THICK and THIN 3mm. All of this is still 3mm During planking time, there can be significant difference between them, and sometimes THICK 3mm must be reduced to "something between" or to THIN 3mm Now, I am sorry I did not noticed this difference during planking fore and aft decks
  19. Decembar 29th, 13:00h and 100 C outside, calm with a lot of sun. Some final garden work before snow, waiting mother in law to come to lunch with us (we install this happening as Sunday family habit, since her husband, my father in law was gone in May, and she is alone now). In mean time made some tests with veneer preparing for second Hull war (planking of second layer) Extension (22:20) Second Hull war begin Adrian don¨t like Verdi Traviata opera I like Here am I in planking business again ... Starting second layer. Tests I made before lunch lead me to the next Veneer must be thinned to half, and light pre-covered with acrylic paint to get some elasticity. All this then sanded with very fine sandpaper. It glue well Comparing planks look at different pictures, and analyzing plans, I decide to plank with strips 5cm long and 3 mm wide, to fit planks in scale as on CS. Longer veneer planks I do not know how to put. I think that it will be OK, particularly after painting them with black acrylic paint
  20. And another side is done I discover that our cat Adrian adore Verdi¨s Requiem. Two hours he did not move from shipyard ....
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