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Posts posted by NenadM



    I mean to see that your model is on a smaller scale? Billing Cutty Sark's in 1: 75

    smaller is lot more chalenging



    My scale is about 1:100 by my mathematics. I do not know exactly because luck of instructions in kit plans I started with (old Croatian *Tehnodidakta" kit with poor instructions, mistakes and bad sutions. Almost after start, I found MSW, found Campbell plans, resized them app. to my scale, left kit plans and parts and continued with model as a scratch building by C plans and photos

  2. “...Sobbing, Sam ...

    Not more sobbing, Sam arrived where he goes

    Stand is finaly done with final color correction, and very light layer of mat acrylic laquer mixed with a bit of orange in one layer, and with a bit of red and black in second layer

    I have got almost a look of quality wood which is very old, little shiney but not much. That is approximately looking which I was targeting. It can not been seen in real color with my camera, but this is near



  3. Hi Nenad


    Really great work on the stand!






    Hi Patrick. Nothing more than prolong and extend time to fix Her on stand  :D  :D  :D  :P  ;)



    Nenad.......the stand looks awesome!   I love the two color variation.   with a few strips of felt,  ans she'll be complete   ;)


    BTW.........whoever made that second throne was ill!   :D   :D   :D



    Hi Denis.


    Somewhere in my life I was "forced" to improvise some box for some stuff, and I had only ugly old scratched and damaged plywood as material ... I made something in high speed ... and started to look at ... and why not, let`s try something with it ... fill gasps with alabaster plaster, sanded surfaces, cover all  thing with thin layer of something, sanded again, and start playing with two colors as I was playing on my paints ... Admiral was delighted with result . Couple of times later I realized that with thin layers used, particular with acrylic,  you can imitate almost any color of almost any wood type, and even if you are mad enough :D  :D  :D , you can sign a texture of wood. something similar I did playing with planks color on decks on CS.  :huh:


    And, as I replied to Patrick`s post, I need some extra time :angry:  :angry: to finish test piece of hull and to rethink :rolleyes: about method of connection ( I am not sure that iron screws will be good solution, and I am a bit closer to some kind of wooden dowels /bamboo from BBQ sticks 3-4mm dia/ when I find a way to fulfill empty space under gull planks), so ... let`s play a while. I am aware of fact that in a glass cage  with all sails spread, almost nobody will look at small stand deep under Her spread wings, but ... we are all big little kids who still like playing, are we ?



    Throne with teeth ???  Yeah, folks on Net, as in life, can be very witty and wired sometimes. And life can make situations ... when i was young, about 03-04 am I was entering home after loooong night, I was home alone. For story, it is important to mention, as young ( even today with some reduction) I was anti alcoholic, and do not use any kind of drugs in any form (except cigarettes :D  :D  :D ). So my mind was tired but clear. I went to kitchen to eat, all was quiet and peaceful ...  From some reason light bulbs start flashing a few seconds, I did not care ... Few minutes later, I wash dishes and ... wanting to put trash in box under the sink, I opened sink door , but .... somebody`s hand I sow, from inside of sink, closed the door !!! ... I opened it again, that hand again closed door immediately ..... I scared to death at second ..... ( I lose my hair later ...)   ... It was just my mother`s pink color rubber glove attached to top of finger inside door which hanged up to something inside .... But that feeling .... Even today I tell friends about, they fall under table laughing ... 


    I think that is the way how funny stuff appear in our life. What happened to person who designed throne with teeth, I can just imagine ... 

  4. I wouldn't sob at that stand.  It looks great!  :)


    Mark, quote is fascinating sentence which lazy George R.R. Martin masterfully used to dramatize and made tense, repeating it several times between short narrations, to describe in a new narrative way dramatic battle for the Fist of the First Men. I like it and was inspired with, trying to dramatize many boring  (un)necessary steps in stand making ;). I really hope that Martin will continue to inspire us soon, we are waiting more than a long time for Winds of Winter


    Thanks Piet, I am also near to be satisfied with


    Thanks Jens, your comments and suggestions are more than a wellcome

  5. World is small place, Ian


    I grew up in Karaburma since I was two years old (1961) until 1979 when I move to Zemun. So. there I finish elementary school ( "Stevan Filipovic") and High School ( "Sedma beogradska gimnazija"), spend there childhood and early years of my youth, living in apartment near "Slavica" cinema and later near garage of "Gradsko saobracajno" ... At those days Karaburma had some special spirit and atmosphere ... but, last couple of years Karaburma was "attacked" by builders without any idea and sense for architecture,  and you do not really want to look it now ... if you want, take a little walk from here with street view on Google maps




    Again, small word

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