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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. There are two of standing pin-rails on aft deck Denis, one on fore deck, and couple on main deck near masts, with more complicated structure. Also there are longitudinal pin-rails along both bulwarks inside

    But, you know that, Denis

    After having a good day with kids celebrating their birthdays (feb 22 and 24), I made last testing, trying to make pinrails more in scale (not painted)


    Some conclusion and thoughts...

    This time I used toothpick (bamboo) for little pillars, and cut all only by hand and scalpel. Thinner, yes, but more more fragile, and ... whole structure is more weaker

    I can not shrink their tallnes more, because then I will lose their look with this nice curvature on only 5mm long space

    I reduced lenght for 5mm, and result is - bunch of pins in very small space, so I was forced to use 0,5mm wire for pins to get proper look. That opened question about thickness of ropes and lines supposed to be attached there ... Human hair ? I think - no

    And here is my question: is there any point to do this in scale when you can not use it to be nice?

    And conclusion: some elements just have to be and must be a bit overscaled

  2. You are so kind, Denis. Thx for nice words and the like


    So, I enlarged whole structure a bit to be able to do anything, and here it is ... In 100% scale, pillars in their largest diameter are thinner than toothpick, and horizontal molding has to be less than a 1mm thick, and pins thinner than 0,5 mm. All this can be seen on a little drawing on a paper below, at a photo No#1. I am not sure, even I eventualy succed to make it so small, that structure aven made of bamboo can hold any force of a one single attached rope line. So, my decision was to overscale a bit just to get some additional strenght, and to make it possible to be made for my fat fingers and bad eyes.


    All is made from bamboo (except base of pillars)...


    So, last attempt or first of two ... ... We'll see ...Something to think about over night








    Temporary on place with bollard. Pins are brass wire 0,75mm dia, painted with acrylic. It seems to be pointless on such a scale to thin diameter of lower part of pins.


    Considering I have seen CS kits where pinrails on aft deck are doubled size, I think it all will be just fine








    Only left to drill and mount brass wire as future connection to deck

  3. it's not too hard Patrick.......I'll find a good 'pause' area sooner or later. I put in another order for parts. had trouble with stanchions...out of stock. perhaps I can pick back up with one of the other builds. thanks for the good word :)


    thanks Greg.......welcome to the asylum :wacko:;)

    Denis VS pause ... It is not you my friend. You just can not stand in place peacefull. To me, it seems a time for new build is to come soon ;)

  4. Answer :


    Bamboo, sort of




    Interesting material. Strong and pretty fat longitudinal fibres not connected strong. Hard to cut and almost impossible to fine sand and use, for instance, as spar and masts. Impossible to be used for dead eyes and small consistent parts, But very strong and resistant to latitudinal and longitudinal force. With patience, can be shaped in rotary tool, if you do not need glass surface. My choice is result I do not have adequate rottary tool to be used with solid wood, only Einhell, and 2-3mm dia stick fit perfectly in jaws, so I played a bit



  5. Working drawing in AI with C-plans 1:1 at background, and measurement for pin rails .... huh ...




    It seems they have to be a bit enlarged ... more testing, visual this time, has to be done 


    BTW, you can see comparing to photo in post #2870 that "pillars" are a bit higher than on C-plans, so ... here is a space for enlarging : Pillars to 10-11mm, longitude of rail to 20mm and width to 3mm, width of pillars at base to 3-4mm ... we will see ...


    :10_1_10:  :10_1_10:  :10_1_10:

  6. Very nice Nenad! Nice work! :)

    Thanks George. Just thinking ... Visually, pin rails are very attractive part as deck end of rigging lines, and in my scale (app1:100) they are really really small. If I had any idea about that, probably I'll chose 1:75 or even 1:50. But then, She would be 1,25 or 1,5 meters long! With glass cage, min 0,3m longer! Too large for living room. On 1:100 scale, She is almost at the very end of size for my living room (4,5x5,5m). Hmmmmm

  7. Looks pretty perfect to me, Nenad. I'm in awe that you're doing this without power tools. It's amazing work and it looks like the spice is flowing again.


    BBQ strips have exactly same diameter as my "Einhell" rotary tools, so ... at slow speed, short pieces, sandpaper and "exacto", playing until I catch line of moves, and that is it. Not bad for this scale. Basement is made from two glued square 4x2mm strips, drilled through to dia of toothpick,Ca glue, veneer down, so here it is. When I start making final, I'll show whole process. I found BBQ stuff more stronger than another wooden pieces I have. They can not be fine fine fine sanded without putty, because of their longitudinal "bamboo" structure, but in this scale, it just can not been seen


    Bollards have bigger dia, and I made them without rotary tool. They are small and will be hidden under ropes etc, and it just does not matter. Thx for following and support, Mark


    BTW, yes, spice is all around, and it flows ! My social life comes back, little moves forward in job also, kids are well and I enjoy in their success and moving forward in life, and almost everything seems to be ok. (OK, as every attorney, I am good in lies ;) ... Admiral still miss me very much, but it seems I started to learn to live with it)

  8. you are an expert in the details and detective work. you might have been the perfect Crimean seen investigator :D


    Buteful worke B)


    Thx friend for nice words. Unfortunately, I don't like field of crime law attorney practice, in the way it works in my country. Far away from real defense job, judge and prosecutor both at same side against your client and you ... and thin evidences and logic just mean - nothing. But "trade" and fear mean - everything. There is no place for you there if you are honest, ethic, and full professional type of attorney. I do not like to work in this field, so I turned myself to corporate, labour, sport and civil law field 32 years ago

  9. Thanks for nice comments and likes, gentleman


    Bollards and Fairleads on aft-deck.


    Dimensions in my scale:


    Fairleads; 4x2x1 mm ( for now I have idea to try something with used staples ...)




    Bollards: 7x4x4mm , they will be made on same/simillar way as on a fore deck


    I did some research job and have got some conclusions




    First, position of Fairleads is determined by position of holes of future main rail fence. ( red dots on drawing)

    Second, comparing to C-plans, bollards are moved and placed  near pin-rail


    Pin-rail itself is also moved a bit aft, and a bit closer to cabin


    So, it seems that I am ready to mark positions for fence holes, and to make Bollards and Fairleads tonight ( if yesterday situation with sudden dear quests from 20:30 to 00:30 did not repeat)

  10. Oh what a day ... 15°C outside, first gardening works this season, cooking, visiting Old Lady, going to swiming pool to swim my weekly 1km, helping Hothead to wash and start preparing his bike for season, at evening kids went to downtown, and after a few hours, Her Majesty is at Her working throne, at last



    The best colateral thing is, that throne can enter into Her dust protecting wall shelf


    And I am happy to go forward to finish aft deck one of this days

  11. Thank you for nice and supporting words, Piet. In my life, I graduated improvisation for many reasons. Also, when I make something, I have a irrational fear that structure will be weak, and usually I made it more stronger and complicated than it has to be. I remember when kids were babies, year 1993. full force of hyperinflation, and no money for anything... we just moved in our semi-finished house, with no furniture. I found some cheap pine lumber and made beds for babies ... thinking ... they will jump on beds ... they had to be very strong ... you just can not have any idea what wooden fortress I have made ... Also, our double bed in sleeping room has hidden metal structure and can withstand  weight of one tone !!!! You can easily hang yourself on any bookshelf I put on walls ... every concrete I have made in and around of house is much stronger than it had to be ... 


    That is just - me, and my irrational approach   to everything I make/made . This time, transposed to my model


    Thanks again

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