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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. Thank you very much, dear friends for your support, very significant to me in this days ... many bad memories returned, and I am now in ... let`s say ... pretty shaked and jumbled situation in my head ... and in my office. I lose my Admiral and her parents in less than a three years. I lose my mother, Admiral and her mother, and a dog in last 9 months ... and just I said to my father (90 years old) that he has to wait with his final trip min next 6 months ... In this situation, I just have to make jokes, even a black one, to save my brain clear and healthy


    Important is that kids are strong and they are well, Princess just have got next extension of the employment contract maybe to next two years, Hothead passed his three winter exams, and continued preparing next exam working on project of primary school which looks like a flower (?!?!?) and preparing to move his bike to Novi Sad town where his faculty of Architecture is ... everything gets in line  ... except me ... and I hope only I can see this. So, I must urgently consolidate myself, and strongly decided that consolidation period must start yesterday, as in office ( I reduced work to scheduled Court sessions and only urgent things last two weeks) and in my social life, emotional statement etc etc.


    As usual, for this kind of problems, main is "work therapy". First part - remains and chaos in office and my overloaded office work table, second - home yard (spring  has just begin, and there is a lot of work to clean from winter remains, to cut grass, cut two old and ill trees, fix fence before get a new Husky puppy at home, etc etc etc), close openings on attic I left during carpenter ants session before year and half, service my old car, service my eyes ( left eye, which was better all my life suddenly weakened a bit) service my teeth dentures, get my first full medical health check ( I am 57 years old and think it is a last time to do it, particular because I lived in continuous stress last year), keep my swimming  practice, do something with cigarette overdose, reconstruct office to make room for 35-37 meter of books ... so much to count and write ...


    And of course, to keep on with my build


    So, show must go on, and Nenad is back in the saddle, riding life to it`s meaning


    Thank you to you all, again



  2. Goal:




    And result





    Not exactly in scale, obviously little oversizeing was necessary.


    It is just amazing: in scale 1:100 spokes which in nature has 3-5cm dia, , on model will have 0'3-0,5mm dia. Just impossible


    I was thinking about inner brass ring you can see on upper photo, to simulate with gold color, but think there is no point. Hairline circle can not be seen, and everything thicker than hairline would be too shiney.


    Who knows, now is 23:00h and morning is always smarter than evening

  3. Thank you everybody !!!!


    I have to admit that i was quite excited discovering that I can do that. This beasts (spokes) are really really small, rings are very very thin, and whole structure is fragile as "dragon glass" meeting white walkers. luckily I am not Samwell Tarly , the killer ;)


    There was a question how to fix rings and center circle where spokes meet during sticking ...


    Using needles was out of question in this scale and material, for three reasons: first - needle looks like a chump toward this gentle structure, and I was afraid that putting needle in will break this tinny ring. Second, needle left hole after, and that opened filling question. Third - needles (2 or 3 with one for middle section) reduce work space in the air above and make it more difficult for work. So, I dilute white glue with water, and glue first ring above drawing. On this way I get weak connection, but still connection, who keep all parts together until glue dry and harden, and to remove paper and weakened glue will be easy. On that way also resolved how to transpose exact positions for spokes on ring, because, their positions are right under on drawing !!! Similar method I have used making six windows on skylight for aft-deck house


    Glue (white glue this time) was applied on spoke bearing and on center circle as little drops from toothpick top. It was tricky to get right spokes lines on this scale.



    Now, that's excellent, Nenad!


    I agree Patrick, I am also satisfied. Maybe it can be done a bit precise, but ... this little wheel can stand on a single button on your PC keyboard, and you can see curves on spokes only if you get your nose very very close or with magnifier. Nobody can see in regular way that "stomach" on spoke No3 is a bit wider than "stomach" on spoke No 5, and a bit higher than a "stomach" on spoke No 8. :D



    Great work, looks like you work some magic of your own.


    I forgot to tell that I was mentored by Albus Dumbledore ... in my dreams ... I was bad student and i was thrown out from Horgwarts after only one night, but something what I learned, obviously stayed ;)



    Bravo, Nenad. I can't wait to see the finished wheel.

    (But, I guess I will have to be patient)



    So do I, Cap. Right now, I am sitting in office, and instead to work, I am obviously on MSW, thinking: to work - or wheel - or work - or wheel ... weekend in front, and I will achieve all I planned, but right now ... to work - or wheel - or work - or wheel ...  I must visit Dr Peer this days ...  :P



    I guess we all have to be patient, Steve.  One cannot rush a master builder.


    You overstate, Mark. Just discovering something I could be very glad to find in the very early start of my build. Far far away to be master. Maybe in another life (if I do not reincarnate as mushroom)  :o :o :o



    That looks super nice Nenad, what a marvelous achievement!




    Could I say that your work inspired me, Piet ? thank you for being here on MSW :rolleyes:



    Great job amigo.

    David B


    Thank you David. your miniature work share quilt as inspiration, also. I shall never forget in my life your microscopic card works   :dancetl6:



    Hi Nenad


    THIS is it! Fine job done.





    Hey Gerhard, you are main culprit and encouragement of execution !!! Without your pushing, I`d probably stayed with Cu wire as spokes. So, guilty as charged !!!!


    A very very big thank you !!!!

    :10_1_10: :10_1_10: :10_1_10:

  4. Hi Nenad


    As Piet wrote, your on the right track! If you want to make the wheel a little thinner, build it first with the thick rings and center, and grind them later to your wanted size. Therefore lay just a piece of sanding paper on the table, lay the wheels on it and move it slightly around. So you will get the wheel to correct thickness without the danger of breaking it. That`s how I made it with all my steering wheels.





    This is exactly the way I used and plan to use, with 400 fine sandpaper. I think there is no other way if you have 0,7-1mm vener and want it as 0,1-0,3mm. Planed thickness of wheel is not more than 1-1,2mm

  5. Yes, I know all about how much time goes into small fiddly stuff but you are on the right track Nenad. Perhaps you can make the discs a little thinner - maybe ? yes?

    You can make the spokes a little longer so you fit them in the Dremmel tool and using a small file carve then into the shape you want. After they are made you cut them to size. That's the easiest way around it.


    Persevere my friend, you can do it. You are on the right track. You don't need fancy tools, I don't have fancy tools, Nils doesn't have fancy tools. We all work with small hand tools.



    Rings are planed to be more thinner, particulary outer two.


    Spokes carved?. I am not sure. Now they are in scale and has dia less than 1mm. Maybe to make them a bit thicker (cc 1-1,3mm), and to carve their thinner part to actual size. If they do not visualy overload space inside rings on that way

  6. So, keep on playing Nenad ... You need it when you find yourself as complete idiot ... When winter comes, I close wather vents in homeyard, this year spring comes earlier, and I opened them, but forgot to close safety vent ... 50m3 of water go into land every month ... Bad - month bill will be astronomic. Good - I was thinking that pipe breaked, and that I have to dig 1m deep to find broken pipe, but it is not



    So, stearing wheel, attempt No 1



    Method used ... Someting between...


    Following photos step by step until half-product


    Fine tuning tomorrow










  7. Wellcome Gerhard and thank you for idea. I have seen Archjofo's method earlier, as your work (silently). For next building I'll sure go forward by your steps (I hope).


    Now I have two problems: lack if tools is one


    Scale is another. Wait a second to take a photo ...




    You can see how regular toothpick seems hudge as a monster beast toward wheel ...


    Ok, I'll try something simillar tomorrow.


    Thanks for your interest. It seems just as in old saying : "what is a cow head for a cat to eat".

  8. Preparing ...




    Outside dia of wheel is 16mm, which means ...


    Cross-poles are 0,5mm on scale ( wheel No 1 at drawing) and have to be a bit enlarged to toothpick width, to be able to make even minor curve, which will look as on wheel No 2. Not more. This is final limit of enlarging to keep wheel elegant look.


    Ok, cross-poles are ( theoreticaly) resolved ... still outer ring to figure out how 

  9. Thx PatriCk, Dave Nigel and others

    And now, challenge itself! Steering wheel. Yesterday I start with cropping details from my pdf plans enlarged to 100% of their size and importing them in AI ... Wheel box is 21mm long, 8 mm wide and 10-12mm high ... Steering wheel has only 15mm outside dia ! Whoa! It will be very very interesting ... IS it possible to reproduce even a part of making process I have seen on MSW how masters do?

  10. Nenad your ship is looking very nice.

    Wellcome Greg, and thanks for nice words. I hope you'll enjoy in this looooong voyage from mistake to mess ans back ;)




    You are right, small scales force compromise. Sad because that smaller version of the pin rail looks superb. A lovely piece of work.

    Hello Ian. I agree with you, too, but there has to be "a couple" of lines and ropes, and this option with small pins just will not looking well. Just thinking ... ropes which ended on that pinrails has 1-1,5cm, max 2cm dia, considering to photos. Also, there are some chains (!) with simillar diameter. My scale is approx. 1:100 which means - ropes and chains 0,1-0,2mm dia !!!! And I didn't find and have no opportunity to see any modeler working with ropes which are so thin. So, compromises just have to be done
  11. I see it shows anchoring to the deck......and line tension doesn't need to create a musical note.   you want to keep the tension around +0 as much as you can.   you could use the smaller one.......the anchoring will make it stronger.  but if you want to be sure.......there is a + or - that you can go,  as far as scale goes.  whatever you feel comfortable with,  my friend  ;)


    Thanks Denis. There was just thoughts. I have some minor experience with rigging (Santa Maria, Stella and Jolly Roger) and I know exactly what you are pointing to: zero tension. Just proper words for this

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