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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Is She still hanging on the floor, Bob? Maybe is time to land her on workbench
  2. Day full of work therapy of every kind. First daily shopping, and coffee with my mother in law. Then my car suddenly turned to F-16 with afterburner on ... what a heck ... exhaust died ... ok, go to service ... 30 $ fly as a bird ... Coming home, I noticed both cherry trees in yard get proper carmine -purple color of cherries, and realized that today is "cherry day" and start to pick cherries. Some from terrace under garage ( my phone surrvives fallin down from my pocket from 4m high !?!), some from grass, some by ladder. Never more of them and never better. Some on top of tree I just can not reach - I still do not know to fly Then - wash them, clean them, dry them, and pack for deep freeze Lunch, little nap, finished cleaning house, and evening come, time for Her Majesty. (Still not in the mood for socializing with friends) Considering I do not have luck with 0,5 wire, I decided to try opposite way - to solder 1mm wire to 1mm wire, and to fit it and thin it after soldering And that was success I concluded watching C-plans that hocks on whiskers are, if you want to make them in scale - less than 0,5 mm, and that is impossible to turn any rope through them. Also if I ( with magic wound) make them so small, they will be invisible. Look at next picture with C-plans under, ruller and my whisker So, having in mind that I want hocks visible, I decided to enlarge them "a little", also to enlarge space between hocks for 1mm. Obviously, some details just have to be enlarged. Ropes, for instance. As I see watching photos of dead eyes, ropes between two lines od dead eyes are max 2cm dia. In my scale 1:100, they have to be 0,2 mm dia. As a hair. I think nobody can do that, and nobody did that Now, I have to search on MSW to find where I was reading about weathering brass
  3. Modeler's circle, my friend. Or CS circle. Bob's work has same influence to me One of the greatest thing in MSW, and I am so thankfull for this
  4. Izzy It is easy to say, but for me, more than a hard to solder that beats ( iron soldering) and more than a hard to fit. Space between hooks is on my scale ( 1:100) only 4,5 mm, and every hook is only 1mm long Not enough microscopic skills yet
  5. I am kind of idiot, Mark, not able to remember names Name is written on C-plans for literate people ... I obviously need glasses Or patience Or geriatric spice
  6. I don't know right name, Izzy I think this will be sweet detail
  7. Playing with hooks - part 2 ( or 3) And with my nerves. Seems to be well until same end, and then something went wrong Here is technology I "discovered" First, lined up ends of 1mm brass wire Squeeze ends Fit ends on anvil, with scalpel careful cut little nock on top, and with dremell fit shape Make two rings of cooper wire 0,5 mm and fit to this shape preparing for soldering - it looks like preparing for surgery Paper tape hold this little pieces on place After soldering I did it wrong, but you can catch basic idea - cut excess, and leave what you need First "done". I do not like it Both "done". Hmmm ...not good Tomorow will be smarter than today Maybe to cheat a while - to solder there little rings. It will be easier Thing which need rethink
  8. Ok, I am back. Princess went to town, Hothead is drown in his own model of house which design has to express activity (?) and purpose (?) by its shape abd outside surfaces ( thanks God I am attorney, not architect) and I can hear him going mad looking for some design lines ... Finished meeting with client, too dark outside for fgarden, nothing on TV, and I heared Her Majesty's call from shipyard ... Crotchets - I made several unsucesfull attempts, tryin to solder 0,5mm on 1mm brass wire, and then after two hours of @#%#%$'& dropped something that can pass This is still test piece It fits to my rescaled C-plans, so, maybe I success to make it well. Space between two crotchets is between 4 and 5mm
  9. On weekend I started working in garden and participate on MSW, yesterday I started working in office, and thinking in free time about unfinished catheads, so it seems I am close to continue working in shipyard
  10. Nice work on deck houses. Gremlins can move in. But keep doors safe. How do you plan to attach deadeyes to bulwark? There will be "some" force from lines there after rigging, if you intend lines to be straight. It seems to be tricky part Mast structures look fragile? Huh ... real entertainment starts Do you plan golden (glass) cage for Her?
  11. Your beautiful build returns me to childhood on Adriatic sea islands. Last time I had seen Pasara, very old one, was when I was on Sholta, in little village on coast, couple of years ago I think it could be interesting to write about differences between Trabacul and Pasara
  12. Dear friends CaptainSteve, Glakie, mtaylor, Piet, juleslucas, popeye the sailor, Omega1234, SawdustDave, Izzy Madd, Sven, usedtosail, Jack12477, dgbot, UpstateNY, tasmanian, rfolsom, keelhauled, Jan B., ScottRC, capnharv2, Mirabell61, Peter Jenssen and all others who sent me PM Thank you very much for nice words and support in last very very hard week. Very important to me is to have you as friends from all over the world to be with me in this moment But ... this is life Life must go on, so do I It is fact, and make me drown that every little place and every bit in our house has Her touch, connected with our plans, thoughts during 28 years of really happy and successful marriage, but I am strong, kids also, maybe little more stronger than we have to be, and we will move forward to our destiny If you wish, you can listen Her favorite song "Caruso" performed by Pavarotti, which we escorted her two days ago Considering I never used any anxiety medication, and never intend to, It is much easier to go through, applying to me some self-therapy with work, work, work, in office, in garden, everywhere and anytime, so I’ll be soon come back to Her Majesty Thank you again!!!!
  13. Very nice. If you are interested, I can post some photos of hen coops ... or not. (On this photos first thing you will see is different position of main mast hole on CS toward your kit - a little bit backward to aftdeck) Keep on your good work
  14. As I can see, drawings on Izzy's post are not matching C-plans and Her today look. Particary end of fore deck and Cathead's angle. Also, mainrail on fore deck has no curvature. Nanny is to big, and front panels are not in scale. There is no windlass, and under deck entrance is under foredeck, but there is shown also lift jack for ... what? Thanks Izzy anyway, I apprecitate very much your good will to help. Following this instructions, you can make nice model, but not accurate in many details. Your ship, you are captain, and your ambitions are on board I chose to follow C-plans and photos on all points and details where it is possible Couple of days I'll be out of shipyard. My mother passed away, and Admiral ... Valar morghulis
  15. Thank you George and Matt. Whisker boom according to C-plans. Usefull picture Matt to understand function and working scene of cats. I think I'll keep my solution because my magnifier is only 3x englaring, and do not know how to drill 0,2mm hole in 1mm wire And somewhere in detailing you just have to say simply words : " stop, that is enough"
  16. And what is this ? Why I can not edit post from phone ?
  17. First brass soldering experience ... for now, it seems more easy than coper soldering, and wire is a bit stronger, just it has to be This two "hooks" (whatever is their name) are positioned 5 and 10 mm from top, and bothered me a lot, because each one is very small ( 1,5-2m). After several attempts I got I was looking for I can not find on plans or photos clear shot or drawing of place and way of conection to cathead, and, having in mind that all will be painted black, decided for this solution Next is angle . Two angles : vertical and toward stern. My regular two hours working time, and just a second to dissapear somewhere on table. Half of hour looking for, and found it ... yes , you guess, on the floor. Fortunately, no damage. Just today I cleaned floor (after loooong time) and see it right on time before Tiranosaurus Rex squashed it Litlle thinking forward ... this cathead attachment is fragile, sharp, and pretty much positioned outside from model, and it is real possibity to damage it before rigging time. I have to make it movable, and to keep it somewhere out of model untill rigging time comes. Same thing with fragile parts on foredeck ( nets, bars, etc) Main thing is not to forget something later
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