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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. "Brass cappea" on place, above windlass structure ( windlass pump) painted, color corrections done, and fore deck finished. For now. I hope to remember to check all deck colors before rigging Time to move to aft deck, but first I have to play/analyze with Corel/AI all points and to prepare working drawings Just thinking... all deck houses are similar and have same/similar ornaments. Maybe it is good idea to make ali of them together, to be sure to get the same shade of color . Considering I do my paint jobs mixing acrylic, I am not sure I can hit same color and shade couple of months later
  2. Back to workshop again to finish fore deck structures Here we go Target And result ( Cu foil and 0,5 mm brass wire) To paint/corect colors, and that is it. In this scale I just can not do this better. I am not Nils ( Mirabell61 ). Маybe I`ll be when I grow up Left to make "brass cappea" for "carric bits , as Mr. Campbell said, some minor color corections, and fore deck will be done
  3. :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy:
  4. Just ordered and picked up dead eyes made by laser cutting 300 pieces x 4 mm and 150 pieces x 3 mm, 450 pieces for 20€ all Pulling them from wood and putting them in boxes, i was amazed and little scary how small them are Basic idea is to divide four sizes presented on C-plans to two enlarged sizes ( 6 1/2" and 7" as one group pointed to 3 mm dead-eye, 9" and 10" as another, pointed to 4 mm dead eye) Now I can continue finishing fore deck and moving to aft deck Trip through Shumadia this weekend was great, and some photos will be presented later ( my HTC phone is on service, and ZTE replacement I have got from provider during service can not connect to PC as external disk and I can not transfer photos from SD card right now) Edit August 18th Separate post with photos just disappears ! Here are some photos Manasia monastery ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manasija ) Hothead and Princess in Resava Cave ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resava_Cave ) One of 100 photos from cave Žiča Monastery early XV century ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BDi%C4%8Da ) Indiana Jones like, very ruined and dangerous bridge - only way to Maglic fortres , climbing and swinging across fast and furious river Ibar ( we started to, but didn`t climb up to fortress, because there were a lot of bees, wasps and hornets on the way up, and considering Hothead is allergic, and there were no people or house arround in ciccle 10 km, so ... better not to gamble without adrenalin pack for him) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magli%C4%8D ) Remains of main tower from Lazar`s town, late XIV century in Krusevac ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kru%C5%A1evac_Fortress ) We spend very nice time together talking, traveling, visiting places
  5. My Campbell`s plans are 30,32 x 25,33 in each page, including white margin around. I re-scaled them to 1:100, so they are a bit larger now (37 x 31 in between margins) In my experience, it is much easier to manipulate and analyze, when you scan them in one or more *.pdf files, and then crop and print, even enlarge details you are working with, or crop, import in any vector drawing software and draw your own helping drawing Good luck with your build Nenad
  6. Than you Marc, I ll keep it on mind. For now, I found some solution in laser cutting next week Tonight I ll start second part of my Shumadia tour vacation, going in middle-south Serbia, to town Krusevac, capital City of Serbia in XIV century, raised by Prince Lazar, famoys ruller who lost his life in Kosovo Battle 1389, where also died Turkish Sultan Murat the 1st. My grand father was born in Krusevac, where from during first world war at age of 16. he was taken from France army to finish school in Paris, where he graduated medicine in Sorbon university. After that, tomorrow, kids and I will go to Trstenik, where my grand mother was born, to visit old monastery Ljubostinja where my grand parents were married. This monastery was raised by Lazar`s wife Milica after his death 1389, at same start of XV century. After Kosovo battle, Milica continues to rule country , and gives her daughter Olivera to Murat`s succesor Bajazit to be his wife. Milica and Olivera were the most powerfull womans in XV century in this part of world Then maybe spent some time on Cuty pool, visit famous Vrnjacka banja ( spa center with natural hot and cold mineral water), and maybe short trip to visit Maglic fortres, raised in early XIII century during Mongolian wars in XIII century. After that, in return, I intend to take kids to visit Manasia monastery again, and Smederevo fortres on Danube
  7. Thx George. Just testing , and may be better. Too hairy, and not rigged well. Dia 4mmm as I thought is/will be ok
  8. Thinking about dead-eyes ... a LOT of questions Here is table according to C-plans, and with recalculating to my scale There are 132 of them in four sizes 6 1/2 " (16,5 cm) to 10" (24,4 cm) Width is nearly half of diameter In scale 1:100 , diameter is from 0,9 mm to 1,4 mm, which is impossible to do, so dead eyes have to be drastic enlarged Another thing - if the biggest dead eye which corresponds to 10" diameter is 4 mm, the smallest which corresponds to 6 1/2" is 3 mm (ok 2,6 mm exactly). Is that difference visible and significant for me? Considering 3 rope lines going through and outside wire/rope line - I do not think so Then I make visual test in Adobe ilustrator. As a first layer I put crop for my 1:1 C-plans, and on second layer I marked dead eyes 4 mm dia here is result So what I concluded Enormous job to make cca 150 dead eyes by hand, so I will try to find some laser cut option (I am very delighted by Chuck`s dead eyes, but long way to Serbia and very expensive costs to order from Syren or another over ocean supplier) If dead eyes are 4 mm in dia, space between is 4 mm, but I can count to 1mm dia of three holes, If dead eyes are 3 mm dia, space between is 6 mm, but holes can not be 1 mm, they has to be 0,5 mm which will be more harder for rigging All depends about laser cuter in Belgrade
  9. Thanks for nice words and support Just testing ... Cu foil 0,5mm, toothpick and wire 0,5mm
  10. Thank you George and Mark for kind words For now, it seems to go right as I have imagined. Many of nice small details to switch attention So, I am approaching to the end of fore deck contents, and pair of confusion questions bothered me Aft deck first, or central deck. For now, I am thinking about aft deck, but not sure On aft deck there are "some" dead-eyes, and I am not ready for them jet. That dead-eyes have to be exactly the same as on main deck, and I am not sure will it be possible to mount them at all, particularly to mount them properly after mounting aft deck house. And not to forget pin rails on aft deck between dead eyes and aft deck house So All dead-eyes first ? BTW, Marc I carefully analyzed Sven`s photos, and find my answer about fore entrance to aft deck house Thank you again, Sven !!!!
  11. Thanks George Going forward to fulfill foredeck Another side done. Then I remember that somewhere I found another one. Digging through pictures, I found it, on Lou`s photos, right in front of cathead On the place Next After several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to make them from one piece of wood, practicing carving After painting Another done And then, one of them just - evaporated !!! After nearly a full hour of sniffing, searching, staring .... I found it in my plan`s book, which was first thing I removed from table after suicide jump Finally on place Next - metal parts of windlass mechanism
  12. Wellcome Ioannis and thank you for nice words. Just playing around trying to reproduce something I saw here on MSW
  13. Back to work until next week and next trip to the central Serbia More foredeck details Basement Cu foil 0,5x2x2mm Brass wire 0,5mm Left side done Tomorrow next side
  14. Base: two 0,5mm veneer layers Body: 1mm Cu wire Cap: isolation of same Cu wire Rest: playing with acrylic
  15. Yes, I HATE !!!! Apsolute no way to find top of the bollard or 4 mm Cu wire on the floor
  16. Last working on Her until come back from vacation Ant workers, ghosts, wizards and dwarfs activated ... and after three cracked attempts, and two self-suicide jumps of parts from desk to floor, here are bollards for fore deck Scale is ok, but their base is only 8x4 mm. I dropped my eyes to floor Glued and on position (as a paletyes too)
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