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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. About bars - it seems that I`ll make them and leave them aside for a while. Marc`s comment has point - if you want all sails spread, then there is no room for bars on capstan even on foredeck
  2. I hope nobody was angry (Brian ?) Little joking ... and my crazy imagination ( you can see my eyes on avatar become more and more blue, and my ears starts to look like stunt sails - spice thing, I guess) Next is CAPSTAN, with, of course, couple of dilemmas First In C-plans, there are 6 capstan bars In CS present state - there are eight of them on WC house which corresponds with number of holes at the capstan`s top Second Bars are on place only when capstan works But I think bars on place will be very nice detail on fore deck What do you think/ like more - bars on position or bars on wc-house I have two opinions, not decided jet Third Capstan is really small on my scale Look at this picture On Lou`s pictures - whole capstan is black. On present - black with white lines Hmm And at top "brass cap" or "Brass Dome with a name" whatever it is Hmm again
  3. Thank you all for likes and supporting comments Tonight started with making forgoten cat stopper. I used brass wire 0,5 mm, much better than Cu wire 0,5mm. Harder, but still can be shaped in desired direction after painting Let's finish another First I made all shackle and drilled neccessary holes ( 0,5 mm), with "dry" testing. Outside finished And after cementing, inside also finished And new "look and feel" of Her bow and fore deck She was extreme satisfied, and asked me when we will meet next time. Toorrow, I said, go sleep now I didnt tell her that She looks now ( before bowsprit rigging) as Salvador Dali Just can not resist ...
  4. Thanks Mark and Marc. There is an interesting thing I was thinking of. If you succeeded in something miniature, on some way, to me it seems that, success in some way pin you down to keep that line of detailing. It does not matter that you need a magnifier to see something. I thing that "invisible" details gives something special in whole picture on the similar way as high range of frequencies gives special feeling to music you listen Usual Saturday ... garden work at morning and after lunch fight with Yuka, and after that, nice time in shipyard at the evening First decided to finish right cat-head with whisker boom - complete done. I decided to put on it all possible shackle I am able to make, so, I started to play with beats ( brass wire 0,5 mm in 0,5 mm holes cemented with CA and covered with black acrylic First - whisker. Two angles ( to up and to the back) are presented, and I tried to follow angles on C-plans Temporary in place And a details of connection. Then .... uh how small are this ... very hard to control them ... making Dry testing It can not pass through the hole I made, so it have to be mounted later And then I decided to try one nice detail, which is, I suppose, necessary for proper rigging of bowsprit ( on C-plans called "Eyebair for Fore Tuck") Little improvisation ( wire goes through sheave) and here we are. here are cleat, pins on both side of cat-head, and "cat-stopper" (?) Uh, oh, ah, it seems I forgot to extend "cat-stopper" through bullwark to the outside on the fore surface of cat ... something to do next time, but it will be difficult, considering everything is cemented Ok, cathead is cemented on place, and there is time to put beats/beasts on their place. There is something in C-plans called "Iron horn", but there simply has no place for it, considering whiskers are a bit over-scale thick Hmmm ... little overscaled, but I can live with this And after painting And whole look of cat head with mounted whiskers boom Edit: previewing post I noticed that I mixed pictures and text, but, i think you get a point. One of this days I ll edit this post properly. To late now
  5. Magic of scratch ... nothing without ... dark side force is strong with you ... think there is no help for you ... and no chance to make bad model
  6. Keep something on head (as you do not have many hair as me), take bottle of water with you, move from shadow to shadow, and if you have some business/work to do, if moving, you do not think how hot it is. But, when you wait for buss .... or drive car without air-conditioner (as mine), particular if your car is black (as mine), seventh circle of hell opened just for you.
  7. 39℃ in shade, jumping in downtown, come back home, napp, and - yeah - tomorrow is easy day, without going to downtown. So, it was to hot to work outside, considering my garage is the coldest place in house, I found a few good reasons to continue with catheads First, color correction of catheads. Line betwern white and black sectipns now follows plank line, as it has to be Still not cemented. I decide to make all metal parts of cathead before mounting it, and started with top of cathead. Not enough skill to make it from Cu or brass foil, so ... allmighty less than 0,5mm thick venner strips to simulate ironwork After little putty and sanding Not bad. And then carving payed my attention and turn me off the planned road Couple of attempts, pretty dissapointed, base is,3,5x3,5 mm, with conclussion I'm just not abble to make it so small, and decided only to visualy mark it, making little relieff bulb, and playing with gold and black acrylic paint Here is result Temporary in place I think I can live with this solution
  8. Huh I just realized that 10 days I just had no time to enter to workshop. Unbelievable things in Serbia justice system: Until this year, Court season lasts from September 01 until June 30th. Starting with July 01, court pleadings and trials (different Cases) are scheduled every working day, sometimes 2 per day ... Command from Ministry (?!?!?) to work during summer court holiday. So - a lot of work in office, and a lot of work in garden (see if you want in Shore Leave section), and when I finish day tasks, it is usually over 21,30 - 22,30, to late to go down. But it all means - just - nothing. In almost every Court case I have, next trial session is scheduled to November ?!?!?!? Come on ... real Potemkin villages appointed to EU Commission, as they are dummies ?!?!? (rus. Potemkinskie villages) is a metaphor, refers to something that does not exist, or there is only imaginary. The phrase is named after a Russian soldier and Prince Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin, who during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792. became vicar of the newly conquered regions. Then Potemkin on empty steppes of South Russia ordered the roadside improvised scenery nonexistent villages, with peasants, shepherds and flocks, only to the Russian Empress Catherine II, he walked along in 1787, I saw that Russia, under his period as Minister, blossom and prosper. This would show a false value won regions. Today this metaphor often used in attempts to create a false impression. Real picture is almost catastrophic. Trials lasts min 3, often 5-10, sometimes more years, with only 2-4 sessions per year . Government reduces already low salary in all public sector for 10-25%, prices continue to grow up min 15-30% per year, and justice become almost completely unattainable to the average man, who has no money to pay only court taxes, and sure has no money to pay attorney, even 50-100€ per day every 3-5 months, which is really minimal price. So, here, we, attorneys, mainly are "flogging a dead horse" ... But, enough whining Nenad, think of your CS
  9. Following your logs, particulary Titanic, all the time I was wondering when this moment will appear ... and here we go. So, real fun begins !
  10. Sure, Denis. So much office and court works this week (from 09h to 22h)
  11. Marc, if you are interested, I could send you a link to my Gdrive where is my collection of CS photos ( couple od hundreads)
  12. Hmmm .... looking my last post with photos ... somethimg is wrong ...again Angle of line between white and black color on cat ... Repetitio mater studiorum est (old latin quote) My workers are not in strike as Mark's, but obviously I hired the dummiest crowd on labour market. Must return to dwarfs
  13. Mark, I am obviously dummy to remember proper English words and names. Post corrected ! Marc, i was nervous too, and drilling through bulwark lasts more than hour, bit to bit, point to point, as I am dentist and She is patient. I gave her anesthetic and She was pretty quite ... Thanks Tom
  14. "Sucuri" problems again. Then not. Then again, Then not. Then hit me out. Then not. Then freeze everything, or slowed to death Is it really necessary to have such a strong firewall ? Ok, time to continue with whiskers catheads ( satisfied, Mark ?) - if I have success with uploading pictures and posting - two photos were rejected from unknown reason ... First careful drilling holes in foredeck bulwarks, and thinned inner part of whiskers catheads to get visual proportion. I think in real ship, they are a half and more of their width under deck, so considering I do not want to digg on deck, I have to thin them Not bad Comparing pictures from old CS and today, there is a little difference in colors - today, ends are painted white. Anybodu knows reason ? And I was clever and painted whiskers all black after making, so sanding starts And thin thin thin paintbrush And here we are. Not glued jet, because first I have to drill a little holes and make this nice fragile shackle , then to glue, and after that to mount shackle. Dont forget Nenad to make a cat carving on top, and a little ring there !!!!! And then my regular brain worm appears, and started turning me on devil`s side, to make one sweet detail And here is simulation of it. Not enough skill to make this on body of whiskers catheads which is only 3.5 mm wide Obviously I have to play in Photoshop to paint my eyes blue and to change my avatar
  15. So, resolving days, my friend? Model and ear, both. Keep on, be strong and not nervous. All the best for you! PS, don't replank ear, and send model to surgery
  16. Modeler's law: never enough light from right side. 100w on floor, 200w up of desk, and a cran lamp with 100w on desk. For good photos, not enough if you have bad camera as me. If I build yoir model, I think >1000w will not been enough Good work
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