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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. The transom is in place….. It need a little more sanding and I have to see if the quarter galleries are right in place. Surprise…..they are not More adjustments are coming…... It looks if the transom is to small but it is the same size as the old one. We see what we will do about that. I only make him higher so it goes to the top. The inner side of the transom needs some planking. And of course a few pictures.
  2. Happy birthday from me also Adam. Is there any change that we see you back at the shipyard?
  3. Thank you all…. Very nice start for a sunday A lot of positive comment @ Ben, So this is bashing?????? You see, I'm never to old to learn …..and the rest of those things scratch???? I will help Anja when she's in to the scratch…..( or maybe I'll keep the Hannah for myself ) @ Andy, I shall try to explain why I don't used the windows from the kit. At the transom from the kit ,there are 7 windows and I have only 4 ,with a reason. When you take a look at picture #657, you will see on the left, right and middle, parts of the hull that is not covered. I had to put planks over it to cover those beams because you always see them. The windows that are provide are metal gold and I don't like that. Now I make the windows smaller and it covered all those beams but you can still take a look over the hole lower deck…... My first meaning was to put some glass in lead into the frames in the windows, but that's to much for me I hope this answer your question. @ Caroline, Thank you for bringing me a visit. There is a chair available next to Mark . Keep him as a friend because he is sitting next to the popcorn machine. The bar is also open ,so take a drink. @ Grant, Thank you very much. For a first scratch , I'm happy with the result! Maybe painting today….. @ Mark, Later ( in a few hours ) I will place a picture while the transom is in place. Yesterday night I glued the transom in place and it's fits perfect I love the view! @ Popjack ( or is it only Jack? ) You are right. I never showed it When you look at the first pictures, you will see a white board where she is standing on. On that board I have screw 2 L shape metal bars. It's just the wideness of the keel. When I place the decks, I put her in that L shapes and place the decks. As long as it takes to glue the deck and deck planks, she is staying there. When that was all done, she had no place anymore to get warped. I hope this answer your question. @ Augie, I don't let you alone with your kit build…... Maybe one day I will go to the dark side, but that can take a couple of years…….. I have to go then to the other section and leaving you….. No way, I just keep chasing you
  4. Hi Popeye, Another difference in kits…. But why do hey have to stay there ? And yes, I mean the bulwark posts…...
  5. Thanks Wayne My first attempt to the dark side and when it's painted, I think I'll be very happy…..
  6. I hope so Robbyn….. In the mean while the windows are in place also. Next thing to do is place them on the stern and paint it…...
  7. Thanks Andy and Jim, The transom is gonna be a little different then it should be. But this give me the change to cover some things….
  8. Here is my first step to the dark side... I make the new transom and I know I have to shape it a little bit more. But I know that you are waiting for a picture. so here it is.
  9. Then you are lucky Popeye, Anja don't ask me but just tells me to do things…...
  10. Thanks for feeling with me my friend Almost finished with the Victory??????? This weekend ?????
  11. Thanks Mark and I see that Anja is agree with you But tomorrow morning I get breakfast from her? I let you know!
  12. Morning Adriaan, Looks good. Just like Anja I want to see those lights! It's complete understandable that you want to finish her first. The CF can wait and so do I.
  13. What's wrong with that Robbyn?????? I wish my paint job looked that good! Keep on going and sooner you can do the rigging at the……SF
  14. Thanks Guys……. My first chorus has already begins….making coffee and breakfast…….poor me If I have to do more, there is not less building time anymore….so please help me? Ben, I know that it will be better when I scratch a new transom instead of putting a piece of wood on it. We shall see how it ends. Maybe the beginning of a career to the dark side?
  15. Dear Suzanne, My deepest sympathy for you ,your family and friends, I know John as an passionated builder with a lot of humour and the will to help anyone who ask for his help. I know I will miss him very much. It feels to me if I have lost a friend and will always remember him. John, my friend, rest in peace. You are going now on your last trip. Farewell my friend ! Sjors
  16. Hi All, I just received this message from John 46 his daughter Suzanne. I will quote her message here, Sent Today, 09:09 PM Dear forum-friend of John, Forgive me if my english is not correct, but I wil try my best to tell you an important message about my father, John. My name is Suzanne, i am the youngest doughter of John. In the last years i have followed the ship-building projects of my father. It was his life work. He spent many hours on what he so called ‘his shipyard’. With a perfection which I admire, he build the most lifelike scale models I have ever seen. On Sunday the 2th of june, after his holiday, at the age of 67, he unexpectedly passed away. With respect to him and the hours of work he spent on the shipyard, the joy he found in sharing his workprogress online on the forum with his friends, it’s very important to me to tell you this message. Within a few days, I will publish a picture of his last project. Suzanne
  17. Hi Popeye, Great planking job! And what about the inner side of the bulwarks? Do you have to remove the noches of the frames?
  18. You van pinch that Caroline. That's why I posted it. There where a few more on the site http://www.picgifs.com. That's the English version of the smileys I'm using…..
  19. She is reading that Andy and I think she will be giving comment by herself…….
  20. Guy's be careful what you are saying. She is still a moderator……... Can we make a invisible topic that's not allowed for Moderators??????
  21. Augie, Only age at 25….working age 56…….so 10 more years…... Randy, No worries about the pictures. @ Ferit, What else can I do when I'm 25 years old? I already have a wonderful woman
  22. Yes, I'm out of the closet! Or is that meaning something else….then I stay in the closet! And for those who is not knowing this….I have to work for a living! I have Wifi in my bus , but no computer……. So sometimes it take a while before I'm responding at an post. And there is also problems with the internet at home. And yes, we pay the bill! And I have to train my seals to see is everybody building or working…..maybe sleeping?
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