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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Update time, I have glue the frames. Also the support on the bow and sten. Then the lower gun deck and the support for the false canons Also removed a part of the upper support. between frame 9 and 10. My first thought was ....strange. It cost a lot of problems to get that support into the slots and the I have to remove a part. But, Horatio Nelson needs a way to get on board on a easy way. So it's not the entrance. Enough talking, time for pictures! Sjors
  2. I will enjoy Peter, for sure! @Mobbsie, I will slow done the band wagon so you can hop on...... You don’t have to hold you tight because there is no speed! Sjors
  3. Welcome Grant, With your help it will be done 😁 Sjors
  4. Thanks Mort, I will enjoy every minute ( not when i’m saying words that i can not write down ) Sjors
  5. Hello all, And yes, another Victory build! Welcome all. My apologies to Amati, but I couldn't wait any longer for their Victory. So I ordered the Caldercraft / Jotika instead as a present to myself on the occasion on my upcoming 40th work anniversary in August. And boy, she is big and heavy. A box filled with 15 kilo's (33 lb) of all kinds of goodies.
  6. Hi Mobbsie, Welcome back. Sjors
  7. A little update again. Coppered the rudder, make the ropes to the steering wheel. Place the poop deck and stern deck. Painted and the decks are done with Danish oil Sjors
  8. Thanks again Mike. I have my health clearance for the coming two years before I get retired..... And the tools , you can take them away when you need the space....I do the same. Sjors
  9. Hi mike, I don't know if the tape hold. It's for me also the fist time. Time will tell. In a few weeks I will order the Victory and it will take some time to get to those copper plates. When they are still on the Snake I will take the change. Tell the Admiral that you NEED that lathe for tapering the mast and the chop saw for straight planks 🙂 I have buy every month a tool. So it was going with not much financial problems. Because I'm home I do a little bit more on the Snake. But I prefer my job. Monday and Tuesday I will ride a few hours with co-worker. Just for two hours to see how it is going Wednesday I have a health examination for my work. I hope I will get that otherwise I'm not a bus driver anymore............. Enjoy your weekend. Sjors
  10. Mike_H, First the copper plating of the rudder. The first picture you see the under layer of te tape and above it the layer with the paper still on it. The second picture you see the copper plates. Easy to work with. Then the lathe. You see the extension bed and the total length of the lathe with the extension bed. I mond the bed is difficult to get but mine was bought in the UK. Don't ask me where because it was a gift from Mobbsie.(also a member of MSW) More questions then just ask. Sjors
  11. Hi Denis, Thank for the good words. We have both the first shot and wait for the second one. Anja is working from home and i don’t work for 4 months now. I have colitis ulcerosa....nasty disease but i can live with it. Sjors
  12. Thanks Mike, Yes I apply it to the hull, then take off a part of the paper and lay down a tile. I will show it to you tomorrow when I'm doing the rudder. All my tools are Proxxon. There are 4 things that I use the most of the time. That's the lathe 250DB for tapering the masts. The disc sander. The mini table circular saw And the bench drill with the Micromot 20 150 cross table. And for the lathe ,see if you can find the extension. I will post a picture of that tomorrow. Sjors
  13. I 'm not that fast Mike 🙂 Coppering of the hull is done! The starboard side is with glue en the port side with double-sided tape. And that works just great! No glue on the tiles. No glue on the fingers....... Sjors
  14. Thanks Kevin, We have no Covid-19 😄 And you and the Admiral? Sjors
  15. Thanks for the likes. Deck is planked and have the first coat of Danish oil. Bulwarks are painted in the colors by Mike_H 🙂 Make the waterline and place also a plank so I know where I can put the copperplates. Sjors
  16. Go on Mike 🙂 Great example for me. I also make a copy of that yellow and black on the bulwarks.( if you don't mind ) Just love it! Sjors
  17. Hi Mike, I indeed mean the waterline batten. You see that you know what I mean? And yes,I know a few languages, English, German ,French and Dutch ( of course) And Delft is not that far away. I've bin there hundreds of times. When I was working for Connexxion (bus company) I was working in Delft. So I think you know the city lines 60,61,62,64. I have drive them all for 6 years form 2002 till 2008. And next time when you are riding your bike and passing Bleiswijk, ring the bell and there will be coffee 🙂 Sjors
  18. Mike, What a great job you are doing! That coppering looks fantastic. I hope I can do it the same. What are you using to separate the paint with the copperplates? Sjors
  19. Thanks Mike, I will slow down 🙂 At the moment I can take a look with wat you are doing en make a copy of that . So please hurry !!!! 😄
  20. And a little update again..... Thank for the likes and the visiting. Second planking done and after a few hours of sanding I'm happy how she is. It is so smooth the I can not trust my fingers 🙂 On the picture it looks otherwise but that's the light I believe. I have now a good underground for the paint nd the copper plaates. But first the inner bulwark and deck planking. Sjors
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