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Everything posted by cdogg

  1. Thanks Pete. Finally getting this ship building "going full sails". Just started the second layer of planking. The kit came up short with a couple of 2x2mm walnut strips for the hull so I am waiting for the mail to bring them to me. So, here is where I was at last night. Bending that walnut strip like that without breaking was a pain in the a**!!!
  2. Andy, was that GS Hypo Cement Fabric (purple box) or normal (orange box)? thanks!
  3. I like the pre cut planks! It would be cool if one of the companies in the US did this or at least provided plans for the planks. Looks good!
  4. I have the cordless Dremel 7.2 multipro. I like it because its really light weight, it only has two speeds though. Good for beginning a ship, but not good when doing details. It sure as heck beats filing and sanding for hours on end.
  5. What size are the planks? are they 1.5mm thick? I use rubbing alcohol and water to shape pieces, works better but the fumes will get you loopy if you aren't prepared. I also make a small jig for overnight shaping.
  6. Thanks Mike. I am thinking about furled sails for the ship. I don't want to hide my 1000+ hours of rigging!
  7. Well, back again after a medical set back. Just so everyone knows, having your appendix removed is not fun!!! I got the first layer of planking on, not the greatest job but the shape is good for the second layer, just a few more sanding sessions and the walnut strips are ready to go! I have some major ground to make up as I am behind my schedule for this wonderful ship.
  8. thanks Mike The planking method described by Corel works but it is very basic and leads to a lot of additional sanding I found out! I stopped about halfway and finished using a suggested method and it seems to have really taken a nice shape. I am starting the 2nd layer this week, not too worried as I think I am going to paint it as it is on the box. That will allow for some freedom, but it kind of feels odd painting over two layers of planking. I cannot wait to get to the deck details, that is always my favorite part!
  9. Finally back from a month off, moved to a new house and got the new shipyard constructed. Been hacking away at the first layer of planking, here is my latest picture as of last night
  10. There have been a lot of complaints with AL on this site, that being one of them. Best bet would be to purchase a group of walnut and mahogany strips to build it with. it might cost more but it will save you the stress when building.
  11. well here are the results, I may have to do more coats as the wood is pretty soft. I used low gloss. Here is the board after prep Here is after the first coat Here is after the second coat The wood definitely has smoothness to it a better color but it hasn't really changed too much.
  12. Hey everyone, I always like to provide info on customer service from our favorites kits. I recently moved and somehow lost my instruction book for my Corel Scotland kit. After about a week of searching, I contacted Corel the other night and told them my dilemma, mainly that I had everything but the instruction book and if I could get a replacement. No later than the next afternoon I got an email from Corel asking for my address and that they were going to ship me a new instruction book! Even better, I found it this morning, so I thanked Corel and now can get back to build log on MSW. So, hope this provides some positive insight for those interested in Corel kits!
  13. I am trying this on a pine board first. I will put up some pics tonight. Looks like it will work well on a ship so far.
  14. Thanks Steve Quick quesiton- Do I put a layer on to dry, then use 0000, and then put another on? Or just buff out the initial coat?
  15. Thanks Keith, I am going to try it out tonight.
  16. I bought a bottle of Formby's Tung Oil finish yesterday at the store to try on some shelves for the new basement shipyard. Anyone ever use this on their builds? I have zero experience with it and the guys at Menards didn't have much to offer. Thanks!
  17. Hi Rick, I just read your build log for the first time, I must say your work on this kit is fantastic! Can't wait to see the finished boat.
  18. Welcome to the Lobster Boat club Tim! It's a fun kit with some interesting sections. There are a bunch of previous logs on here for reference.
  19. Looking forward to this build! How are you liking the AL kit so far? I have not worked on one yet.
  20. Thanks Dmitry, I got the idea from you actually in your earlier post, I really do not like the metal,parts with the kit.
  21. Thanks Vivian. I wonder if there any good pictures of the Sea Sprite? I am looking forward to setting up my new shop on Monday, I'm finally going to get this build rolling a little faster. I also am going to start the Corel Victory cross section soon as the secondary build. Also, I really need to explore how to cast my own parts. The metal parts with the Scotland kit are kind of crappy.
  22. Vivian, yes! When I created my account here I was reading every Salvatore book from the beginning, just finished the last one in November. Drizzt is my favorite book character of all time.
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