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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Finally I was able to do a little more on the dory. I started to paint the inside the same blue as the outside, but everything I saw showed the inside tan, yellow or yellow-orange. So I painter it a warm yellow. I also added the lifting ropes in the bow and stern. Now I need to put the boat aside and make all the things that the fisherman needed I n the boat. Later, Bob
  2. Michael. Love the chain plate with that little detail at the bottom. You're a real craftsman but you are an artist also. Bob
  3. Like Hank I used CAD at work for many years. Started out on the board at went to AutoCad in the '80's then to Solidworks in the '90's. Retired in the '00's but was unable to bring software with me. As Hank said "You get what you pay for." But sometimes you get lucky. DraftSight is very much like the AutoCad I used for years and it is free. Bob
  4. Jay, Thanks for looking in. Sailing the SF bay must have been fun. I know that some of todays Grand Canyon boats are dories but I thought Powell's boats were round bottom instead of the hard chine. Bob
  5. It's an interesting problem. To me it looks like a short piece of pipe or half pipe across the top, but instead of fore and aft it is placed crosswise. I found another picture of the port side and that item is not there. Also the stairs that was along side the pilot house is moved to the open area behind the pilot house. As with so many other river steamboats it looks like it was changed from time to time. Bob
  6. Solid construction, great lines, beautiful finish, the client should put it a place of honor. Bob
  7. That's what makes scratch building from pictures from pictures so much fun. First you have to figure out what those blurry lines represent and then figure out how to make it. The Vinal Haven is coming along beautifully. I'm glad I caught up with you. Bob
  8. Michael, I said it on round one and I'll say it again. Beautiful metal work and thanks for showing how it was done. Bob
  9. Michael, That mast step is very nice. I'm sure the chain plates will be also. Bob
  10. Russ, That deadeye looks good. When you perfect the deadeye jig, please show pictures. I need to make some. Bob
  11. Michael, The picture of this little boat on the deck of its big sister made it look small but then you showed us pictures with a #11 blade and a wood pencil and we see how unbelievably tiny it really is. Well done. Bob
  12. I use Draftsight. It's the closest to AutoCad that I could find. Bob
  13. I wish I had a little friend like that to help. I keep getting my fat fingers in the way. Bob
  14. Also ask Jim Lad (John) how he made them for the Stag. They are at 1:96 scale. I don't think they were added to the new forum yet. Bob
  15. Thanks Michael, Lapstrake is a lot easier then I thought it would be. Bob
  16. Elia, If you haven't cut out the cove area yet, is it possible to fill the cove and paint over it? It wound be easier. But knowing me I'd probably cut it out and replace the wood. I have to admit the method you show will be interesting to watch. I would have been tempted to remove the whole board and replace it. Besides all that the Arethusa is lovely. The deck seems crowded but well laid out. Have fun with the dories. Bob
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