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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Russ, Did all Biloxi schooners have a boom on the jib? Good job on this restoration. Bob
  2. An amazing amount of work in two weeks. Looks good Bob
  3. Wow, what a problem. First thought is to glue the picture to a board at least .25 thick and drill through with .020 drill. (the port holes look about that size.) mount it on the base board with the hull and slide a drill shank through the holes, slide one of the rings I mentioned earlier onto the drill shank and slide it up to the hull. I don't know that I could do that. Like I said it's a first thought. I'd better keep thinking. Bob
  4. I agree, it is those little details that make it a "model instead of a representation." In the picture of the side of the ship the porthole rim and the rails seem to be the same diameter. You could make rings of wire and paint inside. What you have done so far is fantastic. I'm sure you'll figure this out also. Bob
  5. Tom, In the previous picture, (the window half under water) the reflections in the windows seem to indicate the two panes are not in the same plane. I would build it like Michael shows. Bob
  6. Yes, Tom is a good fellow. A couple years ago I wanted to buy plans from Billings USA. Tom said he had to get them from the factory but a shipment was coming in next week. The plans were not in the shipment. But the owner was coming for a meeting and he would bring them, He forgot. I ended up getting the plans for free. All Tom asked was to send him a picture of the finished model. I have not built it yet but he will defiantly get his picture. Bob
  7. Popeye, Thanks for the site. I missed that when I was searching. I may have to contact him but a lot of the fun I have in scratch building is doing the design work. That’s the engineer in me. Give me a picture and maybe the lines of a boat. That’s where I like to start. Sometimes I only have pictures, then it really gets to be fun. Bob
  8. Y'all seem to know what y'all is talking about, Y'all.
  9. Tom, I’ve fallen like that a couple of times. So now repeat after me, “I will not put myself in a position where I could fall”. The Admiral has me repeat this several times a week. Glad it was just brusing. Bob
  10. Carl, " y'all need to build this yawl! " " Y'all " is a word usually heard in the southern states. Bob
  11. Michael, Thanks for showing us how you make the thimbles. It’s a lot easier than the other methods I’ve seen. But as Andy said, you need to file the insides. Bob
  12. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday. Two Happy days, Take one at a time and make them last. Bob
  13. Michael, Your abilities shine brightly. Not just your ability to make all these small parts that a real boat has, but also the ability to figure out how to make them. My Cap is off to you. In which case I’m just Bob
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