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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Yes, sometimes they surprise us. She's a fine boat and she'll look good in the bottle. Bob
  2. Michael, thanks. I understand they are great boats to sail. Igor she was part of a set of RR figures. Nils, I was going to name ser after the admiral but she said no. Bob
  3. Thanks to all of you for following along on this build and encouraging me along the way. Frank, like all of us I have a long list of boats I want to build. Just which one, or something new is yet to be seen. Bob
  4. OK. I did it again. I finished the boat and didn’t take pictures until the end. I keep telling myself, ‘next time I will take pictures and let my friends see how I build’, but I keep forgetting. Anyway I had a seated lady figurine that I show as sailing the boat. The admiral says she thinks this dragon is better than the first and she is happy with it. Now I get to go on to other things without feeling guilty. What a relief. Here are the pictures. Bob
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