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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Yes, you do what you have to do. And then cross your fingers. Bob
  2. Yes, sometimes they surprise us. She's a fine boat and she'll look good in the bottle. Bob
  3. Michael, thanks. I understand they are great boats to sail. Igor she was part of a set of RR figures. Nils, I was going to name ser after the admiral but she said no. Bob
  4. And I see another fine boat coming from Igor's ship yard. Bob
  5. Beautiful workmanship. Lots of rigging in such a small space. Bob
  6. Thanks to all of you for following along on this build and encouraging me along the way. Frank, like all of us I have a long list of boats I want to build. Just which one, or something new is yet to be seen. Bob
  7. OK. I did it again. I finished the boat and didn’t take pictures until the end. I keep telling myself, ‘next time I will take pictures and let my friends see how I build’, but I keep forgetting. Anyway I had a seated lady figurine that I show as sailing the boat. The admiral says she thinks this dragon is better than the first and she is happy with it. Now I get to go on to other things without feeling guilty. What a relief. Here are the pictures. Bob
  8. Looking better all the time. Love the tender. Bob
  9. Looking like a good start. Thanks for providing the chairs. Bob
  10. Just caught up with your build. I love all the character you've built into her. Bob
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