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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. When I opened this post the picture was at the bottom of my screen and all I saw was the masts and sails. I thought it was a picture of a real full sized boat. The sails look real. What material are they made from? Bob
  2. Well done she's a fine ship. Bob
  3. She's looking good, and thanks for posting, I was beginning to miss your wonderful work, and was about to ask. Yes it is too hot in the attic in the summer. Bob
  4. That's even better, but the log heading says 1:290. Is that wrong? Bob
  5. Thanks to all of you for your likes and encouraging words. Bob
  6. How many times am I allowed to say, "Wow"? Without the tweezers in the picture I see a 1:29 scale model not a 1:129 scale. Bob.
  7. The boiler / engine looks great. it seems to me the whistle should be in front, that where you want the sound to go. Bob
  8. I like the way tou made the stanchions thicker. I'll have to remember that one. Bob
  9. It’s good to finally be back to cutting and gluing wood. I finished the cabin roof and the companion way. Now it’s on to deck fittings and sails. Bob
  10. To think outside of the box and use something from another source to make your boat look the way you want is not cheating. Bob
  11. Mike hope you don't mind. Carl, A string on the end of a long arm moves fast. A string coming off a drum, since the string it closer to the pivot point, moves slower. The length of the string that comes from the servo is determined by the distance from the pivot point so more string will come off a large diameter drum than from a small diameter drum for the same number of turns. Jerry Todd used both arms and multi diameter drums to control his First Class Sloop of War. It is a good read if you are interested in radio controlled boats. This is the build by Jerry Todd. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/3244-first-class-sloop-of-war-constellation-in-136-scale-by-jerry-todd-radio/page-4 Bob
  12. Mike, With my boats I always preferred the sail winch with a drum. Different sails with different line length requirements are handled by different diameter drums which can be stacked on top on each other. I also felt the drum worked slower and was more controllable. Bob
  13. Frank, just remember t be good to yourself after surgery. Don't push everything can wait. Bob
  14. Ah, the Detroit 40 hp for only $29.50. I'll take one. You're push boat should be a fun build. bob
  15. The drawings I have of the HOGA shows all the interior areas and furnishings. I'm thinking of doing another HOGA with one side removed. But there are so many builds on my list. Bob
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