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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. As is she looks so good you could put in stub masts and call it finished. But sails would be better. Bob
  2. Patrick I wish I could take credit for that but it's an optical illusion due to the king plank and the brown planks being the same color. Frank, Patrick is the master. My 1:48 scale is huge compared to the scales he works in. Thanks Popeye. Your Titanic is looking good also. Bob
  3. I don't know about this software but you might look in the trash folder. Bob
  4. Yes, I can see why she likes the elephants. The saloon is also nice. Bob
  5. I feel for you Robbyn. It's no fun to not build boats, but soon we hope. Bob
  6. Let me step in. A trick using a steel straight edge is to put tape with a rough surface on the bottom. The cutting blade does not move it as easily. Bob
  7. Patrick, Pete, Carl, Thanks for the encouraging comments. I finally finished the planking of the deck. The white wood is .030” square bass wood and the dark is an unknown .020” thick veneer that I stood on edge when I glued it all to the sub-deck. After the glue had dried I cut, planed, sanded and scraped to get it all smooth. Then the opening was cut for the cabin and cockpit. The cross member in the hull is the aft cabin bulkhead support. Most Dragons you see pictures of now days are made for racing but I decided to build this as a cruising boat. So the cabin is a little larger and the cockpit is a little smaller. Also the new racing boats do not have an aft bulkhead on the cabin, as you can see below. Bob Current racing configuration.
  8. Hey ! Wait ! you did what? Let me see that again. Yes I see it. I'm still not sure I believe it. It;s a Photoshop trick isn't it? Well done. Bob
  9. Just like for the radio you listen to, the transmitter is sending a signal all the time whether or not the person is talking. Your RC transmitter is sending a signal all the time whether or not you are moving the levers. As for the receiver it also is receiving the signal from the transmitter whether or not it is being told to change things. the servo electronics are also operating waiting for a signal to turn right or left when it gets that signal the motor turns until a variable resistor in the servo balances the right/left signal and stops the motor at that point, which may or may not be at the end of travel. so leaving the lever pushed over does not use any more battery than having it centered. Take the spring out, you will not run down the batteries and will be able to control the sails. Bob
  10. Beautiful, simply beautiful. I love that red top with the wood trim. Bob
  11. Jon, sorry to hear about your computer problems. I had to redo mine last year. As for your radio, "but the sails will not be trimmed, as when I let go the stick goes back to neutral. Not sure that this will work." On my old radio ti was easy to open it up and remove the return spring on the lever. Bob
  12. Great! Another nice SIB to watch being built. Bob
  13. Thanks Nils. Yes, I think I know where it will be displayed but I haven't checked with the admiral yet. I'm having to build a second dragon because I didn't ask her about my choice of display location. Bob
  14. Good work on the hull, it looks like there are more pieces of wood in this hull than there are in most complete boats. Bob
  15. Thanks to you all. The dragon is a lovely boat, I hope I can do her justice. Now it’s time to show you more. I’m building the deck off the boat. The top of the sub-deck will be even with the sheer line of the hull and the deck will overlap the hull. I’ve started by making the sub-deck to just fit inside the hull and the edge plank overlaps this and will be sanded to the hull edge when the deck is installed. Bob Top of deck Underside of deck
  16. Oh, what a lovely space to rest and have a glass after a good day of sailing. Bob
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