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About cookster

  • Birthday August 20

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    Atlanta Ga

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  1. Hello folks - I don't intend to hijack this thread, but here are 2 items I printed, in resin, with my Photon S. These used the stock slicer settings, but I am going start tweaking things as I get more into it. These used the Anycubic resin. I also am making some parts that are for real world use (not models) and I have switched to resins from Siraya Tech. I encourage you to look at and research other resins, there are lots of them out there. Egilman, enjoy your new printer! These are for 1:48 scale (next to an inch ruler) both were just tests of what could be done...
  2. very quick update, still working on square frames - but only 7 to go. yee haw.... Looks like I have rear cants and fashion timbers in my near future, wonder how much trouble I'll have with those.... Thanks for looking in! PS - if we ever have a messiest workspace/table area contest, I want to enter. I'll win for sure, LOL
  3. Thanks Jeff. I built furniture as a hobby for years so all I had to do was scale down... As far as my Conny, I've got a 3d printer now and I've already got many ideas of things I could print to make that build better and easier. Can you say quarter galleries?
  4. Hello Jeff, I too bought your wood kit for the Conny a few years ago, plus other wood as well, You were the inspiration for me to start milling my own wood, when I saw it could be done I figured I could do it too. Which I do, lol. I had started my Conny build (also using Bob's practicum) and then fell to the dark side a started a scratch build. My Conny now sits alone waiting for me to return. I must say looking at your log has rekindled my interest in my own build. Your build looks great, I look forward to watching you progress. Good luck and happy building!
  5. Here's a few more of the tools and some tricks I use. I print out the deck profiles on cardstock, then use them as template when fairing the frames. I did not do this on my version 1 of frames and that's one one of the reasons I screwed them up and over sanded. These patterns really help! When framing the gunports, I set the sill in it's location, then use a gauge block I cut to place the header. This way it's accurate every time AND sits square to the sill. When fairing (sanding) I use these sanding blocks intended for autobody work. They are great for fairing outside the hull. Inside is a little trickier, but they can be cut down if that helps. The 2 round ones you see below were cut from a single block so I could sand the tighter radius as the hull turns. . Oh, and I finally printed the full length deck plan. That's a 24" rule as a reference. Another cannon pic...
  6. well, I'm still adding frames. Also, I finally got my 3d printer up a running. I've printed a few things so far only as tests, but so far I'm pleased. Here's Pirate Cap'n Green Legs in his 1/48th scale glory. This was just a test (got it from Hero Forge), I do intend to model up a proper US navy figure at some point and print him out. I also drew up and printed a 12 lb long gun, which Essex did carry at Valparaiso. My plan is to finish the model ( trunnions and such) then print a master, and make a mold(s) and cast what I need. I don't plan to make a separate thread just for 3d printing stuff, but if there winds up being enough interest or questions I may. It just depends. I also received the CNC router I ordered a week or so ago, so I'll need to work with that at some point and make some stuff. Anyway, more build pics. Till next update.... Gratuitous cannon pic... Here's the side that will be planked over, I realized I don't show it much.
  7. Pucko, thanks for the link. I watched a few and will watch the rest. Good info!
  8. Thanks Pucko, I already ordered mine earlier today and will have soon, as a late birthday present to my self As far as the software, I've been using CAD and 3D software for 30yrs, so that part is no worries for me. I have a Sherline mill that I was going to convert to CNC, but that's over $1000 to do that. When I saw this CNC router, at that price, I had to get one to try. I've never used CAM software but I know what G-code is, so I just need to figure out what this machine needs. I use Solidworks, so I have the CAD side covered. I can't wait to make some stuff!! Thanks again for answering PS, I didn't get the laser, if I ever want to play with one I can add it later.
  9. Hello Pucko, I'm thinking of getting one of these. Do you still like yours?
  10. Hello everyone, I'm finally back with an update. It's been a very busy spring and summer, my apologies for not updating regularly. I have made more progress on Essex, I now have roughly 1/3 of the frames permanently glued in place. Fairing them is an ongoing process and won't be completed until all the frames are glued in place. At some point soon I'll be adding more of the "fake" gundeck clamps and beams. Anyway, a few pics and I'll try and post more as I get more frames added.
  11. just a quick update, I'm still working on the square frames. I also added a deck clamp and fake deck hook. I say fake because neither this clamp or hook will be seen so I didn't spend the time to make prototypical ones. For the upper deck I will be framing in protypical fashion. fake deck clamp and hook for gun deck. I'll be adding fake beams as well to support the planking. I also finally started lofting the stern and eventually those pesky rear counter timbers... Hopefully all that I learned on the front cants will pay off here. And I'll soon have to decide on what stern arrangement I want to use since no historical data is available for Essex's stern in 1814. 3, 5, 7, 8 windows? Still don't know yet. Oh, and I received my new 3d printer so I need to play with that too! Thanks for the likes and thanks for looking in!
  12. I knew there was a ship model in there somewhere.... And thanks for all the likes! Edit to add: I just ordered a 3d (resin based) printer. (Black Friday sale!!) First project(s) will be some 1/48 crew members for fun, then the Indian Figurehead. Down the road will be carvings n such for the stern - but that will be much later... And of course whatever else I can come up with. Probably carronades - or at least one for a mold master and cast the the rest. Not sure on that yet but I'm sure I can come up with plenty of things to try out!
  13. Welp, believe it or not the front cant frames are finished! Can't believe I'm actually at this moment! Also I finally built my overhead gantry, Ed Tosti style. As per my usual of over building everything, it's over built - but that's OK. It works and is square and solid. One area of concern I'm not happy about is the cant frames vs hawse hole placement. I drew and redrew that area and finally thought I'd reached my best compromise between the cants (and Hackett's design of them) and the hawse holes location using Baker and Fox's placement of them from 1809. After seeing the completed frames and roughly laying out where the holes will punch the cant frames I'm not happy at all. I will not however be going back and redoing the cants again. 3 times is enough. No one but the experts will know and at this point if I tear them out again I may loose my mojo and bail again. Don't want to do that. So, my shipyard and shipwrights will move on with the build. I'll show some pics later of the area of concern, right now I'm not going to dwell on it. Cant frames are 90% faired, they look pretty good now. Port sills are fair and a temporary deck clamp I installed looked good. Remember the port side will be planked over so if it looks a little rougher than starboard, it is 😉 Pics... And let me introduce my overbuilt Gantry Extreme 3000... You can also get a view of the build board I made - and more workshop clutter - seems that a theme with me LOL. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! catch you next time
  14. Still working on Cant frames, but only a few left to go. It's getting there. No major issues yet, I've been rough fairing as I go and so far no goofs on this version. Hopefully I'll finish them with no major mistakes. Lofting these was a real learning experience, my shipwright learning curve was huge AND making mistakes early on, but now finally my dwgs of the cants seem fairly accurate - I just need to make sure and leave a little excess material to fair. I still have to finish lofting the rear cants and then build them, I hope all the experience I gained on the front ones make the rear ones go smooth. But I get ahead of myself... Pics
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