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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY --- and many happy returns. You had better pile on some more of these as, according to Sarah, you don't 'fit' with the rest of us relics
  2. Sarah is probably too busy with the calendar. But then again.........
  3. Fantastic build, Gil. I'm not sure how to describe it....... craftsmanship or art? Truly inspirational.
  4. Caught in the act ! Maybe we should have a thread of photos of the shipwrights. That would probably be hysterical getting to see someone you've only chatted with for years.
  5. That's exactly what I did Patrick with the diluted glue. I'm still happy with beeswax on any straight lines. CA REALLY sets up and it's too fast for me on this type of stuff. Popeye is right on the seizing though. He also mentioned folks who rig in white and dye the rigging. I met one gentleman who actually paints his rigging after it's on. I've tried that and it can work. But we're back to the 'what kind of thread and what kind of paint' issue. I guess the answer, like for a lot of things, is try it off the ship and when you find a method, stick with it! And keep an eye on the Forum for suggestions . OK, back to work.
  6. That would be spectacular Alex. I see Popeye has given you not only encouragement but a method as well. Although I wouldn't have the guts to try it myself, I'll be watching
  7. Threads are really nuts. There must be 20 different kinds. You must be pulling your hair out trying to dye it. Cotton is one thing but the polyesters have to be tough. Knowing you, you'll figure something out....and it always works Oh, yeah, that's what came with the kit. I use cotton sewing thread for seizing and stuff.
  8. I must have Popeye. Either way we get the news around. Thanks for suggesting it to Patrick and in turn it got here. The line in question I believe is manila hemp.
  9. My congratulations also on your promotion. We must all together hold fast as a certain Nederlander is fast approaching the rank of Captain!!!!!
  10. OK, a very quick progress report. The wire stirrups are working out very well supporting the footropes. There are more to go but here's a pic (for he-who-goes-by-many names): Chuck made a good call on the wire (what else is new). Also, I need to thank Patrick (Patrickmil) who conducted the experiments on the line and came up with the 50% PVA/water mix which I used on the 0.018 black rigging line for the footropes. Although everything moves each time I move them, I'm confident that they will look fine once up on the masts and adjusted. This technique would have come in handy up on the bowsprit. Lesson learned. You guys and gals on here are great. This includes you as well, Sjors.
  11. Yes, all questions answered. Funny though, I went to the zoo just the other day..... wild animal sanctuary actually. Great minds think alike. OK, you go work on gunports. Do any of them have canons behind them or is Le Mirage just a paper tiger?
  12. Yes, but yards are shorter than meters ! Thanks Mobbsie & Popeye. Love hearing from you.
  13. Time spent is really meaningless. Enjoyment and satisfaction are the prime directives. RELAX !!!!!!
  14. That's interesting Kevin. Thanks for the link.
  15. Thanks Sjors and Patrick. Grant - I was really surprised at how the wire worked out. I'm thinking I might stand a chance getting the footropes to swag better going through fairly static eyes in the stirrups rather then wrestle with everything moving around in 4 dimensions. We'll find out today or tomorrow.
  16. So now the question is what finish are you going to use? I wrestled with the issue on Syren and decided to go natural.
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