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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Now that's a LOT of nice, nice work. Those little fiddly lids make a BIG difference. Congrats to you and Anja. All this work and a garden as well......I'm impressed!
  2. That's funny....I was just looking at the MS Morgan today. Like yourself, I've been on her many times back in the day. Always loved Mystic. Had a 3 day cruise on the Mystic Whaler....great fun. Hope you're ready to build some whaleboats!!!!!
  3. First off, congrats on the fine job. We can all watch the cherry darken together. Secondly, B.E. has nailed it....that last shot is exquisite. Submit it for the MSW calendar!
  4. This is getting like a stunt on 'Beat the Clock' ! Prepare yourself for disappointment my good friend for tomorrow begins 3 days --- of SNOW! You know what that means
  5. Yes Daniel, it was originally invented for the singer Glen Cambell in the 60's so he could sing 'Wichita Lineman' while perched 60' in the air on a telephone pole during a tornado......and still have neat hair. Darned, I was just going to post an update but have forgotten what I was doing. The 'impatient one' will soon be on my case.
  6. Don't worry about it. Ships of later eras did not put guns over the channels because they figured out this damaged the shrouds. We just build them as they made them!
  7. You are right about playing with percentages. Popeye and Patrick set me straight on that (no pun intended) and I settled on 50% for those footropes. I read somewhere here about the hairspray. Sounds logical. But it conjures up the image of me standing there with this fire extinguisher sized can of Alberto VO5 blasting away at Syren. Not a pretty image with a cigarette hanging out of my face.
  8. I'm happy you got time to work on your gal. You'll do a lot more fairing once your bulkheads are permanently attached and secure. Squaring them up is important. Keep an eye on that slight bend in the bulkhead former as you go. Once again, the fillers between the bulkheads will eliminate that. Good work!
  9. Looking nice Sjors. Hope those upper canon don't play havoc with the shrouds when fired. I guess that's why those gun crews are called 'Top Guns'
  10. OK, I can't spend any more time looking for gaps that don't exist. I did enjoy looking at the beautiful work on those knees though. Nice work!
  11. "I only just found out that your Spaniard was at Trafalger, does'nt bode well does it, I reckon you had cottonballs then as well. :D" I'm trying to visualize what a pile of toothpicks floating on a raft of cottonballs actually looks like.
  12. Hey Popeye---- I just noticed you made COMMANDER! Congrats on all your hard work . As senior officer, Sjors has to throw the wetdown party!
  13. Don't panic Frank....we'll catch Captain you-know-who. As for me, missed 2 days in the shop --- one judging at the Colorado State Science Fair. Darned little kids are getting too smart but I love 'em. So just getting to boom irons and am pulling out what's left of my hair. Photos in a day (or three).
  14. Hey Cuda---- gotta love the canonball holes in the sails!!!
  15. Floyd- I don't count 'em. Just makes me a windbag. Andy- Love to pump him up. It's sooooo much fun when we let the air out . Uh oh, was that a siren? Are the 'Frivolous Post Police' in the area?????
  16. Mobbsie- next time you run into a situation like that fascia where it appears not to fit, remember my motto: "Brute force and ignorance will triumph over logic and reason everytime"
  17. She looks wonderful Kevin. I'm sorry about your upcoming excursion to the bowels of the ship to retreive a part. Sure we've all been there!
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